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Lily Love discussion 23 Aug 01:22
joined Feb 18, 2015

She handled that well because if I would have run into an ex while on a date I would have grabbed my gf's hand and ran in the opposite direction like my ass was on fire.

Happened to me several times back when I was still just dating my wife. It wasn't fun, but one of the times is very funny in retrospect. We were at a wedding of a friend from my church. I warned my gf that I had kind of a fling with the bride, then I saw the maid of honor and told her... oh yeah, her too... Then at the reception, a girl I dated for about 9 months happened to be there, even though I had no clue that she knew either the bride or groom and she lived in a town about two hours away. It turns out they went to college together. At this point my gf was about to die laughing and asked if there were any more ex's at this reception that she should know about. I told her that this was more than half of the girls I had ever dated before her and she had met both of the other two before. Embarrassing as hell when it happened, but still funny... even then it was, actually.

I really like the way Mew handled it. She didn't deny that they had dated and she made it clear that she is only interested in Donut now. Very sweet kiss at the end.

last edited at Aug 23, 2015 1:23AM

New Game discussion 21 Aug 23:39
joined Feb 18, 2015

The subtext is getting closer to just being the text...

joined Feb 18, 2015

It would have been nice if they had exchanged contact info, since they both were concerned about the fact that they didn't have it in this chapter... Oh well, I'm more concerned that the "former friend" is going to cause an undesired plot complication down the road!

joined Feb 18, 2015

I adore this series and the pacing of it. At this point, you might classify Yuu as "Asexual". I really look forward to reading more of it...

joined Feb 18, 2015

I enjoyed the story and don't mind the challenging presentation. While the yuri is understated, it is clear that Yukiji had a special place in her heart for Tsubomi since they met when they were young, even though Tsubomi didn't realize it wasn't Chitose until they met again. I would have liked more of an actual pairing at the end, but it was still a good read.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Fantastic chapter! I wish I knew how much more there is of this or how often it will be updated. Doujin are so hard on the reader! :)

joined Feb 18, 2015

Is her eye injury supposed to happen when Fujiwara tells her to go home, or before? It doesn't look like he hit her or anything, just probably tossed something at her that hit her?

In any case, both Fujiwara and Hotaru appear to be pretty worthless as humans beings. Yuma needs to tell Hotaru that she won't be a "cheating partner". She will either be a partner or a friend, if neither of those are options, then they will be neighbors and that is all. In other words, she needs to tell her how she felt when she saw her with Fujiwara on the trip!

Stretch discussion 05 Aug 20:11
joined Feb 18, 2015

Just add the yuri tag already! Or at least shoujo ai!

I personally loved this chapter. Ran's dream and Keiko's gift both speak volumes.

Also note: no stretching tips this time... Kinda odd not to have them, eh?

joined Feb 18, 2015

Well, here we go. Boyfriend is getting suspicious, crap is about to go down.

Hotaru's boyfriend was getting suspicious before. Now he is starting to believe, not just suspect. I expect he will hurt Horaru before too long...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Certainly appears that Yuma's boyfriend is an OK guy but I'm not entirely sure how into him she is. As for Hotaru, she appears to be pretty messed up and her boyfriend seems to be abusive. Not sure where it is going, but it is interesting.

The fact that Yuma certainly seems more turned on by kissing Hotaru than kissing her boyfriend speaks volumes. It isn't just the "we shouldn't be doing this" excitement there. Also, her thoughts about how she felt abandoned when Hotaru began dating guys early in middle school suggest that she has lingering, unresolved feelings for her...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Well, it totally seems like the new girl is hitting on her to me, but she seems to want to avoid getting hurt again... I really am curious how this story will progress. I wish the chapters were longer though...

joined Feb 18, 2015

Well... That was interesting. I truly didn't expect that the sempai would be the one to fall first. That is such a great trope subversion that it made me like this instantly. (I really don't know why it flew under my yuri radar back in May!)

Then the 2nd chapter... We have some clear hurt feelings from the best friend/probably future vice president of the Student Council. One wonders if, when she finds out the real reason for Sempai's choice, if she will be hurt even more, as in "I've loved you all this time and you fall for another?"; will she be disappointed, as in "You picked her because of lust? Are you really serious about getting elected, or do you just want to get the girl?"; or will she be understanding, as in "Well... That all makes sense now! Let me run interference for you to protect your love, my best friend! My parents won't be home tonight... want to have a slumber party? I can arrange to visit someone else! and the two of you can do 'election planning' wink nudge Know-what-I-mean?".

In any event, this could be a big favorite if it keeps up the quality!

last edited at Jul 14, 2015 1:21PM

joined Feb 18, 2015

I do really love this so far. Yuki is an amazing character. Too bad the guy didn't get the idea when she was calling out Yuki's name in her sleep...

After Hours discussion 21 Jun 01:23
joined Feb 18, 2015

Since people seem a bit uncertain if tuna is a euphemism, those of us who are over 40 can tell you that it definitely USED to be. Back when I was in high school and college it was one of the main euphemisms for that part of the female anatomy, especially when referring to eating it.

This looks really good! I can't wait for more!

last edited at Jun 21, 2015 1:23AM

joined Feb 18, 2015

So glad to see a new chapter! Please tell me that the "change" in Rei isn't something like falling in love with her piano teacher or something like that! Please tell me it is that she lusts after Yuki too.

Magan&Danai discussion 12 Jun 01:56
joined Feb 18, 2015

This is sooooo funny and sweet!

