Forum › Posts by Anon99

joined Jun 22, 2016

breathes heavily

Do you want me to call a doctor...? (;ↀ⌓ↀ)

Silent Hill 2
GTA: Vice City

(especially FFX... I also liked FFX-2, pfft)

Looks like you have a great taste then! Congratulations! ^^
FFX-2 was good but not as great as the original.
Best time of my life back when I played those games! Pure bliss! (♥͡_♥͡)

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Neko chan

It's all good in the hood homie ;3 I've been having longer and longer days it feels and pressures are coming in from everywhere =~= but sfine I don't complain I just get on with. ;)

(キ▼⊿▼) Life's a bitch! But you're a tough one too!

ahaha can't wait for tomorrow I will sleep for a bit on Friday and then practicing singing a little more because guess what, I actually AM performing the duet this Saterday! Goooood it's the big one so they usually have at least 100 people watching, so yeh, slightly nerves, but I think it should be fine cos I practiced a lot with Tom! (>//_//<)/

Sooooo? How did it go? ^^
I bet you aced it! ;)

And what about you my darling Anon (* ^ ω ^)

I'm okay-ish ^^ As energetic as ever! ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )

LMFAO I acc should! XD Lol each time he takes my violin I become a little more homcidal, and you don't want to know the real Neko...really O-O

Really really? I think that would actually be quite fun... ^^ Homicidal Neko chan. eheheh

Also side note, I feel so sorry for my singing teacher, she's such an amazing person and she's like the BEST singing teacher I had but last week she got surgery in her arm and she has this like half cast thing on her and yet she still agreed to do the lesson with me and play piano with both hands somhow to accompany me!! ;0; Hehe I helped her out aftwr to pack away all her music and stack these Heavy boxed cos she obvs couldn't so I'm happy I could help her ;w; <3

T_T You're such a good kid! (๑°o°๑)
Can't imagine you going all homicidal at all ;)

@ Nevri
I totally forgot about it but I actually saw a short documentary about that guy and that machine he built. Most awesome instrument ever! (^_^)b An all-in-one instrument! That man is pure genius!
Everyone should watch that video, btw! ;)

That is amazing @__@ and I loved the song!

It is, right?! (◕ฺv◕ฺ) To even come up with such an idea... I'm extremely impressed every time I see it! He practically built it in his garage with some wood and lego technic ^^ How awesome is that? Took him 14 months of trial and error, but still... (☼Д☼)

That is indeed strange and I have no idea o.o I guess songs have a bit of claustrophobic feelings? Also from movies and few shots of games I saw, aren't they mainly in tight rooms/corridors etc? So maybe your brain was remembering it subconsciously or something.

I actually expected much worse than just a slightly claustrophobic feeling ^^ I wouldn't have minded some Silent Hill-esque nightmares... But never had any (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) So lame...

Wow. That is a lot! I don't think I ever played any single player game so many times o.o I'm impressed ;3

I also have only two of those. Metal Gear Solid, the first game on PSOne, and Silent Hill 2.
I was obsessed with those two games back in the day (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥
A couple of other games I played like 4 – 6 times but those are the only two that got close to 20 times.

Yea true. Friend told me all about how much they fucked it up, especially with first movie trying to be more of a original story and then second movie trying to be more faithful to the game while also tying to the first movie. It was a clusterfuck. And we watched second movie in 3D which was terrible! I don't like 3D in general, but here it was just garbage. Effects were really bad and you couldn't see half the things cos the movie was really dark.

So sad, really. Especially since they wouldn't even have to do much to turn the second game into a great movie. The story is already there... I was extremely disappointed after watching the first movie. Didn't care much about the second one...

Haha yes xD I didn't even think about that! The player would probably think the game was 1 big joke and never play it again x3 How do you get it anyway?

No earthly idea ^^ Luckily I never got it. Only watched it online.
But usually you had to collect specific items and later on use them in a certain place to get something like the alien ending. I'm sure it was the same with the dog ending as well.

Another fun fact: Silent Hill 2 was my English teacher. ;)
That and Final Fantasy X + GTA: Vice City ^^

Should we cure it?

Too late! It's already a part of us! (´⊙ω⊙`)ᵒᵐᵍᵎᵎᵎ

Also while we are on soundtrack, song that I think is good to fight depression, cos it starts low, at your level, but then as it goes further, it picks up and give you the motivation to do stuff. That is at least the feeling I got from it.

That pictures alone gives you a depression! O_O
Remembering that scene... T_T So fucking gruesome...

But “ it starts low, at your level” that sounds so...
Have I ever asked you how you are before...?
I feel like I really should (ó.ò)

last edited at Jan 21, 2017 3:43PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Blackkitty

Just proper honey sugar, and well, a bit of fatigue won't kill me... I hope....
But I feel lighter at least... ^_^

^^ Please continue with your diet. Mine might be a little tastier every now and then, but it's definitely not healthy. Sometimes I feel like crap ;)

hmm... Let me be a good cat lady and keep my sweet secrets to myself ^^

Oh, you're the purest little kinky kitten I've ever come across! d (^‿^✿)

@ Katze

I sorta like consistency

Consistency? I guess I can give you that ;) I'm consistently inconsistent ^^

oh those hmmm boo pfff are my angry sounds, I was pissed off AF, so yeah nothing too good to work with there huh?

I wish I was more of a hard worker, then I'm sure I could have done something with those as well ;)

You know? You kinda set urself for failure when u think like that !!

That might actually explain some things... ^^

I am not saying if u close your eyes and wish reaaally hard, things will happen BUT if you believe in you, many crazy ass things will happen. It's what I wanna think anyway and that makes it true for me, you may as well ignore it and call me a crazy person.

