Forum › Posts by rphjas

joined Oct 25, 2010

Beautiful story! I found and purchased it . Thank you for sharing and being able to support this sensitive soul. Author has eloquence and love for her creations by word and pencil strokes drawing each character and the scenes ! Thanh goodness changes are easier with software! I can imagine how hard it would be manually. When I did landscapes in bob Ross wet on wet, the water and sky and general shape and color were easy! When you paint a big happy tree covering your earlier work! You could not change then! But, it gave me an excuse to draw another piece.

joined Oct 25, 2010

My right pinky finger is dislocated since 10/15/23 . So it sticks up 24/7 . I may have to cover it so I don’t unintentionally offend someone! Sweet story!

joined Oct 25, 2010

Time , Space, and Death are created by sentient beings. The Greatest Truths : We are created sentient beings gifted by our Creator with unique identity, an immortal spirit, and free will With these gifts we are to grow these base souls with infinite experiences and possibilities. Without constraining individual free will our Creater’s Love watering each soul the seeds within us go with us during each journey . They eventually germinate and grow beautiful flowers through selfless service so all can see and experience without interfering with free will, your unique eternal personality,, and eternal soul spirit . We are Rozen Maiden doll’s uniquely crafted by Father Rozen . Our true mission is not to fight to become Alice , but to spread the seeds of infinite possibilities and by experiencing share what we learn from each journey . With Father’s love watering these seeds they germinate, grow, and can be enjoyed by any who choose to do so! We do not disappear into Nothingness Selfless service to any who ask is why we have been created! So experience the infinite N-Fields of Time and Space which each of us create by individual or individuals agreeing to undertake each adventure before it begins ! Experiences expand and deepen our base souls then plant the seeds within your heart so they will grow and blossom into endless colors, buds,, blooms fruits for any to experience them and enjoy! Yuuki, I love you so much. Your lover , Asuna ! You have shown me beautiful possibilities, and our journey together will resume without end . P.S I have been practicing with your Mother’s Rosario . I may become better than you someday. I look forward to sparring with you during another adventure as well as being able to express my love for you as deeply and physically as you also desire. When next we journey together, I hope you will know our love for each other and accept my desires to show you in any means available to us. My deepest wish is to show you and you’ll perceive me like I always I perceive you . When this journey stops for me , I’ll find you again and we can return to this beautiful land we both cherish. But this journey will not be a hologram like on our previous journey.This journey will be our reality and I can manifest my truth to you in ways that
we were unable to do in an earlier journey.
I can’t wait for this new journey! As you are more aware than I in our previous adventure, I look forward to our upcoming adventure together. We don’t remember our identities names when we were first made, we have had many “names” since then . But you and I know in a way I can’t explain, that we have always known our unique initial names ! Love you eternally and fully. Your Asuna Yuki !

last edited at Feb 16, 2024 1:03PM

joined Oct 25, 2010

What an awesome work of art!

last edited at Feb 3, 2024 1:30PM

joined Oct 25, 2010

Ran, Aoi, Ichigo, and Mizuki have been close and caring about each other for many years! It is wonderful that no matter how long or whatever the world demands of them, they still love each other !

joined Oct 25, 2010

I can’t draw worth a darn, but I can write! Maybe , I could write a fanfic someday that others may enjoy? At times this world feels full of anger, hate, and selfishness! Innocent expressions of love should not be so discouraged and in-tolerated imao naturally!

last edited at Feb 2, 2024 8:40PM

joined Oct 25, 2010

This is very cute ! I understand! Elves and other beings can love each other!

last edited at Feb 2, 2024 5:40PM

joined Oct 25, 2010

I only asked a family friend’s eldest daughter out for our High School dance one time! It was a disaster! So,! I focused on my faith, my family members, my studies mostly. It was a lonely time. But with 2 younger brothers, it was bearable! I set Holy Crusaders-like standards for myself that no person can reach! Thankfully, I met wonderful precious students from many places during advanced studies, and I learned that a GPA means nothing it the broader worlds of time and space! Keep caring and loving each other and all you hold dear! You can love more than one person! There’s no limit!! Yay ! Ichika and Shiine!

