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joined Aug 12, 2013

Yeah, not really into shaming people for sexual indiscretions. And I'm not really down with the whole "she got what she deserved vibe." No one really deserves complete humiliation and a broken heart just for sleeping around and being too cowardly to express their true feelings. Obviously both characters are pretty dumb, and the whole problem could have been avoided if only one of them spoke up (but it's also understandable why neither didn't).

This one shot and some of the comments = nope.

The two obviously don't belong together. Blonde girl is emotionally unstable and makes bad decision. The other is too cold, unforgiving and cowardly. It would be a really toxic relationship. So over it.

last edited at Aug 29, 2014 8:32AM

joined Aug 12, 2013

I've read the sequel to Part B. Soooo cute.

joined Aug 12, 2013

I've read this so many times and I still love it. Not only did I immediately fall in love with this one shot the first time I read it, I was also shocked because I actually went through this. Except I found out way later that some of my friends in the room were actually awake...

Citrus discussion 13 Aug 07:58
joined Aug 12, 2013

Wow, talk about cliche. The author has written one of the most overused "drama" scenarios of ecchi manga ever. Blackmailing the girl in the main pairing into sleeping with some pervert using a piece of leverage that can be easily refuted by sitting down and explaining it or reporting it to an adult/police officer. And of course, the girl always chooses to go through with it. It's not intense, interesting and it's not suspenseful. It's plain STUPID and makes the characters out to be complete morons. It's next to the other stupid trope of having the main girl of an romantic ecchi manga raped by an asshole whose name and face she knows. What idiot would rape someone that knows their face and name? Well I guess it works out since that rape victim never reports it either. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I agree with all of this except the last point. The majority of rapes are by someone the victim knows. But like you said, it's rarely reported, and it's even more rare to get a successful conviction.

I love/hate this manga. Ugh.

Citrus discussion 12 Aug 20:56
joined Aug 12, 2013

Way to just throw in every terrible plot line into one manga. Sigh

Yeahhhh. Hate the writing, I love the art.

Citrus discussion 12 Aug 20:54
joined Aug 12, 2013

If she actually sleeps for some guy for money the manga has officially turned to shit.

But the art is so pretty!

Seriously though, we should pair her up with someone who knows how to write a good story... maybe Takemiya Jin, I never liked her art so it'd be a win win situation for me xD

Totally on board for this hahaha. I feel the same way about both artists.

Vespa discussion 11 Aug 09:04
joined Aug 12, 2013

Are we just going to ignore the fact that after all that BS they are still not together?
Welp this manga is right down there with softcharm imo

Heh, what a bad story. I like how it doesn't flesh out anything every is one dimensional. And how in the hell did the Queen not destroy their country, the mother gave her daughter away especially because they couldn't afford to wage war.

All in all... cheap drama, bad characterization, bad world building.

To kill every men because of one is kinda too much.


Kind of like that one 18 year old kid here in the US a few months back who went around shooting women because he got rejected by a few. And yes, that happened IRL.

He actually never did get rejected because he was severely lacking in social skills, he thought talking to a girl for half a second meant you were establishing a relationship... His parents did nothing about their autistic child growing to be more and more delusional and closing himself to reality. In the end he just watched anime and played video games and browsed reddit/4chan and that REALLY doesn't help someone who already his plenty unhealthy mentally.

He also didn't ONLY hate women, as a matter of fact, I think he ended up killing more men in his spree IIRC.

I dislike the whole "he hates women" propaganda, because if you read his "manifesto" his videos and his general actions, his reddit posts you see that his problem is more than "he's a misogynist". His outburst was a long time coming, and was way more than what the media and people say it was. Real life people are not one dimensional, they're complex.

I pretty much agree with you except that noting his intense misogyny isn't propaganda. I did look at his manifesto, and there's more than misogyny going on but it doesn't mean his actual motivation was excluded from that.

He killed men too because he was jealous of them--root motivation still being misogyny. Misogyny hurts men too. Social science 101.

And back to this manga... Yeah. I was hoping for more. Super disappointed.

Citrus discussion 11 Jun 22:18
joined Aug 12, 2013

Is it just me or do the chapters feel shorter each time a new one comes out?

I do like Yuri drama, even if it's cliche and badly written. I just really love the way the characters are drawn and my attention has been captured.

joined Aug 12, 2013

Ugh. The English translation and overall writing is bad. But man, that drama. -_-

joined Aug 12, 2013

The moment Tae-chan gets to Yuo's level of cuteness, the story is over. Ah, it was a cute read. I'd love for it to follow their lives together especially now that they've established a good look and place for both characters.

joined Aug 12, 2013

I honestly love how the ending and general length of this piece makes you feel the way the protagonist does. But damn, this would make a good manga series... Even if it's just one volume :(

joined Aug 12, 2013

Guy, guys. You are being incredibly shallow yourself if you think this is all hinging on whether or not Akari's lover was a virgin.