That doesn't sound crazy at all. It's just not my style ~~・-v(▼、▼メ)

Nah, it's ok, except for newbies just standing there, and I'm like OMG MOVE I NEED THIS DUMBELL RGYRGRYGRY. Just quietly, I curse under my breath, then I'm all happy cos endorphines ;)

Yeah, I should start working out again too. Felt so good when I did. I sorta miss that...
The less you do, the less you feel like doing anything, it's a downward spiral...

.. I can't tell if you did eat or did not eat such cake

Totally did. ^^ Today I went back to oat flakes again though. Starting the day with sugar only, you sometimes feel like shit.

Tonari no Robot!!! was the manga I wanted to recommend to you!! agh finally remembered the name!!

Ah! Yeah, good one! Thanks! It's really sweet. Like it very much.

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

I knew it was a risky buy, but I liked how they looked haha

Same... (╯•ω•╰) I have Kaneda from Akira, just because he looked so neat. I was always super careful when posing him. Now he too spends his life in a box...

@ Katze

Well.. sorta but then the conversation is forever gone cos there's not a reply to the stuff being said previously... I think that's worse :P

^^ You do get attached after all, huh ? ;)
You weren't exactly talkative in your last reply. Was kinda unsure how to respond to stuff like “hmmmm”, “Boooo ok”, “Meow“ and “Pffggf“ ⊂( ̄(エ) ̄)⊃
;) I need a little more to work with ~~・-v(▼、▼メ)

tilts head Huh? why is that so impossible??

Impossible for me. I'm just too inept ;)

No, it'll be till tomorrow, gym was packed yesterday

They really like to torture you, it seems...

and there's people not caring about anything in the world and eating cake for breakfast and dinner oh well

(๑ò︵ò๑) That was totally not me today... Absolutely, I did not eat any cake for breakfast, I swear!
(,,Ծ‸Ծ,, )

@ Blackkitty

This world is so unfair!!... and I haven't eaten almost anything sweet( except a few sweets I couldn't say 'no' ), and almost no bread for 4 months.. cry bitterly

Can a body even function properly without any sugar...? (๑°o°๑)

I wonder who gave you those sweets you couldn't say no to... (¬‿¬)

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

I have like one western figure. It's my least favorite, haha. Like those are cool, but I find the face kinda uncanny valley looking.

Yeah, well, it's a matter of taste.

That's how most western action figures look like to me. I have some Medicom action figures.
They look really nice but they are hard to pose so I just have them standing on one of my shelves in a boring position. Also one of Mari's pig tails or whatever broke the first day I had it so I had to glue it back. I just stick to Nendoroids and figmas now.

Heheh true, unfortunately... Medicom is the worst manufacturer out there. Always breaks so easily. That's why many collectors avoid them. I'm not too fond of them either.

@ Katze

Yo? Our exchange of words has hit the low point of a single "Yo!" ? Alright then shakes head

^_^ I thought a short message was better than none ;)
Didn't have the time for wall posts yesterday...

... You are playing me, aren't you?

I'd have to get you to be able do that... Totally impossible for me! (◦’ںˉ◦)

So... what's up? Any good news regarding your work out?

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Neko chan

How are you holding up, shorty? ;)

Viloin teacher was a bit annoying today ಠ_ಠ I dont know when he will relise that he doesn't need to grab the violin out of my hands every 5 seconds to demonstrate how great he is at playing violin, maybe let me just learn the notes instead \ᇂ_ᇂ\

That guy sounds like a real narcissist ^^
Next time he does that just put on an act and pretend to admire him, saying: “Wow, you're so awesome! I wish, I'll be at least half as good as you one day (๑°o°๑) And now give me my fucking violin back or I'll never get there!” ;)

yeah I guess its more that, ahah you hit the nail. Its always like, Its fine I don't need much time on this because I don't really want to waste time doing it. I'd rather doing something fun or enjoyable I WANT. but i guess my special technique would just be drinking red-bull and doing it until the last second XD it works soooooo O3O ~

As long as it works for you, all's good.

naaaahhh she's too busy, i only see her once a week QwQ


woooooow, That reminds me of stranger things Anon ! @A@

^_^ b It sure does! Sounds like fun but I never played any of those role playing games either.

aahhh that I also get! i drink quite a lot of coke zero and redbull so im pretty sure my body is used to the rush! ;w; so when i actully need energy at night to work i usually tend to drink about 5 to 6 redbulls! X_X Anon knows XD

… me knows... (¬‿¬)

@ Nevri

I listened to the Attack on Titan soundtrack you linked and I still love it. Especially like the tracks that have this lingering creepy feeling or the one's that imply “this is it, the end is here” ^^
Don't remember the names since I didn't bother to check. But I can, if you want me to.

We are currently on 12 volume, 50 chapter was the last.

Uh, great chapter. So much action and great drama and epic moments for many characters.
Still 39 more chapters currently out there... And many more mind blowing developments. ^^b

It is clear author didn't want anime to be turned into another money grab and wanted for it to be made with the same care he puts into his manga. I don't know if you know this, but originally he went to shounen jump to publish it, but he was rejected. They told him the art was too dark and ugly and there was too much dark stuff, so he was supposed to make it more friendly and, well, more shounen like in general. But he refused and kept on looking for different publishers until he found the one that accepted his idea. It just shows how much he don't like bending his vision to other peoples whims and since series become such a hit despite its art style and dark themes, we can safely say that he made a right choice.

Ha! No I didn't know. I mostly focused on the manga and its story and not so much on the background info. But that's really impressive. If he had given in, Attack on Titan might have turned into another shallow shounen story but his stubbornness gave the readers something truly different and stunning.
Really admirable.

