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Image Comments 01 Dec 18:42
joined Jul 23, 2017

I appreciate how Hana is the shipping bicycle. Do wonder why she has her pink triangles out of gear though.

joined Jul 23, 2017

I honest to god don't get this particular ship. I mean, don't get me wrong, the doujin was great and the fanart of them is really cute, but their interactions in everything I've seen aren't really shippy? I mean, as far as I can tell.

HonoEli is a thing in the manga, as is HonoUmi, HonoKoto, etc. because Honoka is the best harem MC in the manga.

Also I believe a lot of people like the whole "leader x leader" ships. If Muse was like an AKB unit, Eli would be the leader and Honoka the center, and in the AKB fandom any leader and center pair is hugely popular.

joined Jul 23, 2017

I just want to know how Neeko manages that kind of body on a NEET lifestyle.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Interesting. It does make you wonder how the other girls (Akari especially) would react/reacted to the situation.
I do hope Chinatsu is aware of the cheating. It's scummy all around, but even more so if she's entirely unaware

joined Jul 23, 2017

Huh, didn't think this was going to get a continuation.

That last line sounds kinda yandere.
Agreed. I'm fond of the whole "overprotective sibling" trope but that was definitely slipping into yandere territory a little.

Image Comments 17 Nov 23:40
joined Jul 23, 2017

Dia no, consent is important, Dia please

last edited at Nov 17, 2017 11:41PM

Image Comments 17 Nov 23:39
joined Jul 23, 2017


Image Comments 17 Nov 23:39
joined Jul 23, 2017

So good. Wedding images can never go wrong!

joined Jul 23, 2017

Interesting to see a menhera girl in yuri ;0
As for cutting, it's unlikely that she started for the fashion, but that is a thing that happens. Some people go a little crazy with trends and end up doing bodily harm to "fit in" with the aesthetic. I forget the magazine but there's a jfashion magazine that actually talks a little about menhara and the romanticization of self harm.

Ayasex...? discussion 22 Oct 20:46
joined Jul 23, 2017

That ending though.

Eli too stronk

joined Jul 23, 2017

Yay, more chapters. I wonder if the original manga will ever get finished scanlated?

Image Comments 22 Oct 20:46
joined Jul 23, 2017

Bless Nicotori, so wonderful.
Also, I really like how Nico can open up to Kotori like this. They share something important to both of them (design), and that lets them connect in a special way.

Image Comments 22 Oct 20:44
joined Jul 23, 2017

Kotonico! Best rarepair

joined Jul 23, 2017

Mami is so good in all of Ryuunosuke's work. I really enjoy the slow everyday pace of their stories- more time to build on individual relationships.

LOVE STORY? discussion 17 Sep 14:12
joined Jul 23, 2017

How cute. Mika and Miria works surprisingly well.

New Game discussion 16 Sep 13:58
joined Jul 23, 2017

I have a hard time believing Naru's growth potential is lower than Nene's, given that she's very young and already talented. And her social skills aren't shown to be bad exactly either from what I'm seeing, just average. [cut for space]

It's more or less just decided from what little we know about their education. While someone (Umiko) has outright stated that Nene has a high growth curve, we don't know about Naru. She's been studying for a long time, now has excellent skills, but how long did it take her? How many classes, teachers, programs, etc. resources did she have? That kind of information we don't know.
@ Social Skills, you're right. Looking back, Naru isn't lacking in social skills so much as professionalism (presentation, and distinguishing personal affairs from the office). That's my mistake.
Naru/Nene/Momo were going to get the job no matter what. I mean, they actually have faces and detailed hair.

Nene being a college student shouldn't really cause a disparity, as Naru is still a student, too, just at a different kind of college. Unless the issue is not being able to work full-time.

The issue is basically commitment, yes. You want an employee you know can give it their all, and a student who may be weighed down by sudden assigments/final projects/tests can't provide what a student who can work full-time can.

5month after this guy told us he is quitting and I laugh alone at my boss bad call :)

Oh gosh, I sympathize with you so much. I've definitely made the mistake before of choosing someone who seemed better on paper over someone who I preferred in the interview. An MIT graduate with an amazing GPA, beautiful resume and the skills to back it up? Of course we'd pick him, even though his interview was memorable simply for how awkward and hasty he was. Fired in less than a year- in the second month, he chose to use his own algorithm (seriously, why did he do that? Why didn't he ask anyone to check his work? Who does this?) and messed up a good third of our calculations. By halfway through the year he wasn't making any friends, barely spoke to me besides mandatory meetings, never stayed for company dinners, parties, etc. The worst thing about having him as an employee was always telling myself that I picked him for a reason, that he has the skills to do good, but being disappointed every time. What a waste!

