Forum › Posts by Hauteclere

joined Aug 4, 2016

If you are able to quote me saying that Dynasty is "not a yuri site" or shouldn't be considered LGBT friendly or anything like that, please do so, and I'll take a look at it. My primary contention with these arguments that pop up on occasion are the choice to claim that we "promote" or "market" ourselves as anything. To my knowledge, we don't do any promotion or marketing whatsoever, and the people who find us find us through other platforms by word-of-mouth. In private, I've rarely given a specific and unconditional label to the site's contents.

"Promote" may not have been the right word. The site presents itself as a yuri site, and not without intention.

From the first post I didn't like, I posted the relevant rule and redirected users to the rules thread. When the situation grew worse, I posted a final, general warning and again redirected users to the rules thread. When someone chose to ignore those prior warnings and continue, I banned them immediately, and directed them to the prior warnings. Everyone else who continued had their post removed and was banned for a day.

The problem here is the first few words: "From the first post I didn't like." Why did you wait until a post like that was made? I, at least, thought it was obvious that there would be complaints, and in such a situation, the natural procedure would be for a staff member to post before anyone else to say that complaint posts wouldn't be tolerated and to link to the rules. This is what I was saying in that paragraph you quoted, not that you didn't post anything at all.

For the record, I, personally, don't care if you continue to upload het. If you care to notice, my original post made no complaints about the existence of het, I was only commenting on the reactions to it. All I'm saying is that this was inevitable and should've been anticipated.

joined Aug 4, 2016

However, a public statement in a visible place would not be a bad idea on its own. Because that thread also demonstrated a common problem with the public perception here. One user wrote a bunch of nonsense trying to excuse bad behaviour that people really were not in the position to be excused for,

Hi. This sounds like my post. If a mod could revive that post for clarity's sake, I'd appreciate it.

I did not excuse anything. I said I understood and expected it. I empathized with it. There is a difference.

but amongst other things wrote extensively how Dynasty "promotes" and "advertises" itself as a "yuri focused" site (which they meant as yuri-exclusive, otherwise it makes no sense that a single het upload (or any het upload) would cause this reaction).

I did not mean "yuri-exclusive," because that would imply that everything is supposed to be yuri, and there is plenty of stuff that is subtext or simple CGDCT. I would call that sort of content more "yuri-aligned."

Dynasty never "promoted" itself as anything, it is a manga reader site that started with a single scanlation group which simply did a lot of yuri (but not only yuri). The "promoting" and this entire nebulous "community" stuff that sprang around it is entirely done by the fans, an organic process once enough people were visiting the place.

And this is where the meat comes in.

Dynasty absolutely promotes itself as a yuri site. Dynasty is a yuri site. Have you read the rules yourself? I'm copy-pasting here:
First, and above all, remember that everyone is here to have fun and enjoy yuri together. This is the literal first line in the rules post.
We encourage the promotion of yuri works or projects by members of the community and do not consider such promotion to be spam.
Insulting scanlators is unacceptable, and will result in your comment and possibly you being removed from the forum. They work hard to bring us the yuri we love, and they don’t need abuse for it.

These rules were posted by the same staff member who was in that thread deleting posts and removing posting privileges.

I know what the staff will say, "We're not a yuri site, we just upload what we want," etc. I've been on the site long enough to have read the fine print; this isn't news to me. But these are just excuses to deflect responsibility. Actions speak louder than words, and Dynasty's actions are not saying the same thing their words are. It doesn't matter what it started as, it matters what it is and has been for at least the past few years.

Every week, dozens of images are uploaded to the site, 98% with the "yuri" tag, the rest subtext or with characters common in yuri groups. 99% of chapter uploads fit this same description. Most of the rest of that 1% is other general LGBTQ+ stuff which, while not perceived as the main focus, is generally accepted because it's understood that yuri fans may also be interested in these things. They also post the occasional yuri-related news.

A community doesn't form for no reason. It forms because of a common interest, and the common interest here is clear (and it's not "whatever Dynasty feels like adding"). This is the flock Dynasty has bred. Saying Dynasty isn't a yuri site is like saying a baseball stadium shouldn't be called a baseball stadium because it can be used for things other than baseball.

I want to believe that Dynasty staff has heard all of this before and anticipated the shitstorm that arose, but like I said, actions speak louder than words, and their actions - or inaction in this case - says the opposite, because that chapter discussion had no warning of any sort of what kind of posts wouldn't be tolerated and where people could read relevant information until well after the shitstorm arrived. No one can honestly believe that most users actually go into the general forum area and read everything instead of just commenting wherever they happen to be. That doesn't excuse those posts or make them acceptable, but if your rules are buried in a place most users aren't going to see them, maybe you ought to accept some of the blame.