Finished listening to Silent Hill soundtrack and it was good as well ;3

^^ There was a time when I used to listen to it whenever I went to bed ;) True story. Funnily enough, I never had any nightmares while doing that. But sometimes I woke up with a slightly claustrophobic feeling inside... ;) I wonder why? (^∇^)

never played any game (watched both movies with friend that was fan of games so she told me everything that was wrong with them) but I heard it can be pretty troll-ly at times. I still can't believe not only there is so many ending, but one of them is that dog did it XD

Love Silent Hill in general. But the second game was one of the most impressive things I've ever experienced in all my life. Hard to describe it but it's truly epic.
It's a special kind of horror. It's not really there to scare you primarily. But it's a story of guilt and regret. This feeling that haunts you, when you know you did something you shouldn't have and would like to be able to turn back time. The kind of things you can never come back from. It's a story about human nature and a troubled mind that comes so close to perfection that it will never let you go again.
I think I nearly played it 20 times. Stopped counting at one point.
The movies don't even come close. They're missing all the heart of that story. It's a mix and mash of several Silent Hill games and not really worth mentioning apart from the nice visual effects sometimes...

That dog ending... well... if you managed to get that one while playing the game the first time... that really must have sucked! ^^
There's also an alien ending ;) Just as good ^^
And here's the best Silent Hill song ever:

And I'm back to writing walls of text T__T

It's a virus! ;) And it's spreading! (゚Д゚)

@ SF

I haven't heard that song before. But I'm definitely glad I've listened to it now ;)
These song recommendations people are sharing out are just to good, Ya'll have awesome taste's in music

One of my favorite Yoko Kanno songs. Generally love most tracks from the Cowboy Bebop or Ghost in the Shell soundtrack. Glad that you like it as well d (^‿^✿)
The story of my life, unfortunately...

Also, Here's my favorite music video of all time -

T_T Neko chan wasn't the only one with tears in her eyes while watching that video... (ó﹏ò。)

joined Jun 22, 2016

Once more a late reply... щ(ಥДಥщ) but at the end of the post, there's a song. It really is amazing, so please do take a look.

@ Galich

But in all seriousness tho., looks like the thread's filling quite quickly. I like that.

Not just you. ;) I feel the same.

Well, I guess we can consider it a small rotation of the staff, right?

That's the natural course of things, I guess ;)

They think that relocating 50% of their staff to another shop at the other side of the city will help them "spread the persuasion tactics" - sounds evil.
Speaking of dirty tacits, I am also using their staffroom.. they had all the tips from the HQ regarding how you treat a client. They flat out tell their employees that they shouldn't "loudly suggest a refund, instead focus on replacements or selling"

Well... everyone's looking for a personal gain. Companies are no different in that regard.
Sounds evil, true. But it also sounds like life ^^

sort of feel like this conversation should've played the other way around.. with you posting my message and me yours.

Sorry to disappoint, but I never wanted to swing an ax on people. Not my style ^^
So I never would have wrote that.

Just finding a get away plan, don't worry my Dear Anon! (please send the razor now)

No razors for you, sorry. If anything I'd like to help people and not take part in any violence.

Kind of horrifying how many of them we know.. at the end of the day I honestly do believe that there's no undamaged people, just those with better or worse luck; alternatively, those who are more or less sensitive.

What to say... that's probably true.
When you go out on the streets all you see are people's front.
Online, you get a glimpse of what's going on inside of them.

But does biology work these way? I honestly don't know, almost failed by last highschool year due to biology itself. My crush keeps mocking me for my lack of knowledge from anatomy =_=

I'm pretty sure that when you cry for too long, your tear glands can dry out and first need to refill themselves before you can spill more tears, yes. ^^ But if you do that, your eyes will look like shit. ;)

Random side note, today at my shop I've heard a very specific of my favourite song; the original is Blue Mondey by New Order (I probably have linked it here a few times), but the cover itself was quite different in the sense of that it was much slower and didn't have any synthesisers..

Nice one! Thanks for sharing! Didn't know that cover version yet.

The 1930s version is even better. Really impressive!
That link of yours also showed this as a further suggestion:
I totally forgot about it but I actually saw a short documentary about that guy and that machine he built. Most awesome instrument ever! (^_^)b An all-in-one instrument! That man is pure genius!
Everyone should watch that video, btw! ;)

joined Jun 22, 2016

^ Not strange at all.
Germany here.

And here's my song for today ;)

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ KcaT

Hey ho! ヾ(^∇^)

I have no idea what everyone's talking about since I just wanted to pop in...
considering finding an avy...

Why don't you tell us about your favorite manga or anime? Maybe we can help you find something good ;)

currently swimming in manga as im re-organizing my lists(the previous trend was me trying to find what I wanted to read and ending up with additional reading thus impacting my sleep :P

Nobody here ever sleeps ^^ Seems to be a common problem ;)

@ Katze

Yo! ;)
How did it go today?
Good news from your coach?

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Katze

Point for Anon right here.


You should had..I love her as well and Dresden Dolls,

Uuuuuhh, yes! And Evelyn Evelyn.

you do have good taste after all!

… hmmmm, well, you know... sometimes, maybe... ;)

Ah secrets are not a trust thing for me, I like to be very open so nothing can be hold against me :D

Ha! I always had the same attitude. No real secrets in my life either. But, growing older, I have some things that I don't talk about to just anyone. Some people just can't shut up about things. And whatever it is I tell people, I wanna tell them myself. ^^
Just like my sister. She told absolutely everyone I'm gay. Which isn't so bad per se. She doesn't mind it, otherwise she wouldn't have done it. But that kinda annoyed me for a while. Because that's the one fun thing you get to do when you are gay. Tell people about it and watch the funny faces they sometimes make, trying to think of something to say (^∇^)

In action not mind like!

