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joined Mar 5, 2016

^Yeah but its telling a story it isnt just art. The story has to be consistant to its reality and make sense if we are to take it as more than nonsensical rubbish.

Realism isnt optional in writing unless you establish why it doesnt have to be, and even then it has to stick to its established rules- and the explanation needs to make sense. We have nothing to go on in regards to how 2 different realities are co-habiting space.

I have no issue with the idea- as long as we get some explanation that matches what we are being told.

realism absolutely is optional in writing. you don't have to explain yourself at all. art isn't just about creating a puzzle box, it's not dungeons and dragons.

joined Mar 5, 2016

is she really tsungire if she has any dere? but i suppose the dere only needs to be implied...

Melon Melon discussion 02 Jan 19:08
joined Mar 5, 2016

2021 goals: disaggregate the Loli from Lolicon

it's not really conceptually feasible to do that. it's better to just add a child tag and use that for this sort of thing.

Image Comments 02 Jan 12:25
joined Mar 5, 2016

it's fine, sakuya doesn't add that much weight anyway

Image Comments 02 Jan 12:22
joined Mar 5, 2016

look at their hand size difference

joined Mar 5, 2016

this was interesting and entertaining. thank you.

Image Comments 29 Dec 09:47
joined Mar 5, 2016

dang she ate the stockings

Image Comments 29 Dec 09:46
joined Mar 5, 2016

A Yurry Christmas To All!

Null Hug discussion 29 Dec 08:02
joined Mar 5, 2016

this was extra dramatic and funny. nicely done.

Kuudere discussion 27 Dec 10:40
joined Mar 5, 2016

What is kuuderu

someone who puts up a mask of being cold and detached, sometimes outright emotionless, but is actually sweet

the kinda person who, if their crush asked them out, would say "oh. yes. that'd be fine" but would internally be more like "OHH GOODD YESS THIS IS WHY I LIVE!!"

joined Mar 5, 2016

she's hired as a "wolf butler"? that's her profession? ... i wonder what sheep butlers do...

joined Mar 5, 2016

the absolute rollercoaster of "spend the night" -> "oh just normal stuff" -> "find a hotel"

this comic doesn't cease to amaze

Image Comments 15 Dec 09:20
joined Mar 5, 2016

gura in high heels is just very funny looking

Image Comments 15 Dec 09:17
joined Mar 5, 2016

marine hiding her homedrawn porn where pekora tops her and melting into panicked shame when it is found and read out loud is... very believable

joined Mar 5, 2016

a bit plain but the basic twist is funny. needed some more pages and more fleshing out.

Image Comments 09 Dec 07:01
joined Mar 5, 2016

i guess they like socks

Image Comments 08 Dec 10:10
joined Mar 5, 2016

tewi's like "n i c e, but that's really embarrassing dude"

Image Comments 07 Dec 14:08
joined Mar 5, 2016

short top tall tsun is some good shit

joined Mar 5, 2016

they're definitely not hairy enough for this to be bara

Image Comments 06 Dec 18:23
joined Mar 5, 2016

i wonder if there's art of a woman with hickeys along every tanline

joined Mar 5, 2016

y'know, i'm thinking that if asumi just said she needed money to hire sex workers... it's not a given that it wouldn't have worked

some women just want to give money to their favourite little hornball

joined Mar 5, 2016

does pekora really dislike strawberries? ...who dislikes strawberries? they're strawberries!

lotta strawberries you can buy fresh are bland industry-farmed from a type bred to look red and endure shipping long distances, not to be tasty

so strawberries have some pretty low lows

Image Comments 24 Nov 18:02
joined Mar 5, 2016

their nipples are battling

Image Comments 24 Nov 05:08
joined Mar 5, 2016


joined Mar 5, 2016

Hello I'm new here, how do y'all save this story to a list? Or add it to favorites something like that

up in the right corner, between your username and the search bar, there should be a little set of white stripes and a downward arrow. if you click it you'll get a little menu. this doesn't appear in the forums but only when you're browsing a comic or picture.

assuming that you're on a computer and not using some special theme that changes colours, anyway.