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joined May 25, 2014

My dog would be close to my age (30s) and probably hug and never let go if she became a human. She's very sweet, but clingy. My one cat would probably try to snuggle with me until it got to be food time and then turn extra sassy, and the other cat would just go into another room to sleep all day.

Their Story discussion 11 Nov 10:53
joined May 25, 2014

:-D This made my week.

joined May 25, 2014

Yeah, my wife and I skipped the known donor route for several reasons. One was a lack of reliable male friends. :-/

joined May 25, 2014

That crack at Citrus was hilarious!! XD I stopped it reading it because of the lame ass plot and sloppy finished product.

I dropped Citrus because it got boring

So, after chapter 1?

joined May 25, 2014

The laws in the western world I've been exposed to vary greatly. In since places, the fact that the insemination was artificial is enough to render the donor's paternity void. In my state, in the US, if a physician's office does the insemination, the donor has no rights and the mother's spouse goes on the birth certificate.

joined May 25, 2014

Now of course depending on the country you might have stuff like adoption, surrogacy, freezing sperm or eggs prior to transition, or donated sperm or eggs to complicate the equation in the other direction. Plus probably stuff I forgot to mention.

As someone working in IVF, this ^^^. Getting eggs or sperm frozen before transitioning is a very good idea if you're wanting to have kids down the line.

As someone who is paying for fertility treatments, freeze all the gametes you can, so you and your partner can go the cheaper route of IUI for offspring (most women don't need IVF, but may need to try for up to a year).

joined May 25, 2014

Hey, it's a manga I can actually relate to about crap currently going on in my life (my wife and I have been trying and failing at getting me knocked up for a while, we're going to do IVF at the end of April now - it's hilarious that I'm not only socially infertile, but medically infertile as well).

Lily Love discussion 08 Jan 13:38
joined May 25, 2014

Khasimir posted:

First of all, thank you very much for the tag "read left to right" I'm lost if I hadn't saw that.

I have a bad habit of reading the first several pages right->left and then after getting confused noticing or remembering the tag and having to reread it, lol. Makes a surprising amount of sense that way still but not quite enough to not get lost.

I'm at the point where I have to remind myself to read western comics left to right.

I once read the comics in the newspaper right to left. Garfield wasn't improved or worsened, the others tended to make less sense.

joined May 25, 2014

I still really don't get the 'Graduation might as well means the other person died' in Japan.
At my graduation, I was like 'Well... tomorrow at your place as usual?' and next to nothing changed.

I lost contact with literally everyone I went to high school with, within two years of graduation. I can't even find my closer friends on Facebook.

I think it really depends, I went to a prep school for high school with a lot of rich kids, and most everyone went all over the US for college, I went to Pennsylvania, my best friend went to Wisconsin, etc. But not everyone has that situation happen.

joined May 25, 2014

Well, it has been read and cannot be unread.

joined May 25, 2014

I really like Itou Hachi's delicate line work (and the Legally Married Yuri Couple Book). I am not super-into age gap (20 yr old virgin and 30 yr old maiden is more my speed regarding age gap - namely two adults), but a 9 yr old and a 24 yr old just is too much for me. Especially with how the older party handles it. (The Structural Formula of First Love handles it in a much more ethical way where the older party does everything to discourage it as a serious feeling while the younger party is a minor -

Anyway, I try to avoid everything with a lolicon tag, which this doesn't have (should it? I'm not very sure of the rules for that tag).

joined May 25, 2014

Ah I remember prop 8. There were warring protesters down the street from my middle school, one side for gay marriage, the other against it. Eventually the anti-gay marriage people gave up and left, but prop 8 passed anyway. My parents were lucky enough to get married the summer before

I feel old now. Prop 8 passed the year before I got married (in Iowa, 2009).

joined May 25, 2014

Is the extra (Tinkerbell's Crime)not going to be translated? There's a "volume 0" listed but no link on it. :-/

joined May 25, 2014

I always saw the bisexual tag as having potential, because it means that the concerned character isn't straight. Rather than bisexual as in "her love interest doesn't have to be/doesn't have to end up with a man", that girls actually have a chance too, bi characters in yuri seem more to be about "they will leave you for a man". Although the opposite, "leaves the man for a girl", happens too, it just feels done less often than the first cliche.
... But hey, at least mc didn't get shot

The bisexual tag shouldn't be confused with how actual bisexual people work in real life. >.>

joined May 25, 2014

Seems so good. But those glasses are telling me to stop reading it.