But “mind like“ is a part of that as well ;) The feeling of total surrender is the fun part after all. So you have to know what's going on in your partners head. Otherwise you need to talk it all through all the time and that would really ruin all the fun ;)

I am quite stubborn , which contradicts my ... nature , I really am a nice mix right there!!
Oh I like it but not on a regular basis, I HATE people telling me what to do, unless I especially want her to tell me what to do and then if I do want to, I'll do it, otherwise I won't.

Trying to imagine that in action really does sound hilarious somehow ^^
You'd constantly scream the save word just to pause and yell at your partner (^∇^)

Ok so you like sweet things in ur mouth, noted.

Uhhhhh, yeahhhh, baby, I do... (◦’ںˉ◦)

Why did that sound so lewd...? We were talking about chocolate just now. ^^

Yeah it just can't be true, I'm like serious about this, so tomorrow I'll see..has got me in a crappy mood all day grrrr

… really? Didn't notice that at all... ~( ´•‿•` )~

and call me what u want, looks matter to a point as well, I could not be honestly attracted to a person who eh is not someone I like, giving I don't have a type this may vary.

Of course looks matter. I wish I could say they wouldn't. Always sounds so noble and idealistic.
But a relationship (usually) involves sex and sex involves attraction, so yeah...
But even then, sometimes you fall for someone who isn't really your type and you still go crazy about them ;) Feelings are weird sometimes after all ^^
But I don't give a crap how my friends look. As long as we can have fun together, whatever floats your boat is fine by me! (^_^)b

fchhh I do have long nails.

O_O Really? But... long nails are for straight people! Hasn't anyone ever told you that! ;)

Ahh, no it's cos I got no time for people who don't get me, which is most people, sorry miss!!

That is totally discriminating against stupid people and I can't tolerate such behavior! Stupid people deserve a place in this world too after all... (ó﹏ò。) Show some mercy... Where should I go otherwise...? щ(ಥДಥщ)

looking maniac or crazy doesn't make me uncomfortable, people being silly does. Some people got me on edge, may be the way things are said or you just hit that particular string

Don't take that away from me :(

Oh... I'll take more than just that! I'll make you strip! ;P

Yeah that, things should just flow like..juices and bloooood.

But still you gotta work for some juices to flow... (¬‿¬)

Stick around see, lately I've had some people like inciting me to go out more or be more friendly or something, that's quite annoying, i believe I am just fine u_u

Inciting you to be more friendly? I would never do that! ^^
But I guess you do need to stick around people, for them to give you more then just talk.
From my experience, people don't just jump you and are all over you as soon as you enter a room. We are not Justin Bieber after all ;)

Yikes don't analyse me so soon woman!!

Okay, I'll keep the analyzing low key then ;)

.. but you may be right..a bit.. you know those cats that come to u and u try to pet and then they escape like they saw the devil but still kinda look at u wondering what's going on with ur true motives?

Yeah... complicated stuff... traumatic experiences leave their marks... In case you ever start to wonder about my motives, just ask. Too much teasing isn't good for the heart after all ;)

And here's a great song for everyone (most people might know it already though):

last edited at Jan 17, 2017 7:17PM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

I did the super cheap shipping last time and that took like 2 weeks and I regretted it. I wanted to play the game!

(^∇^) Reading that I noticed that we are the exact opposite, I guess. Whenever my stuff arrives after 2 weeks, I'm super happy and think: “Wow, it's here already and I just ordered it. YAY!“
It's not just a saying but for me time really does fly ^^

I have a few action figures, but posable stuff always has joints showing so I don't really like them too much.

That was exactly what I always used to think too. Hated it. Made figures look cheaper.
But that totally changed after I played around with a 1/6 body for a while.
Now I find motionless models kinda boring. The possibilities of action figures on the other hand ares limitless. And if you dress them right you don't have to worry about the joints as well.
Here's a Hot Toys Resident Evil Afterlife Alice figure for example:
I have that one here and it looks amazing. You can buy that one as is, But I only have two figures like that. The rest is custom stuff I put together myself.

Yeah, but I'm helping the Japanese economy and not the US economy, lol.

Japan is in greater need than the US. ;) Trump would probably disagree with your doing, but not me ^^

I play enough dark and drab stuff. :P

Hey, colorful is cute too ;) Last game I played was Patapon ;)
(◕ฺv◕ฺ)It was cute ^^

Nope, I haven't. My friend constantly gives me an earful because of that. (^_^“)

@ Nevri

Me too! I do know some later spoilers, especially about what we know about Titans because I'm so curious about it. I hope the second season deliver as well ;3

I'm sure it will! How far are you with the manga? Which chapter, I mean.

Also I have to say it was really smart move on mangaka part. He only allowed to make anime and each new season when enough manga material will be written.

Uh, nice. Didn't know that actually. But yes, that was a wise choice. That way it will stay true to the original work. Wish they had done the same for some other ongoing manga/anime stuff as well.
I'm not a big fan of filler episodes either.

Oh, ok xD" But I still wanted to be able to comment on them since you posted them!

I always love comments on the things I like, so please go ahead and do tell whenever you're ready ^^b

@ Utoptia

Whoops, I almost missed your post mentioning your Mulholland drive one, these wall-posts are insanely huge !
Will answer it later, I'm like, too tired at the moment.