New Game discussion 16 Sep 13:48
joined Jul 23, 2017

I'm actually intersted in the reasoning that went into the loyalties and the Neither choice, can you please expand a bit?

Loyalty to a company is something that's rather hard to get nowadays, just because the impact of technology onto the workforce is so volatile, and whereas the majority of people thirty years before stuck with a company for 20+ years, nowadays people go from company to company hoping for a little more money, more benefits, etc. To get an employee who is serious about remaining with the company is a sort of relief, because any person can tell you that hiring is a complete and absolute pain and waste of time.
Naru is loyal to Momo who is loyal to Ko and Eagle Jump. It's been brought up that both Momo and Aoba idealized Ko and came to Eagle Jump because of her art's impact on their career choices, but we pretty much knew Momo was getting the job as so long as Naru will follow Momo, she will follow the company Momo chooses. Besides, Ko isn't really leaving.
Nene is a bit more of a mixed case. Her generally bright and peppy attitude makes it hard to discern what really drives her to work at Eagle Jump. She's grown to like the company, but would she have ever come if not for Aoba? If Umiko didn't meet up with her over the period of her working on code, would she come back? Unlike Naru who we see is dedicated to one person who is dedicated to one place, Nene is a bit more all over the place. I wouldn't call her disloyal, but say that she gets an offer for a better company, a better pay, better bonuses, etc. Unlike Naru and Momo who came into the manga as a pair (and thus won't likely be separated), we can't say for certain Aoba and Umiko wouldn't tell Nene to go explore another company that could make her happier. We have no doubt she will stay with the company because this is a CGDCT manga, but irl she just doesn't have the same loyalty at face value as Naru.

I'll be honest: most of us would probably have chosen neither if it were an option. I met up with my friends when returning home so they were the last to be asked.
A is a manager of quite a few start ups because he's a professor at NYU, where CS kids have to publish an app/game/program onto the market for their final project, and he manages all of them. (He did actually work in several senior positions in gaming companies before, got rich quick and retired to teach) Basically, he said that there's such a high supply of new seniors every year coming out from college to try to land a decent job that he doesn't see why he would settle.
My other friend, let's call her K, also says that she wouldn't settle. She graduated from a pretty famous art college (Parsons, anyone?), and she says that in today's competitive market, especially where fashion is so cut throat, she wouldn't take the risk of either. K is actually not afraid at all to fire people and restart the hiring process, just because she built her brand from the ground up by herself. If she can get a student who understands all the material and clothing terms while being great at customer service, why would she bother with either Naru or Nene?

Sorry that this is so long! If there are any other questions about management, I'd love to answer.

last edited at Sep 16, 2017 1:48PM

New Game discussion 15 Sep 00:46
joined Jul 23, 2017

And this is how this whole thing started. You're completely wrong. There is no disrespect or rudeness. Naru was very open and respectful. She could have been an asshole like Mogu suggested and built a case to use against Hajime in order to blame her when they turned in the project late OR she could to the respectful thing and talk to her directly. She says nothing rude, only that she is an intern looking for a job and that means she is on thinner ice. Hajime understood that and apologized to her. The audience seems to be far more offended than Hajime.
You're completely wrong.

I know I probably shouldn't bother asking, but would you say that you're more on the "Naru can do nothing wrong" boat or on the "all characters have flaws but Naru's flaws are not social skills but X, X, and X"? I'm sure neither of us are interested in talking to a brick wall.

New Game discussion 15 Sep 00:16
joined Jul 23, 2017

I don't know if anyone really cares about this whole debate thing (Nene and Naru can both be in the manga, guys...) anymore but I went to ask people stuff and here's an info dump!
The question I asked my friends and colleagues today was between an intern with a high learning curve and socialization skill but needed proper training before integrating into the company (Nene), and an intern with industry standard skills who is loyal to the company but struggled with working with others (Naru), who would they prefer?