For the record, I'm not trying to tell Dynasty what to do, I'm just giving perspective. If they want to keep uploading het every 1 in 1,000 uploads, that's their choice, but every action causes a reaction. If you want the perception of the site to reflect your own and for the reactions to be appropriate, that's something you must take action for.

last edited at Oct 13, 2021 10:57AM

joined Aug 4, 2016

Hahahahahaaaa whoops!

Image Comments 27 Sep 23:49
joined Aug 4, 2016

"Two can play that game."

joined Aug 4, 2016

First reaction to a girl coming up to her: "Boobs!" How very Kodama Naoko of you.

Image Comments 21 Sep 00:20
joined Aug 4, 2016

Space, time, and death.

Image Comments 07 Sep 00:08
joined Aug 4, 2016

Hardcore, just the way I like it.

joined Aug 4, 2016

Gotta admire mom's devotion to helping her daughter, even going so far as to read lesbian novels. She may have been a bit misguided, but progress is being made!

Image Comments 04 Sep 18:32
joined Aug 4, 2016

That's an OT3 I can get behind.

Image Comments 30 Aug 21:17
joined Aug 4, 2016

Technically selfcest.

Image Comments 17 Aug 08:42
joined Aug 4, 2016

^It was actually released in English a couple months ago.

Image Comments 17 Aug 01:24
joined Aug 4, 2016

Original? Looks just like Girls Kingdom.

EDIT: Yeah, this is the cover of Girls Kingdom volume 3.

last edited at Aug 17, 2021 1:25AM

Image Comments 13 Aug 23:26
joined Aug 4, 2016

Technically a reversal.

joined Aug 4, 2016

Doesn't even look like a man lmao.

joined Aug 4, 2016

Galaxy brain strats.

joined Aug 4, 2016

Now that was a payoff.

joined Aug 4, 2016

I was going to praise the funny switch-off double act these characters have going because it's kind of unusual but, as is amusingly usual on Dynasty, there's a king-sized shitstorm derail for no reason. (Yes, it's ungrammatical. No, it's not worth having a debate about. Hasn't this thread suffered enough?)

I never meant for it to be a debate, but I guess Dynasty just can't handle anyone calling attention to errors, even blatant ones in titles.

joined Aug 4, 2016

So..... y'all done complaining?

Posts like this only serve to waste even more space. No one is going to stop because of whatever your feelings on it are.

I'm done conversing with DY4Y, who has shown their true colors of being pointlessly pedantic, but "Me And A Legendary Witch" is still wrong.

joined Aug 4, 2016

There are a bunch of dialects that use "me and [ ]" interchangeably with "[ ] and I" and thus "me and [ ]" is correct. There is no "proper" English, only a bunch of different dialects and all of them are equally correct.
Anyway, this isn't the place to argue prescriptive vs descriptive grammar so I'll just drop it

There are definitely people who say it, but they're wrong. It's not a dialect thing. No one would ever say "Me formed the ultimate tag team." "Me and [ ]" should never be used for the title of a professional work, whether coming from the actual author or from a group of fan translators.

This is the place to argue it because it's the chosen title of this manga.

joined Aug 4, 2016

"Me and a legendary witch" isn't proper English.

There's no such thing as proper English

This statement is an oxymoron. If it's true, it can't possibly mean anything concrete, because without proper English, there's no proper way to interpret it. But then if that were the case, I wouldn't be able to reason that to begin with because I never interpreted it in the first place.

I interpreted it, so it's wrong, and thus my statement stands. "Me and a legendary witch" isn't proper English.

I'm willing to bet you're just trying to be funny by pointing out that English has a lot of inconsistencies, and you're correct on that, but that doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't use it in the established way.

joined Aug 4, 2016

"Me and a legendary witch" isn't proper English.

Image Comments 25 Jun 23:09
joined Aug 4, 2016

Panel 2: Kiara wakes up screaming from her nightmare.

Image Comments 21 Jun 22:40
joined Aug 4, 2016

I'd say this deserves a Dorothea x Petra tag, too.

Image Comments 21 Jun 22:37
joined Aug 4, 2016

Lesbian beach parties over in FEH.

joined Aug 4, 2016

So you've fallen too, huh...