^^ I thought that my ideas on that might have sounded so crazy that you rather chose to say nothing ;)
Take your time. Whenever you feel like it. I just wanted to make sure that you saw it. I said that I would post my thoughts about it too after all. ^^

joined Jun 22, 2016

Hurt? Yes, that one belongs to Cash now ^^ Didn't help much that first his wife, and then he himself died soon after... One of those few songs that always move me to tears...

Hurt never fails to get me depressed... Which is why I actually avoid listening to it, despite being one of my favorite songs. Doesn't change the fact that it was a great part of what sold that new Wolverine movie to me =p

On venting songs, this is mine. Turn down your volume.

Hahah! Yeah. I have it on my playlist as well but almost every time it starts playing I quickly press "Next" ^^
Haven't seen Wolverine 3 yet but It is often the music that makes good movies great ;)

Well... that was a ... song, yes. I used to listen to death metal and all that heavy stuff for a while actually. But as for venting songs... I like to shout along and well... that proved to be quite hard with your song ;)

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Katze

I am unsure if you are playing dumb or not, damn.

That's good then too ;)
You wanted me to be a little mysterious, right...? ^^

Yeah..well it's not an excuse it's genetics Ma'am.

I'm afraid so. Can't escape your genes... ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Everyone has a package to carry:
Did I tell you that I love Amanda Palmer, before...? ^^

tilts head Is that really true? I don't really see a lot of things for me to do without too much trust... not even 5 things.

I'd say about everything one possibly can do, apart from sharing your darkest secrets or entrusting your life to others. Those only work with trust. Of course you can even do those without any trust but that's bound to leave some scars... or you dead ;)

But most things are more fun, when you can do them with people you actually do trust, I admit that.

Don't you dare using my own words against me u_u meow!

I thought you preferred me on top...? ;) Changed your mind already? ^^

I do love spicy stuff, :P I don't neeeed it but I will take it any time, boo you are not nice to me today at all u_u

(^∇^) For someone who likes to be dominated you sure break fast ;)
I wasn't actually being mean there. I referred to some people I saw that seemed to use chili for absolutely every dish. Like, they even ate their salad spicy. Or every piece of bread they ate. Or even chocolate... (^_^“) I love spicy but only where it belongs, and I want my chocolate sweet, That's what I meant. ;)

I am going to have a new measurement tomorrow though, neither coach or I are convinced I'm so lame.

Hope that it'll prove to just have been a mistake. Kinda demotivating when you train real hard and you feel better but actually do worse...

A non social media person?? who doesn't like looking at pictures??

To me, it always kinda feels like spying on peoples private lives. Not saying it's wrong. People put that stuff online for a reason after all. Just saying it's not what I enjoy.
I love pictures. But rather landscape pictures or general things that involve nature.
And I prefer actually talking to people to get to know them better. Their pictures don't matter to me much... I wanna know what's going on inside of their head.

-_- I'm quite cooperative thank you very much.

Not right now, 'cause I said I was just kidding! (^_-)v

pouts that's half true, if it was I would had never been with anyone ever.

Talking to me, you'll have to read a little slower. You're too fast, girl. All I said was that it helps. Never said it was a general requirement.

What vicious circle? I am perfectly fine being the way I am, I don't see it as a problem and it puzzles me as to why would you seem to consider it as such....

This circle: Quote “I've got into some real shit cos I speak too damn freely and then people get butthurt or they think I'm some maniac and then I explain and I look crazier.. hence I try to just not talk much“
Sounded to me like you stopped talking because of those annoying misunderstandings that kept happening to you and not because you didn't like talking in general.

Again, slow down. Never said it was a problem. You indicated that it made you feel uncomfortable because you said it makes you look crazy or like a maniac. You said that, not me. I'm not trying to be mean to you. Not everyone is out to kill you, you know ;)

Insecure, confident, insecure, confident. Yes, that's pretty much me.

That's pretty much most people, I'm sure. ^^

I don't like trying too hard, if it's the case it means it's worthless.

It might indicate that it didn't come naturally but it might also mean that it's well deserved then. ;)

Sadly it's all i'm getting anywhere woman.

That can change if you stick around long enough for people to do more than just talking ^^

Such a sense of defeat today... sighs

I wouldn't say that. ^^
Well... you tend to put up your defense walls pretty fast. You mentioned it, that people treated you badly in the past. And that still shows somehow. You immediately think that people are against you. I'm not your enemy. I actually understand it. But it makes talking online a little harder sometimes, even though I still enjoy it.

Here's a fun song, to cheer you up:
Relationships sure can be hard ^^

joined Jun 22, 2016

Good one! I like it too. My favorite is probably either this or this. Or Closer. I'd like to say it's Hurt, but Cash made that music totally his.

Both very good.
I know that many said that the LP “With Teeth“ is not on par with their older stuff but, personally, I think that there were some really good songs on that album.
Just like that one:

Or one of my favorite songs to vent a little, whenever I need it ;)

Hurt? Yes, that one belongs to Cash now ^^ Didn't help much that first his wife, and then he himself died soon after... One of those few songs that always move me to tears...

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Katze

It's not like I missed you or anything u_u

Well, that's good then ;)

No, it's a general Latin thing ;)

The Latin prerogative! ^^ I somehow feel pleased right now. We always have an excuse for the weird things we do. Ha! d (^‿^ )

What doesn't these days?

Oh, there's a lot of things you can do without too much trust. If it weren't like that I wouldn't be able to do anything at all. Since there's only one person I fully trust.

but yeah it's a bit more of that and other stuff... we may or may not get to that point of talk :P

( ˆ▿ˆ) Talk is cheap. You said so yourself ;)

Well, someone who deserves it... can you handle spicy food?

