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Image Comments 21 Jul 06:23
joined Feb 1, 2017

Uhhh, never knew Remilia had such a good temper

Image Comments 21 Jul 05:39
joined Feb 1, 2017

How'd she even know what colour bra they wear

Image Comments 21 Jul 05:39
joined Feb 1, 2017

How'd she even know what colour bra they wear

Citrus discussion 19 Jul 02:17
joined Feb 1, 2017

Mei is not a horrible person and she shows all the signs of learned helplessness. Honestly, I think it is amazing how Mei is able to hold together at all considering everything people have done to her.

Starting out, everything is decided for Mei. Her school, her future and even what happens to her body. Her father abandonds her leaving all the demnds of his life on her shoulders. Her "best friend" and fience are shown sexually assaulting her and when Mei may have found a new family, her step-sister is lusting after her.

I think the two most telling parts into Mei's position is when she talks to Yuzu's mom about love, but isn't sure if that's really the advice she need. The second is when the group goes on vaction and while Mei is getting used to the idea of kissing everyday, Yuzu then assaults Mei in the bedroom. Yuzu made sexual advances, Mei said no, Yuzu refused to stop and then we see Mei alone and destraught hugging herself. Going back, Yuzu wouldn't even try to understand Mei on Christmas and then recently when Mei did try to talk to Yuzu, Yuzu stopped her because Yuzu didn't want to hear it... even though Mei was hurting.

Mei is surrounded by people ignoring her true wants and trying to tell her how to be and what to do. Meanwhile Mei is uncertain of what she truly wants; A life with Yuzu or to live up to the expecations of her family. None of whom have made it easy for her to speak up and both of whom she truly cares for. The "easier" choice was just to do what her family wants though it really isn't easy at all. Mei feels helpless and not once in her life has she been taught, learned how to nor allowed how to speak for herself.

Now we get nothing from Mei's perspective to where clearly, and so far, the majority of this story is about Yuzu. I'm not sure how a chapter that is only 30 pages or so long will show us a clear development from Mei, but I want her to yell out. I want to see her boldly face the world and people around her and make her own choice. But her life has taught her that she doesn't have one. And in the end, she gets so much hate from readers. She's shamed, victim shamed, called a horrible person, bitch, and so on. But the one time she showed a cute side, the comments turn to loving her and "God Damnit Mei!". Great, Yuzu is getting tons of support and love while Mei is completely alone once again. Had Yuzu not shut her down when she wanted to talk would things be different?

Honestly, I don't want Mei with Yuzu. I want Mei with someone who would actually take the time to understand her and love her. The best pairing out of characters in this managa would be Harumin and Mei, but I know that will never happen.

this exactly. first going into this series my biggest impression was: back the fuck off guys. not ONE person in her life showed that they just wanted her company. everyone is always AFTER something from her. yuzu wants her body. her friend wants her body. her grandfather wants her body and life to be used for his own gains. her father just completely abandons her. she doesn't need family. she doesn't need love. she just needs a friend. a friend with absolutely zero expectations from her.

Wait. Who's her best friend? I read Citrus ages ago and now I've forgotten.

Citrus discussion 19 Jul 02:17
joined Feb 1, 2017

Mei is not a horrible person and she shows all the signs of learned helplessness. Honestly, I think it is amazing how Mei is able to hold together at all considering everything people have done to her.

Starting out, everything is decided for Mei. Her school, her future and even what happens to her body. Her father abandonds her leaving all the demnds of his life on her shoulders. Her "best friend" and fience are shown sexually assaulting her and when Mei may have found a new family, her step-sister is lusting after her.

I think the two most telling parts into Mei's position is when she talks to Yuzu's mom about love, but isn't sure if that's really the advice she need. The second is when the group goes on vaction and while Mei is getting used to the idea of kissing everyday, Yuzu then assaults Mei in the bedroom. Yuzu made sexual advances, Mei said no, Yuzu refused to stop and then we see Mei alone and destraught hugging herself. Going back, Yuzu wouldn't even try to understand Mei on Christmas and then recently when Mei did try to talk to Yuzu, Yuzu stopped her because Yuzu didn't want to hear it... even though Mei was hurting.

Mei is surrounded by people ignoring her true wants and trying to tell her how to be and what to do. Meanwhile Mei is uncertain of what she truly wants; A life with Yuzu or to live up to the expecations of her family. None of whom have made it easy for her to speak up and both of whom she truly cares for. The "easier" choice was just to do what her family wants though it really isn't easy at all. Mei feels helpless and not once in her life has she been taught, learned how to nor allowed how to speak for herself.

