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joined Feb 2, 2013

Sakura's reactions when her dad says it'd be hell if she ended up as a guy and how she'd make a great wife makes me feel like there's something else there as well. It could be that she wished she could be/have been born a guy, even if it would just be caused by a wish to be as free as Mogu. Just something that I thought was interesting, since she's almost the opposite of Mogu in the sense that she seems to prefer a more "boyish" attire.

On another note... I hate when people say shit like "I'm working hard so you can eat". This is such an idiotic attitude to have and is irrelevant when it comes down to it. It's not his family's fault he has to work hours and hours on end to get a decent wage, no need to use them as his punching bag.

Japanese culture is harsh on family life in general. I saw on like a Norito video that most couples/families see each other about 30 mins a day due to work. Throwing in a non traditional child, they don't literally have they time to handle shiiiiit. Not saying it's right, but I take this chapter as a criticism of Japan's lack of family structure and forced gender roles.

joined Feb 2, 2013

Kinda too bad it got axed so early on, but I'm glad the author cramped a pretty fun story, all things considered

Boku To discussion 03 Jun 09:24
joined Feb 2, 2013

Guys be like: Yeah I sucked his dick as a friend. No homo! (Butlikeifyouwannabegayimdownifyourdown)

joined Feb 2, 2013

Deep breathe
I'm just screaming on the inside

joined Feb 2, 2013

intense hand holding

Yuru Yuri discussion 27 May 01:56
joined Feb 2, 2013

Namori knows that fanservice doesn't take the cake anymore. These characters getting a canon romance is the only reason I stay

Lily Marble discussion 16 May 10:44
joined Feb 2, 2013

someone said that in japan you are adult when you are 20

Yes, so keep that in mind all of you filthy immoral rapists that had sex with 18 or 19 year olds when you were over the age of 20.

This went from 1 to 100 real fast

joined Feb 2, 2013

Wonderful wholesome. It's funny that I finished highschool and college before this wrapped up tho lolol

joined Feb 2, 2013

Like brother like sister

joined Feb 2, 2013

I see lots of people saying they don't like incest (me either) but to tag it would really spoil the ending. It's a great twist and I'm hoping that this is a series

last edited at May 7, 2020 10:38PM

joined Feb 2, 2013

Every page was gold

joined Feb 2, 2013

I wonder what the true goal is. To me, world domination is just a step towards Vena's real goal. Maybe it's some Kyuuby level master planning

Semelparous discussion 22 Apr 06:46
joined Feb 2, 2013

AOT but insert Gamma characters

Image Comments 18 Apr 11:43
joined Feb 2, 2013

They literally couldnt have made this precure any gayer without changing the rating lololol
This pic minus as well have been the title scene

Lily Marble discussion 14 Apr 11:12
joined Feb 2, 2013

I wish Risa hadn't forgiven Aya so easily.

Hush. Let them (and the readers) be happy.

For now... >:)

joined Feb 2, 2013

I would had liked to see the battle at the randell corporation more in detail. So like, did they cure all the zombies or just the disease? I feel it ended a little abruptly.

Lily Marble discussion 09 Apr 23:29
joined Feb 2, 2013

This is a good reflection of feelings for Risa's character. It really shows that Risa isn't really that okay with the fwb relationship they have rn and even though she understands as well as accepts Aya's choices, all of them hurt her deeply. I'm still rooting for these two so I hope to see more Aya development soon!!

SHY discussion 09 Apr 22:36
joined Feb 2, 2013

I am happy with this development

joined Feb 2, 2013

Title should of been 'How to turn a little vanilla fluff ball into your kink slave:

joined Feb 2, 2013

Perfection at its peak lol. Props to the guy who drew the last 3 pages

Ayame 14 discussion 28 Mar 01:58
joined Feb 2, 2013

Well if they all get together, then all ships are fulfilled

joined Feb 2, 2013

Lol Dia
Everything else is chopped liver compared to Elicha

joined Feb 2, 2013

Not rooting Yuri for a change

Age 15 discussion 16 Mar 22:42
joined Feb 2, 2013

SHES NOT EVEN 15 lolol

Age 15 discussion 14 Mar 06:55
joined Feb 2, 2013

My God. What a mess of a story. EMA and Ana make no sense on their behaviour. Asagi Ryuu may made a name for themselves but he/she certainly is no Mira when It comes to "porn with plot"

Agree, it's always so random, like a really bad straight porno.

Yeah and... I don't know and I wouldn't call It "pacing", but there is something odd of how the story "flows" in the pages, like the sequences and transitions from one square to the other are a little off-putting. I can't put my finger on it...

It might be because character relations are heavily explored, but then you get the the plot and you forget that they have a life outside crazy toxic Yuri relationships. The flow suffers if manga magic can 'develop' a character. Outside of relationships, everyone is a flat character with one dimensional deduction making, which is not explained. Also, I noticed weird emphasis on awkward panty shots everywhere. I get it's porn with plot, but there's not much porn. I'm just here to finish this at this point