I can. I love spicy food. Whenever it's appropriate. Don't need everything to be spicy though, like some people do, for no apparent reason...

Yes, like I was expecting a good weigh in at the gym and apparently I am fatter, even though I feel I look better wtf, omg .

More weight or actually more fat...?
Maybe you've grown more muscles and that's why you put on some weight? Since muscle mass is heavier than fat...?

I have... 10 , I don't remember if they show clearly on here but you may take a look if you wish to

Impressive. I don't actually enjoy looking at other peoples pictures online. Makes me feel strange.
Unless it's something totally unrelated to their private lives. One of the many reasons I don't do social media stuff.

Ahh oh well, I'm sure I could throw you around a bit, if that's preferred xD

Preferred to a dead fish, yes ;P JK!

shrugs what for? I only need to figure someone if we dating or something.

Being able to figure other people out helps a lot when being in a relationship and also on the way getting there.

AH YES I've got into some real shit cos I speak too damn freely and then people get butthurt or they think I'm some maniac and then I explain and I look crazier.. hence I try to just not talk much LOL .

^^ Happens, when you're nervous and not used to talking to people.
But the less you talk, the longer it will actually take you to get used to it and manage to get out of that vicious circle.

yeah it's not intentional, I sometimes too late, realize what I've said and I'm just trying to escape
. Cute? of all my cuteness that one thing is what you notice humm interesting.

Yeah, 'cause it shows more of the real you then all the other things you say. And it also shows that you're still a little insecure, whenever you talk to me. And I find the contrast of you acting all confident and then you getting insecure again, cute ^^

All of your other cuteness...?
Can't say that I noticed any... ^^ Try a little harder! (¬‿¬)

There is an american saying "talk is cheap" ^^

It sure is! ^^ But that's also all you'll be getting here ;)

joined Jun 22, 2016

This is my contribution to all the darlings's playlists today.

The only way to go about things ;)

Also: Nice! Nine Inch Nails!
That's my favorite NIN song:

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Neko

ive eating chicken today @w@ after i came back from the exam i was a bit pissed Galich might know so i jus ate to cheer myself up XD ah but tomorrow is the second exam, i feel like im gonna fail em both because of the time limit 。゚(TヮT)゚。

wellp, i just came back from my second exam today, i felt it went much better then yesterday!

I'm sorry about yesterday but also glad that you seem to be doing better today. Hope that you'll get good results in the end. Sometimes you do have a bad feeling but in the end it still turns out to be all right. I'll keep my fingers crossed! ✌(◕‿-)✌

yea my mum is my angel, she really helped me get through the tough times <3

Yeah... Moms are the best, aren't they? (ღˇ◡ˇ)~♥

eeeyyyyyy, so i can call you guys internet buds! thats niceeee =//w//=

You can call us whatever you want ;) But that does sound kinda appropriate ^^

omg your litrally like me @-@/ like i dont know what it is but im always like "its fine i have time" when really i dont and its the night before the test XD

I was just really stubborn all the time (^∇^) I was always like “nope, I can't be bothered with this right now. I wanna enjoy my time the way I like best, and not with some school crap.” ^^
Do you have a special technique when studying?

also i have SOO much artwork to pick up from school (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ i did art for gcse but i dont do it anymore so we are required to pick up all our caveses and stuff, its such a pian, some of them are the size of me!! so huugeee, how am i gonna get on the train with it

Ask your mom to come and pick you up. Or your niichan ;)

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

You ask too much of me!

Life is full of hardships... ;)

I usually get my games from Play Asia.

If I remember correctly, Play Asia had pretty expensive shipping costs... BiJ is pretty cheap. Starts with 800 yen...

Yeah, some others have figures that hover around $100 or less, but you get to like 1/8 scale for the cheaper ones and I love the larger scale figures. I have a few 1/4 scale ones and they are great!

1/4? Wow, that's huge... I've started taking a liking to 1/6. Custom made action figures. A lot more fun. Made me lose interest in everything else, figure wise.

Cool cool! I would definitely get more if it wasn't such a huge money sink. Everything I like seems to be a huge money sink. :(

That's what hobbies are for! ^^ To keep the economy going ;)

It could. My brother is the one who keeps throwing the idea around. We get along at the moment pretty well so I don't know if there would be problems, but who knows. Would definitely help with money, but that's where it can get messy.

A little distance is the key to a healthy relationship. That proved to be soo true for me and my siblings. After moving out we got along great. ^^

I've been doing work outside my position and into the one I got (and the one I really wanted which is a level higher, before it was level 2, now it is level 3) for the last 3 years anyway. A little disheartening.

True, especially when there was no raise involved...

I have 467 gems so it should last me a long time before I have to spend any money. You get a gem a day and like 6 times a month for log ins. Plus events help cancel some out and more songs show up and you can get like a nice steady influx of gems. (Also 5 free gems today in celebration of Hanayo's birthday on the 17th).

Looks like a very colorful game! But I guess that was to be expected, since it's Love Live we're talking about. ^^ I'm a little more on the darker side when it comes to games. Unless it's mini games...

@ Nevri

Sorry for such late reply ^ ^". I was going to reply faster but then stuff came out and the more time passed the harder it was to write and then I wasn't really using forum at all. But here it is!