Now we get nothing from Mei's perspective to where clearly, and so far, the majority of this story is about Yuzu. I'm not sure how a chapter that is only 30 pages or so long will show us a clear development from Mei, but I want her to yell out. I want to see her boldly face the world and people around her and make her own choice. But her life has taught her that she doesn't have one. And in the end, she gets so much hate from readers. She's shamed, victim shamed, called a horrible person, bitch, and so on. But the one time she showed a cute side, the comments turn to loving her and "God Damnit Mei!". Great, Yuzu is getting tons of support and love while Mei is completely alone once again. Had Yuzu not shut her down when she wanted to talk would things be different?

Honestly, I don't want Mei with Yuzu. I want Mei with someone who would actually take the time to understand her and love her. The best pairing out of characters in this managa would be Harumin and Mei, but I know that will never happen.

this exactly. first going into this series my biggest impression was: back the fuck off guys. not ONE person in her life showed that they just wanted her company. everyone is always AFTER something from her. yuzu wants her body. her friend wants her body. her grandfather wants her body and life to be used for his own gains. her father just completely abandons her. she doesn't need family. she doesn't need love. she just needs a friend. a friend with absolutely zero expectations from her.

Wait. Who's her best friend? I read Citrus ages ago and now I've forgotten.

Image Comments 17 Jul 09:21
joined Feb 1, 2017

The dawg looks so green...

Shoujo Sect discussion 16 Jul 12:02
joined Feb 1, 2017

I'm so confused. Too much different timeline.....? (I don't even know when what happened and what happened after the what happened or whatever the what is happening) The only thing I do get is that the author likes threesomes and that a lot of the characters somewhat looked the same.

Never mind. The plot in the anime was a lot easier to follow and now I can grow a bit more accustomed.

last edited at Jul 17, 2018 7:12AM

Image Comments 16 Jul 09:49
joined Feb 1, 2017

They are. Literally. Got two horns on both of their heads.

joined Feb 1, 2017

Taking first comment for this, in a poor attempt to show how much I love this show's yuri. One of the first yuri I watched. I never seriously engaged with the action of the story tho.

last edited at Aug 27, 2018 9:19AM

Image Comments 16 Jul 01:17
joined Feb 1, 2017

^just assume that they're wearing strap-ons.

joined Feb 1, 2017

Hahah. Students aren't allowed to have sex at school doesn't mean teachers aren't too.

joined Feb 1, 2017

Hopefully Orin don't start trying it out on Okuu

Image Comments 15 Jul 11:18
joined Feb 1, 2017

I just noticed the thing mokou is holding in her hand. Heiheihei

Mimi discussion 15 Jul 10:43
joined Feb 1, 2017

Tewi is demonstrating to Reisen the specialty of 'earth' rabbits.

Also, it's 2018, and no one has commented on this doujin? Surprised me a lot.

Image Comments 15 Jul 10:32
joined Feb 1, 2017

Anyone notice that the bunny wearing reisen's clothing is on top?

Image Comments 15 Jul 10:29
joined Feb 1, 2017

^smaller girls on the attack is cute too

Image Comments 15 Jul 10:27
joined Feb 1, 2017

No one's going to comment on the fact that the girl's surname is 'hakurei' and not 'kirisame'?

Image Comments 07 Jul 08:45
joined Feb 1, 2017

Tell me honestly, glasses-chan! What happened to your majestic eyebrows!? ಠ_ಠ

joined Feb 1, 2017


joined Feb 1, 2017

Gaaahhhhh!!! This needs to become a series. My favourite is Samael! Gotta declare that.

joined Feb 1, 2017

Uhhhhh..... she would've been happy to have sex with her without being coerced? She thinks like that after using a guys uniform as masturbation fodder???? Wow, a slut.

joined Feb 1, 2017

I feel like the magical girls name has another meaning..... I mean, 'Tetty'? C'mon, that's clearly implying something

Citrus discussion 05 Jul 10:48
joined Feb 1, 2017

I really shouldn't have read the comment section..... I'm only up to chapter 36 and the comments are telling me that the next few chapters aren't going to turn for the better in anyway. I don't think I'd be able to handle these two breaking up, especially with how angsty the author is probably going to make it. I'm crying already from what occurred at the end of ch36. I think I'm going to drown from my own tears if I read further......
Help. I don't have the courage to continue... QAQ

last edited at Jul 5, 2018 10:50AM

joined Feb 1, 2017

Urrggghhhh! It's been a while since I read manga, so I feel irritated when I need more chapters than the number of ones out already. Basically, I need more chapters fast.

Dog's Life discussion 05 Jul 07:11
joined Feb 1, 2017

Her calling out 'Pochi' while crying when seeing the other girl naked with a leash made me laugh. Wtf is with that.