Bridesmaid discussion 04 Jun 20:50
joined Feb 18, 2015

This is a powerful little one-shot. The emotions are raw and potent.

As for the story line, family obligations are family obligations. It is clear that Fleur never entertained the thought of telling her best friend about her love for her, so I view the bride's confession as a kindness as opposed to cruelty. She let her know that, even though she kept her feelings to herself, they were still received and reciprocated, but due to the same reasons Fleur never brought them to light herself, they have to go back into the dark.

Sad... powerful... but satisfying, in my opinion.

Stretch discussion 03 Jun 21:29
joined Feb 18, 2015

Is that all!!!?? Oh man what about the part where Ran scolds Keiko for coming home drunk...
Well hopefully saving that for another ch lol ^_^ <3

I thought that the majority of the chapter, with the exception of the roach killing extraordinaire, was Ran scolding Keiko. She was entirely giving her the silent treatment with death glares on the side.

Maybe I'm missing something, but where does one infer that

1) The book Ran's reading was the one picked up on their date
2) That there was a bookwormy side that Ran was hiding up till now?

Well, there has been plenty of evidence that Ran is really, really smart. In the shopping chapter it certainly indicated that she is really into novels and Keiko isn't. (But Keiko agreed to read some because Ran wanted her to like the things she likes.)

I see no evidence that the book she is reading is one of the ones that Ran purchased. Based on the color of the cover, it is closer to the one that Keiko was looking at on financial planning for your old age. The ones that Ran was holding all had white covers.

BTW, the one title that we see in the shopping chapter is "Dogura Makura" which is obviously a slight change to "Dogure Magura", which is considered one of the best examples of modern Japanese avant garde fiction and a precursor to modern Japanese science fiction. It sounds very interesting, in a twisted way.

I loved this chapter. It really shows that they are totally used to living together and that Keiko, when uninhibited, treats Ran very much like she is her lover, not her buddy. That is a very interesting development, since Ran was the one who always seemed to be on the yuri side from the beginning...

Age 15 discussion 02 Jun 03:12
joined Feb 18, 2015

Well then, kinda glad to see something new by this guy that does start right into the gushing fluids... for now.

Also rare to see funny faces in his works.

wait a minute. why werent they peeing all over the place?

I was think the same thing. This author sure loves their peeing/panty fetishes.

They're saving up so that they'll have more for later.

It's gonna be quite the waterworks show.

I knew I recognized the artwork!

Well, it has a promising start. I am shipping the rebel with a brain with our naive young thang, though I think there might be a threesome or two with cousin wild thing along the way...

Renai Manga discussion 31 May 19:02
joined Feb 18, 2015

I'm surprised that I hadn't seen this one before. I'm really grateful that the bonus chapter came out to point it out to me! It is so sweet! The bonus chapter does put a nice finishing touch to it, though I would have likes more of a romantic ending with a kiss and all, it was still very, very sweet and obvious where the two were headed, all thanks to that meddling Editor-in-Chief! LOL!

Kase-san discussion 31 May 16:32
joined Feb 18, 2015

to yamada guys re just telephone pole.
no sex ed at school?

I don't think I have ever seen a manga that talked about sex ed in schools... Interesting...

As for Yamada, she is naive to the extreme! Just take a look at chapter 14, the Christmas chapter, for the confirmation that her naivete doesn't get cured by Kase's growing sexual desire for her until at least after the new year!

What's hilarious is that Yamada has the same level of sexual desire for Kase as Kase does for Yamada, she just "doesn't know what it is", so to speak. Meanwhile, Kase is fully aware of what she is feeling, but since her girlfriend is such a pure soul, she holds back and holds back... It is delicious! Can't wait for more, and to find out if Yamada decides to try for whatever college Kase gets a recommendation for... (It would be humorous if they pulled a "gift of the magi" thing and Kase declined the far away recommendations in favor of a local school and Yamada applied for the school she got the recommendation for and got in... But sad...)

...Tan in Japan seems quite easy to get... Never succesfully got one and i'm even in Brazil...

Some skin types either don't tan easily or won't tan while others tan with ease.

Yeah. I burn and it never changes to tan. My sister is pretty much the same way. But my brother tans really easily...

last edited at May 31, 2015 4:38PM

Image Comments 29 May 17:17
joined Feb 18, 2015

Does anyone know if the books are actually completed? When the show first came the novel series was listed as ongoing. If that's the case and, as the spoilers have said, at the end of book 3 Kumiko is dating Shuuichi, I would bet that they will break up before the end of the novels and Kumiko will end up with ... someone else... Whether it is Reina or not, I can't say...

It is very rare that the main heroine has so little interest in the guy she ends up with as Kumiko has at the beginning. Sure, they're friendly, but she has totally never thought of him that way. (I get the feeling she has never thought of any guy that way...) If there are more novels coming, I wouldn't doubt that the relationship with Mr. Boring goes away because she is drawn to Reina.

Episode 8 was divine!

joined Feb 18, 2015

Shades of Koe no Katachi (A Silent Voice) with a yuri twist. I like!

Philosophia discussion 24 May 23:10
joined Feb 18, 2015

Man... That was some intense feels! I had read about the ending, but I forgot about what happened to Tomo from when I read those spoilers... That was rough...

Nobody does painful quite like Amano. If you are looking for happy go lucky love stories, just run away when you see her name as the mangaka! But sometimes those are good too... Feelings was at least a semi-happy ending, though the why of it was hard to fathom... This one is pretty much pure pain. Not that it wasn't good.

joined Feb 18, 2015

So far so good. It seems like a cute story.