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joined Dec 29, 2013

I don't think you quite understand what is being said in the conversation. Isn't this an English website?

For one; that story is probably not true, and you are just using it as a means to defend to Morinaga's work that you admittedly like unbiasedly. But ever if it were, it is no way similar to this situation in this series and does not help disprove the contradictions at all.

The criticisms comes from the story having blatant character contradictions, not whether you can fall in love with a friend. I'm honestly not even sure how you even came to that conclusion. It was never a question of realism, even though it does not have that either. Because contrary to popular belief all girls schools and not filled to the brim with raging lesbians.

joined Dec 29, 2013

Though it doesn't seem that the connection goes passed that because that was the first time they had done anything recreational together.

That is true, but it dose not change how her complaint was that people try to distance themselves from her. But we have two clear cases and examples of it being the opposite.

Though let's look at it this way, because she doesn't know the severity of those girl's "love" she probably assumes they're just in it for the usual reason

I see your point. But this assumes two very major aspects of the story.
1) That she has never seen any underclassman that wasn't "in love" with her. Are we to just accept that every underclassman in the school lusts after her? There is not a single one she can compare them to in order to find the norm?
2) That she has no exposure to outside mediums that would give her an understanding as to what underclassman usually act like. (And we can speculate this is untrue because she seems like a bit of a movie buff based on how she acted in the theater.)

No sane person would have a difficult time understanding what a person crying after you rejected their love confession means.

When Miu literally and blatantly admits to wanting to use her.

You know, I don't think this thought even crossed my mind because it was so obvious. You're right. Miu admits she's just using her and still thinks that they are somehow going be friends. It's cut and dry extortion, really. Because it's also under the condition that she not tell people that she broke the vase. Because even though Miu says to herself that she does not want to tell on Fujiwara. So as far as Fujiwara knows she's just extorting her.

Another point that is a clear contradiction is that Fujiwara notices Miu is upset being around all those people and steps in to help her, but she can't tell if the girls who confess to her are being sincere?

Ugh, the more I think about it the worse it gets. Morinaga needs to just scrap this project if you ask me.

joined Dec 29, 2013

Firstly- whats to hate about that lots of girls confess to her?

It says it in the spoiler.

You mean you are jelous of a fictional characters popularity?

Is there a reason you're being intentionally hostile?

Or do you mean there is something wrong with a girl being seen as some idol and confessed to?

There is, and it's the same reason that's in the spoiler.

except its not realy nice for Fugiwara to have false confessions thats they arnt serious about.

Can you rephrase this with better English. I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean the people confessing to her are not serious? Because we already know that's not true.

Secondly she says she has no friends and you seem to think that she is missing social queues - what because of that group??

Again, this is in very poor English so I am not sure what you mean? Her main complaint is that people don't like her, friends is secondary because it's a given you have friends if people like you. She says "I wonder if people even like me." in chapter one, but if she could pick up on social ques she would already know the answer to that. I already pointed out that it's safe to say the girls who confess are not laughing when they do it, so she has no reason to think they are joking.

They are the basketball juniors

She is on the volleyball team, not basketball.

the only people who WILL aproach her

False. We know the girls that confess to her approach as well.

And its clear she knows thats how she is being treated by them.

"treated by them"? Do you mean treated well by them? That does not matter because given enough time they would see the real her as well. The only difference here is that Miu gets plot forced alone time with Fugiwara so she has the advantage of seeing "the real her". Any of the other girls given the same situation would reach the same conclusion.

So I dont agree with your points in the slightest.

I'm sorry but you have demonstrated that you have a very poor grasp on the English language and it shows because you have miss multiple points I have made in previous posts and the series itself.

It does not really matter whether you agree with me or not because ultimately I am right, and there are objective flaws in this series. You're free to like whatever you want. But that does not make it good.

joined Dec 29, 2013

To much? I'd hardly call that more than a passing thought.

joined Dec 29, 2013

but those are girls from the volleyball team,

That does not really effect whether she should consider them friends or not.

she wasn't sure if the girls confessing were serious

Hence my point about her being autistic. Either way it's stupid of her to think people don't like her. You can safely assume the girls weren't laughing and giggling when she turned them down. So why would she think it's a joke?

I mean, with the lack of yuri I try not to be too picky and over-analytical.

I always am, I can't help it. I'd rather read nothing than lower my standards. That's just me.

Girlfriends itself was a normal high school cliche anyway

No it's not. Especially when you consider when it was written. Girlfriends might just be the one and only yuri manga that accurately portrays the growth of a same-sex attraction. There are more but those are two prime examples why it's not clichéd.

joined Dec 29, 2013

Posts like this make my heart hurt.

Meh. I wouldn't feel to bad. There's already blatant story contradictions, and it's only been two chapters. Morinaga is losing her touch.

In chapter one the problem was posed that Fugiwara is depressed/upset because she does not think she has any friends/people don't like her. But in this chapter we are told that she has girls confess to her all the time which I fucking hate, and this is an awful story element, forced story progression galore, plus we see the fan girl squad come up to her without a second thought. They are clearly not "distancing" themselves from her.

So, either Fugiwara is autistic and can't pick up glaring obvious social ques or the quality of the writing is going down.

Take your pick, but neither is good.

joined Dec 29, 2013

I hope this is a long series like girlfriends

Hirari is quarterly.
(35 - 2) x 4 = 132
132 / 12 = 11

Enjoy the wait.