Throughout the 8 pages, Akari treats their relationship as if it's something special, and her lover continually treats it as if it's not (example on 2nd page: "That means our body weight has increased, doesn't it?" = "We're in love" as opposed to "Yeah, maybe." = "Maybe, maybe not."). The problem was that her lover treated their relationship as just something to have fun with, while Akari thought it was serious for both of them.

Akari being a virgin just meant this was all new and exciting to her, while to her lover, it wasn't. Again, just showing the difference in perspective of the two involved in the relationship, each thinking it meant something different.

Akari didn't fall out of love with her lover just because she wasn't a virgin. That was just one other element of many that lead Akari to realize her lover's interpretation of Akari wasn't nearly anything like how Akari was feeling for her lover. And this realization itself led to her falling out of love.

If anything, my take on the story was that it was about an immature, inexperienced girl growing up a bit, and realizing, with a pang of sadness, that not everything is what you may think it is. Not that your lover has to be a virgin, hahaha.

You need to at least dive below the surface before you can begin to tell how shallow something is.

Omg. Thank you. I was getting so annoyed with everyone.

Citrus discussion 09 Apr 11:22
joined Aug 12, 2013

I squealed when I saw chapter 9 is out! My sister was alarmed and asked what was wrong with me. LoL
I want more!!!

I got the email notifying me that there was an update this morning and I squealed too!

Citrus discussion 09 Apr 11:20
joined Aug 12, 2013

No! Chapter nine got so interesting! I finished it too quickly. ; _ ;

I'm glad Matsuri appeared though. The plot was moving at a snail's pace, I honestly am grateful for the cliche love triangle. I can't wait to see how Mei and Yuzu deal with this. (Though we will be waiting for months.)

joined Aug 12, 2013

My current life is somewhat similar to this (minus the rape fantasy kink). :3

Philosophia discussion 06 Feb 15:39
joined Aug 12, 2013

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this turns into a scenario of "My dad ran away after dumping this girl and her kid at my house so now I gotta take care of them."

I honestly think that's the route they're going to take with this.

Citrus discussion 08 Dec 08:57
joined Aug 12, 2013

My thoughts are Mei does have feelings for Yuzu but it's all muddled up. Yuzu will most likely reject her. I'm hoping she would anyways as much as I would love a sexy scene. Then there will be another period of Mei avoiding/acting cold to Yuzu.
What I would like is for Yuzu to continue being there for Mei in her big sister mode and Mei actually falling for her all the while. If this actually happens, I suspect another love rival to appear but this time for Yuzu's affections. Perhaps her friend? It's a tired trope, though, so I hope this doesn't happen.

I completely agree with this! I'd rather have it this way. Especially since Mei's actions at the very moment aren't coming from a place of love, but sadness and need. Sure, I think Mei cares and somewhat likes Yuzu, but there's no clarity on her side about the romantic feelings. Like you mentioned, they're probably muddled. There's just too much going on in Mei's head. I want their love to be more functional. It would be a fantastic development to have Yuzu try to move on and be the big sister while Mei starts to realize her feelings for Yuzu, with an added rival for Yuzu's affection, we have a fantastic story.

I really respect Yuzu for trying to be mature. She was really awesome this chapter. I do hope Yuzu pushes Mei away because it would make for a sweeter story. I don't want to see a dysfunctional relationship based on Mei's manipulative but understandable actions of sadness and need. I want them to be together when they both are in complete clarity that they love one another romantically.

AHHHH. Now for the dreaded wait for the next short chapter. D:

last edited at Dec 8, 2013 9:06AM

joined Aug 12, 2013

Man! Chapter 10 left me wanting more, but we'll have to wait a while for the next one. Ugh.

Citrus discussion 26 Oct 21:12
joined Aug 12, 2013

But oh my god. This is definitely on my list of favorite manga already. I'm completely sold.

Citrus discussion 26 Oct 21:11
joined Aug 12, 2013

Ah man... I was kind of expecting the "visiting my father" scene to be executed better. It felt choppy to me, maybe because it was right after they left Momokino. It was also cheesy..?

Though what got me just going "what." mostly was Yuzu bawling her eyes out because she believes Mei really doesn't feel the same way. I mean, yeah, that would be unfortunate but was that really a moment to be crying? It doesn't cross to me that Yuzu is actually in love with Mei when she does that, mainly because I think that if she did love her, she'd simply be happy that Mei was smiling during that moment. Seriously, the poor girl rarely, if ever, smiles!

Or maybe it's just me. They're only high schoolers anyway, so I might be too serious with this but agghhhh Yuzu get a hold of yourself girl! o<-<

I thought she was crying more because she felt bad for being so ridiculous with the whole notion of love when obviously Mei needed family more. I think she generally felt kinda stupid at that point =w=

Yeah, I felt that it seemed rather obvious that Yuzu was upset with herself and with the situation overall. Like, in her mind, it's inconsiderate and selfish to try to push for love when it seems to Yuzu that Mei needs family more than romantic love at this point. So, crying because she desperately wants to move forward romantically with Mei but can't because it would be too selfish.