So I spoke to eight managers today. Three work in finance, two work in marketing. These five work with me in a bank. I also spoke to some friends. One works at an independent boutique (her own), one works at a gaming start-up, and one is a front-of-house restaurant manager.
Without going into too much details, here are the results from a managerial point of view:
Nene: One finance, Two Marketing, Restaurant
Naru: Two finance
Neither: Boutique, Gaming

Arguments for hiring Nene:
 High Learning Curve
 Strong Social Skills
 Lightens Work Atmosphere
 Flexible
Arguments for not hiring Nene:
 Too Social
 Lack of Experience
 Lack of Loyalty
Arguments for hiring Naru:
 Strong Technical Skills
 Loyal to Company
Arguments for not hiring Naru:
 Weak Social Skills
 Careless/Sloppy

Unfortunately, we don’t know as much about Naru’s personality as we do Nene’s, but this was the common conception. I would disagree Nene has a lack of loyalty to Eagle Jump as there is a factor there that keeps her attracted to the company (Aoba). I would also disagree that Naru generally being careless/sloppy because it’s probably a stressful mistake. However, both traits have yet to be disproven in the manga so we assumed so.
After speaking around, we generally decided the ultimate question is whether Nene’s high learning curve beat out Naru’s starting skills. A high learning curve is generally considered better than strong skills because in the long run, the person with fast learning will absorb more information, be quicker to adapt to workplace environments and will be one of the most flexible members of your team. However, if the starting skills are above and beyond most entry employees, this makes the person a solid contender for a great addition to the group for speeding up processes, adding a new skillset and making the team as a whole a bit more capable.
This information is not provided in the mange so we couldn’t decide. Overall, there was a general favoritism towards Nene, though again, this is largely due to her high learning curve. When I mentioned that the intern may be a college student, this caused mixed reactions. Some people immediately wanted to reconsider, while others took it as a chance to catch up on those skills and get some experience. Better to snatch good employees up quickly, after all.

TLDR => All Girls are Best Girls. But more seriously, Nene and Naru bring different things to the table. A strong social set is useless with the learning curve to back it up, and a loner strong technical set is useless in a team-based environment. Nene inches past Naru for preferred employee due to her learning curve.

(Disclaimer because some people here are salty: this is simply an analysis of Nene and Naru if they were serious options for managers to consider. If we were to hire either, we would have to take responsibility for their contributions to the team—good and bad. This has nothing to do with their worth as characters and their perspectives onto the overall story of NEW GAME!)
New Game discussion 14 Sep 10:19
joined Jul 23, 2017

Dont break into a conversation if you dont have the context. Mogu knows damn well that they have denied speed being a factor. They believe that the design on the mini game itself would matter for her evaluation and it simply did not.
Alright, feels like ivedstepped onto a land mine. Sorry! Speed and design do matter, though I do have to say that the finished product's usability trumps both. It could be the best concept in the world and you could program a whole half of it in a week, at astounding speed, but if it doesn't work it's sadly useless.

The only person Naru was rude to was Nene and its only rude if you believe telling the truth is rude. Naru is a straight shooter who tells it like it is.
Well, two things really. One is that telling the truth is important, but you have to tell it with tact. People don't get hired by companies by saying "I applied to ten other jobs and I just want whatever pays me most". It's an unspoken truth, but that doesn't mean it should be said! Foot in mouth is dreadfully common in stressful work cubicle environments, as Naru seems to suffer from. Rather than say Nene is playing around, she could have rephrased it "This internship is really important to me. If you really want this job, you need to take it more seriously." This establishes Naru as the "bigger one" by making her seem more competent and serious about this internship while also making her seem caring by advising Nene to be more serious to get the job.
Second thing (and whew, sorry this is so long!) is Naru was kind of rude to Hajime. It's true that it sucks that design changes kept being edited and any employee the day before the deadline (or anyone really) can attest to being stressed. But Hajime is Naru's senior and she should have treated her with more respect. Specs get changed all the time-if you're inflexible, you won't be able to survive.

Also, Narus speed easily made up for her bugs. Fixed them all in one night.
That was with someone's help though. Without a proper debugger (and we saw how thick the error pages were, whew!), Naru would have taken much longer to comb through the code. Having a proper checker is just as important as a good programmer.

In the meantime Nene can literally not do any actual work for the game at all. Who is worth more? A straight talking employee with technical skills? Or and employee with no practical skills but is essentially the office puppy?

Besides, if proper communication skills was at all important at Eagle Jump then Hifumin wouldnt be considered for a leadership position at all.
This is an interesting topic that's come by workplaces many times! An employee who works well with others and has a good learning curve, but need a lengthy training period? Or an employee who struggles with team but appears with great skills on-par to the rest of the company, no training required?
I personally would take on Nene just because it's easier to train a person to learn programming than to become more socially aware and tact, but it s definitely a good question. During lunch I'll ask my coworkers and see if we can tally this up!