Unfortunately I know that feeling all too well... (p_P) I'm the queen of late replies after all ^^

Agree. It is so rare nowadays. Most people just care about money and profit instead of creating something good that will move people

That's why I can't stand casting shows. ;)

I can feel you. It was like that for me with Attack on Titan. I heard about manga, but didn't really got interested in checking it out, even thought I heard it was being praised and gaining in popularity, but then anime came out, I check it out of curiosity and that soundtrack just sold me on the show! It was so epic, dramatic, giving me shivers and all! And the execution of anime was just too good. People point flaws but imo, they did a great job where it counted

Yeah! Anime-wise Attack on Titan and Psycho Pass were the only two that really left me in awe after watching the first episode in those last few years. So, yeah, same feeling. I know that Attack on Titan had a few animation issues but I didn't really care about that as well. The overall package was just too perfect, so I don't really care about the little details... I'm really excited about the second season. I'm up to date with the manga, so I know there are so many good scenes to come.

Actually, here you have the soundtrack

Thanks! Will listen to it tonight. I watched the anime, of course, so I should know it but I never listened to the whole soundtrack after that.

I ended up not listening to it, so I'm doing it while writing this post ^ ^" (or if I did I forgot already) The Deux Ex sounds good so far ;3

(◦’ںˉ◦) That's okay. It was more of an inspiration in case you ever ran out of things to listen to ;)

joined Jun 22, 2016

Last reply I wasn't able to post last night... sorry about that.

@ Galich

Well, looks like we're gonna start posting low-key walls of text here

Trump would be so proud of us... (ó.ò)

Well, one can always take a huge axe and start reducing the population in the playground ^ ^

… (☉__☉”) … if one more day of playing freely is enough for you.... then, yeah.... I suppose... (´⊙ω⊙`)

Actually, that allegory sort of works. And will probably get me jailed. I'll be expecting a cake with a razor inside from all of you xP

… is that your plan for this place here, as well...? Just asking...(ಠ.ಠ)

Agreed pretty much. My friend calls it graviting in the air between the skies and the actual world and uses that to describe me. But he goes to a technical school, so it mightve been some hidden insult.

Or... you're just thinking too much ;)
Starting to see a pattern here too... ^^

Well, with me telling her I have a crush on her and her not wanting to be with someone she doesn't love (plus living 500km away), I don't see how can I take even more initiative. Maybe at being a better friend ^^

That would be a good start. The move is for way later ;)
When both of you got all of those hurdles in front of you under control.

She's probably living the hardest part of her life so far and I will be next to her, to prove at least some moral support.

Uh, another troubled person... I hope things will get better for her too.

Sounds like I'm not the only then ^^ although I've stopped crying a few weeks ago. Guess i cried all of my tears on recent sorrows. Looks like I'll be getting blind from my eyes drying completly!

Drink a little more, stay hydrated and they'll come back ;)

Moderation is the key, unless you want to be taken for this one emo kid. Which we all were at one point or another.

That's called being a teenager ^^

last edited at Jan 17, 2017 6:29AM

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ Katze

Anon You've forsaken me!!! T_T

Sorry, had stuff to do today. That's why I only dropped by for a second this afternoon.

Yes, well... hmmm , I don't have a defence argument xD it's a mexican thing.. yeah that is.

So, you're saying that all Mexicans are little perverts then...? (¬‿¬)
And I always thought that was an Italian privilege! ^^

Yeah well, I'm not shy about it, it's just like... it's very special :P

It is ^^ And it involves a lot of trust.

Not together but that's A SPLENDID idea!!!

Would anyone survive your revenge cooking, I wonder...? (◦’ںˉ◦)
And who would you use it on?

what do I expect.. hmm, I should expect nothing and welcome everything as it comes!!

That's the best way to go about things! Expectations are the root of every disappointment ;)

Hahahaha yes my mind works in mysterious ways, like god. I check myself often for STD's and stuff, due to having tattoos, like, after I get one, I get tested,

(^∇^) That almost sounds like you don't really trust your tattooist ^^ But I'm sure I'd be the same.

So, how many do you have? Tattoos, I mean. Not STDs (¬‿¬)

I thought by now it'd be super clear I prefer the other one on top. think hard about it :P

I know, I just expected you to put up a real fight, to keep up appearances... ^^

Well... I.. have been known to be too honest, but I now try to be a bit nice and stuff, but if people are silly well "ain't nobody got time for that"
I did have a dream once... I was trying to make new friends..I left the party and called everyone in there an idiot, yeah well... you get an idea of how things are xD but I'm really nice, it's confusing .

^^ That woman is pretty chill considering her place just got smoked XD I'm sure she'd be great at telling stories to her grandchildren! ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)

Well... you've figured yourself out according to what you said. So, maybe now it's time to learn how to figure other people out...? ;)

Eh life easier? Life ain't that hard, you just gotta try ur best and good things will come!! raises fist in a positive way
clumsy honesty... what the hell is that?? Please enlighten me.

I meant that your honesty probably has caused you some trouble before.
It just seems that you sometimes say things that popped up in your head right that moment. Like when you immediately mentioned your tattoos while we were actually talking about STDs ^^ I imagine that, when talking to people face to face, you're not really good at hiding your feelings either ;)
I call it clumsy because it doesn't seem to be intentional.
But it's cute.

Oh you have no idea, tis da best ride ur ever gonna enjoy

... if it's me on top you will be the one enjoying the ride. If you can handle it. Once I get started it takes a lot to satisfy my appetite... I savor the things I love.

Got too late again here! Will reply to the rest tomorrow... See you around! (´・ω・)ノ
And here's a song for the night:

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ ZuljinRaynor

Yeah, I can't turn off my computer. I play games primarily on my computer, though this year may turn into a console year. But the plan is not to buy new things. There are a few games out right now that I want but I will wait for sales.

Then keep your browser closed ;) Unless you play browser games as well ^^
Luckily I'm really patient. So when a cool game comes out it doesn't bother me much, because it will still be good in a year or two. I can wait.
The only problem are MMOs, I guess. You need to play those while they're hot.