Hug!&LIPS discussion 01 Feb 19:02
joined Oct 25, 2010

What a beautiful story about wonderful caring ladies and their complex relationships! Each one tries to actively support each other by giving words, deeds, and actions!

MariAli discussion 01 Feb 14:17
joined Oct 25, 2010

So very beautiful, profound, and full of love and caring for all the characters that live within each of our hearts! I am happy how this beloved Gensokyo and its inhabitants seem as I always imagine! I know there are always adversities and pitfalls, but that is why we have each other so we can protect and heal the smiles and souls of all we love ❤️! Right?

joined Oct 25, 2010

Beautiful work and tasteful as well ! If perceived with an open heart and mind, many of our interactions with one another are beautiful , caring, and supportive ! Some times we need physical contact to express ourselves accurately!! Yuuki Konno said this!

joined Oct 25, 2010

This was a great story about Yurika and her most beloved Kaede! Their strong bonds permeate the beautiful artwork!

Love Potion discussion 30 Jan 09:59
joined Oct 25, 2010

They don’t need a love potion! They already love each other very deeply! I don’t mind this pair, but I feel sad for Alice! Of course, she’s deeply in love with Marisa and I believe Reimu too!

joined Oct 25, 2010

Me too! I agree about that great sadness that fills one’s heart about ghost girl stories. However, it may be wise to remain patient! I feel love can defeat any obstacle! Yuuki and Asuna are still together!—“ SAO anime”only her physical shell has emptied and gone! Maybe it is a naive hope of mine—that gentle loving souls endure for eternity! That may sound strange for some. It sounds like I am a follower of the great Buddha— but I know I have an old soul which returns again and again to learn soul lessons. Some scientists believe the world is a hologram created by its inhabitants moment by moment so we have a place to learn and grow spiritually! Of course, I may be full of “beans” ! That is a nice way to describe that I am full of it !!

last edited at Jan 29, 2024 9:02PM

joined Oct 25, 2010

I think it’s a very clever twist on vampire stories! Youko and Shu will always be together and love and happiness will be there forever for them!

last edited at Jan 28, 2024 6:12PM

joined Oct 25, 2010

This is a great story about two caring and loving young characters! The physical expression of their love will happen someday. I must be patient. When it happens, these wonderful souls will experience physical love! I am sure of this!

joined Oct 25, 2010

Happiest birthday to you and may your days and nights be filled with happiness, joy, and love for you and all you love!

joined Oct 25, 2010

Happiest birthday to you and may your days and nights be filled with happiness, joy, and love for you and all you love!

joined Oct 25, 2010

Precure ladies are very amazing! Love for each other will insure that the world avoids a bad end!

joined Oct 25, 2010

Shiine will be her knight in shining armor!! It’s a feeling I have! They will be happy and loved by each other always!

joined Oct 25, 2010

I have kept up with this beautiful story for so long now! I’m so happy that they are progressing together on their great life journey together. I feel that they will be together forever and happy too! Thank you so much for sharing this story with us ! These two artists and storytellers are the best!

joined Oct 25, 2010

Konoe does resemble Nico-chan! Good observation! I am sure that they are still together and in love! Konoe will grow up and treat her loved one much better. I hope so!

joined Oct 25, 2010

Umi and Kana are childhood friends, so they have been together a very long time! I am glad that they were able to express their feelings for each other in an unambiguous manner! Be happy and well you two!

My Juliet discussion 25 Jan 16:15
joined Oct 25, 2010

Himeko took the lead and showed Nao how much she meant to her. Great job Himeko! You knew in your heart that Nao would answer your feelings!! I wish you both great happiness and health together.

joined Oct 25, 2010

What a great story about these two characters— one is born vampire and the other is full human!! Remilia and Sakuya are wonderful! I always thoroughly enjoy each of their stories and adventures— from fighting together to exploring and discovering their love for each other!!