New Game discussion 14 Sep 10:07
joined Jul 23, 2017

Not to break into conversations, but you're kind of being rude to this person? They weren't responding to you and they never said anything implying speed wasn't a factor in her evaluation? Like yes speed is important, all technical skills are, but if you're being rude to your group mates who you need to work together with to complete your assignments you won't be hired, or if you are, you certainly won't be treated well/an easy firing target.

(Post clipped for space.)

Even acknowledging that they've posted at all just makes things worse at this point.

I will, however, reply to you! Yes, interpersonal skills are important-- just look how much the art team is worried over Momo not getting along with anyone. And shes just a socially awkward, while Naru is outright standoffish.

But I was also referring to how, until things blew up on her, Naru is shown to have been giving up any semblence of quality to gamble entirely on getting things done just that small bit faster.

And honestly, and amount of speed is worthless if the end product is unusable.

Oh, I see. :0 I'm assuming you're talking about Naru and Hajime's interactions? If so, that was the point when I felt that she wasn't contributing to the team but hindering it. Both she and Nene are temporary interns so their conflict, while showcasing bad traits that can be worse down the right, wouldn't be as bad to a manger as her seeming to give lackluster effort to an established employee. Speed is definitely important (why should I hire someone who takes three days to build a financial model when I have someone who builds them in two?) but it doesn't amount to much if the final product doesn't work. I know a few people who've really had to slow down and start to double check after their managers got mad at them-after all, the manager takes responsibility for their employees work at the end of the day.

joined Jul 23, 2017

Reversal? (For Honoka)

Mezashi's birthday doodles always make me happy. Their art perfectly captures the bubbly cuteness of the girls!

New Game discussion 13 Sep 20:00
joined Jul 23, 2017

You're forgetting that if Momo fails, she can try again... If Naru fails she have to work somewhere else no matter what, is hard to enjoy yourself like that, only now we will see if her dream is only to support whatever Momo does or actually making games with her

I would think that in a case like that you would want to work earnestly and work hard, showing your best on all fronts, not bet it all on a single one at the expense of everything else. Especially since you have no idea how they are actually weighing each aspect of your work in their evaluation.

So it was still pretty bad judgment on her part.

Haha the irony. Pretty sure she knows she is being evaluated based on speed as well as debugging. The only one making assumptions is you.

Not to break into conversations, but you're kind of being rude to this person? They weren't responding to you and they never said anything implying speed wasn't a factor in her evaluation? Like yes speed is important, all technical skills are, but if you're being rude to your group mates who you need to work together with to complete your assignments you won't be hired, or if you are, you certainly won't be treated well/an easy firing target.
Think if you were a manager, and you were heading a major game representing your company with the pressures to uphold the company name. You have good employees who are working hard on the project who you know work well together and are willing to reach out to one another to resolve issues quickly and peacefully. Your current employees all have technical skills to do their job, but it's their communication skills that help them resolve major roadblocks together. No one person can take on an entire game. That's why it's a company project.
Now enter an intern. They only have three months to show their skills and potential in the workplace. They showcase good skills from the beginning with a great resume (project that displays great game mechanics) and work hard from the get go. But as a manager, if you discover that their work is sloppy (full of bugs) and/or that they refuse to get along with their coworkers (creating a bad company atmosphere, shooting down potential ideas, making meetings and conversation awkward and unwanted), this person despite all their skills suddenly doesn't seem so appealing.
From an objective standout as a manager, Naru really wasn't a good employee until the last chapter where you see her work with fellow employees in her department (Clearly she likes Momo but it's akin to being friends with the girl from Finance when you're in Marketing-she's not helping you get a bonus anytime soon). Now that she's willing to remove the awkwardness with Nene, her technical skills can really come to light because then she'll be more open to feedback and negotiation with other employees to create a better product. An average employee will follow orders, but a good one will contribute to the task in a way their boss couldn't have thought of. If the boss wanted a robot, then they could certainly buy one, and it could be cheaper than human labor!

Also I'd like to write that I'm not picking any fights but I think that characters should be analyzed at face value for what they bring to story and that people should always remember that characters are just characters, and there is no need to be aggressive over characters or ship wars.

Image Comments 14 Aug 19:53
joined Jul 23, 2017

So lovely, I hope to buy their artbook

BiBi Biyori discussion 14 Aug 19:53
joined Jul 23, 2017


Third best OT3 (who am I kidding all love live ships are great)