Right now somehow I am doing it. I have no urge to buy the games I really want at the moment, and that feels good. I am going to work on my financial self control this year.

Yeah, it does feel nice. Like a burden off your shoulders somehow. I still remember that feeling.

I do still check those sites but like, I cancelled preorders I really, really wanted. Those were more expensive than the ones I kept, which is why I kept a few. I will get the others one next year if they are still in stock or just buy them used on Amiami.

BiginJapan sells used games too now... Not sure how it currently is but they used to be a lot cheaper then Amiami most of the time.

The ones I have left for this month are:
These are the ones for the rest of the year:

Cute figures! The last one looks gorgeous.

Unless there is another Love Live! figure this year from Alter, that will be it.

Alter really is the best manufacturer out there. Great quality and cool poses. But also not exactly the cheapest on the market ^^

I have these three beauties:
Love them ;)

And Accelerator, of course!

It was so stressful... and now it will be even worse with all the figures I have. Oh my. I don't want to move until I am ready to. I don't know when that will happen. Maybe a year? Maybe two? Maybe more. Ideally I would like to move to NJ (and my brother wants to buy a house there so we may buy it together) but right now I want to stay here for work.

Yeah.... moving is annoying enough as is but I imagine that it gets much worse when you don't even wanna leave...
My siblings have had similar ideas before... it does sound nice sometimes... but on the other hand... I'm sure it can get pretty messy as well...

Yeah, the raise doesn't hurt as much as my title. It's a promotion but it doesn't feel like one since they expanded our department from 3 titles to 5 so I moved to a new title and not the one I wanted.

The American way, I imagine? Give people a new title to give them the illusion to be more important when actually nothing has changed...?

Yeah, I still enjoy it. I will just avoid spending money on it. … But just gonna play the game without spending money, that's the goal!

That's against the rules, I'm sure! ;)

joined Jun 22, 2016

@ risingstar3110

Why does it feel so bad seeing fictional characters that loved each other dearly, being torn apart (most of the time by death)? Anyone can explain/ share your opinion about it to me? D:

I think that's simply because we like to project our own dreams and hopes onto these characters.
That's why we feel so strong about them. Who likes to see their hopes shattered right in front of them...?

This remind me of Garei-zero back when it just aired. I was shipping Yomi and Kagura quite hard back then. And despite knowing the ending beforehand, it still haunted me for weeks.

Not just you, my friend, not just you... (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
That ending was just soooo gruesome. They just smashed Yomi again and again... And she was such a likable and sweet character. I bawled my eyes out!
I'm a real crybaby. So, me crying is nothing unusual. But Ga-Rei Zero was one of the few anime that really made me sob like a baby.... (;๏д๏)

joined Jun 22, 2016

Last reply for the night, then I'll be off too...


Well, there is no more room. I have a few figures I am not sure of where to put. There was a NicoRinPana set that I purchased but not sure where to put them. I have 9 Love Live Nendos (this is the training uniform set) and I don't have space for them either.

Yeah... unfortunately I can relate. Too many of my things here spend their lives stashed away in boxes. Simply because there's no room to really display everything. And if you haven't seen them for many months or maybe even a year or two... you do start to wonder whether or not you really still need all that. That's why I plan to get rid of some of it at least...

Well, this year I am planning on this because I want to avoid buying new things. This is the year I have to save. I had a budget last year but I ignored it like every month because I had my savings to bail me out. Now I don't have that much savings

The best way to avoid spending lots of money is to turn of your computer more often and definitely avoid checking release sites and shops for preorders all the time ^^
I had that too. ;) So I stayed away from the computer, when I didn't really need to be online and surrounded myself with things I liked – and god knows I actually have many of those. ^^ So there was always a couple of books lying around, I packed out my consoles again and played some games I wanted to replay for years, or new ones that I always postponed, always kept a few dvds next to the TV with movies or shows I wanted to watch, and started to think more about my stories again.
It doesn't just help you to avoid spending money but after a while you get more relaxed and lose that feeling of wanting to have it all somehow. Felt kinda nice ;)

Oh... savings, yeah... there was a better time when I had lots of those as well... (^_^”)
Like so many things.... you only realize what you had when its gone ^^ Expensive hobbies and savings don't go together so well...

My lease expires in May, and I hope to renew.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Moving is so stressful....

Basically I didn't get the raise I expected at work

Sorry to hear that! (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

It's $60 a month in tolls

Fuck, that's expensive... O_o Glad we don't have that here, “yet” I should probably say... Because that will be over soon... All good things must come to an end, I guess ^^

My to do list for last year kinda flopped.

Mine too, horribly. I basically didn't do anything I had hoped for... I'm the worst procrastinator ever... щ(ºДºщ)

Honestly, I need to get out of idol hell and stop playing Love Live! School Idol Festival, but I really enjoy it. However, it eats up so much time when there are events.

I'll pray for you! ^^ It's a lot easier when you start getting annoyed with it. But as long as you still enjoy it so much, it'll be hard, I'm sure.

First world problems.

d (^‿^✿) But those are rather hard to handle as well! ^^

Sucks that half the games I have do not work with remote play option because Bandai Namco wants you to buy the Vita versions to or something.

That's their way of making money...

It isn't until June that I will have like an extra $300 to save a month. That's when my Paypal Credit purchased things finally are paid off.

And that's why I don't like buying things on credit... It sounds so tempting sometimes but it just drags you down...

joined Jun 22, 2016

Lol I came here to only make me blush... xD

Another innocent little heart shattered... T_T

so i have to go study or i might die tomorrow O.0 so cya for now kitty~ ;3

See ya! And may you do well! ;)