I guess i will pass it.

The complaints about the love triangle I get, it's not the sort of drama/angst that comfortable to read, but this is probably the stupidest reason
This series just got ditched because a character wears glasses.

Ikr. I think it's weird too :/

I just kinda don't like glasses on girls' face. Maybe becuz I think they only make girls look ugly and hide their true beauty.

Or maybe its just my one of weird preferences.

Either way i hate when i see girls wearing glasses. Unless you totally can't see without glassses but then again contact lens exist for a reason.

Some of us hate poking our eyes, and are too clumsy not to with contact lenses. And many people feel that our faces are for our own use and purposes, not for looking appealing to you.

I wear glasses but I feel fricking weird about how glasses are fetishized, as if they imbue the characters (or people) wearing them with certain characteristics. IRL all glasses really mean about someone is that their eyesight is poor. Not that they're smart or shy or a good girl, etc.

Anemone discussion 23 Oct 16:31
joined May 25, 2014

seriously, wear-glasses-girl wears glass even during sex ?
judge from the intense of their love-making I bet the glasses would fall out tho. Anw, just my 2 cents lol X"D

I generally keep mine on. I'll admit, for me it's a bit of a security thing, because I want to see what's going on, I actually get a little panicky if I can't.

I almost always take mine off as they get all smudged up otherwise.

joined May 25, 2014

Damn, school's so fancy it has its own dedicated lesbian fuck pad.

Most all-girls schools have to have the nurse's office pull double duty.

The nurse's office seems to be equal opportunity (het vs lesbian), where as I think the library has a "lesbians-only" vibe to it.

joined May 25, 2014

a junior in high school dating a seventh grader? um

Well, what makes it not as weird to me is the fact that the younger one seems much more mature for her age and the older one seems to be the less dominant, more shy type.

The fact that it's a work of fiction makes it okay. Plus freshmen dated seniors when I was in HS, and this age gap doesn't seem that much bigger (junior high goes through 9th grade in Japan).

joined May 25, 2014

That lady was a really nice lady, very supportive

Well is this not a job of a prostitute to be nice to the customer? (Okay, I'm not very sure)
But yeah, maybe she was really a nice person.

A prostitute's job is to meet their customer's needs, normally it's their emotional and sexual needs, sometimes that means being supportive and kind, sometimes it means "punishing" them for being naughty or whatever.

Beloved L discussion 09 Oct 13:15
joined May 25, 2014

I'm in it for the doctor's freakouts, tbh.

I'm in it for the art and the freakouts. That and how, at least for now, unlike most age-gap, the kid is behaving like a kid (saying random crap) and not a tiny seductive adult. That being said, I'm 34, I'd really like to think I could tell if someone was under their mid-20s (and thus be too young for me to be interested in them).

joined May 25, 2014

Why are all the characters turning out to be all so unlikeable? The MC is far too naive and dumb for her own good (seriously, going to the bar to have an awkward conversation with your drunk friend that's into you is totally logical, even despite having already have made plans, and despite that it's your birthday, but sure of course you have to do this thing right now and not like tomorrow instead, when he's sober, makes total sense)

then you have everyone else who just seem varying levels of dickish. Asami was already a :/ for me, and that smile in this chapter really was not winning me over. Where are the decent characters??

I don't remember many likable characters from this author, at least in their longer works...

Kase-san discussion 08 Oct 13:25
joined May 25, 2014

Yes the beloved reversal <3 that would be nice...but her inner monologue like in ch... ^_^ *drifting....
Um ok what was I saying?!
I hope it goes on to college but im guessing "graduation" will be the "end" :/
I dunno I think they may do it but not show it in the manga...which would suck but also not cause the manga is the best no matter'll prob be "tasteful" :p

This is a comic I'd be fine with the characters aging and it just going until they're little old ladies. :-)

joined May 25, 2014

Adorable. <3

joined May 25, 2014

Happy to see a series that I've ended up favouriting keeping up with its charm. I really like how the age gap was executed, with nothing creepy about it and the main characters acting in a logical way.

Also, having read the next chapter on Gelbooru, I think I just died of diabetes. Would do it again.


joined May 25, 2014

Oh, Yuu, I'm not a big "this character is clearly in denial" person, but you are in denial. Making out with someone causing your heart to race, and it feels nice, you might just like them. :-)