Forum › Posts by Rina

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ I'm kinda looking for something that is a little more...pure or so to speak, as in, without any interference to the main relationship. To be honest I find that Japan/Korea does their portrayal of yuri or subtext better by at least providing a plausible outcome for the characters to be together, ie, Tomie: Forbidden Fruit or Wishing Stairs (Whispering Corridors installment #3) with their endings.

Not saying that Japanese/Korean works doesn't kill off either 1 or both of the characters, but I find it a bit more believable in their context that the characters can still be together even in death or otherwise...Idk, American horror films just feel a little bit "straightfoward" to me with how they portray death, and I don't think the relationships are developed very well nor are they portrayed positively, actually I find it rather disappointing that most of those examples mentioned in the post and others that I've searched ends with the characters dying in tragic ways.

And I personally find the concept of Contracted to be disturbing tbh. I mean I can understand the implied message behind the film but it just rubs me the wrong way that the main character had to be a lesbian that got drugged...feels like that element was added in for the sake of creating a dimension of drama to it, in addition to being generally unnverving, which I guess was the point? ^ ^;

I really hope anything in this post made sense... and to be honest I'm expecting somewhat positive portrayal of yuri relationships or subtext in the horror film genre, it almost feels as if I'm contradicting myself because it can be argued that horror is supposed to be tragic, unnerving and dreadful in what it delivers to the audience.

last edited at Jul 19, 2016 9:41AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ Thanks! and Np :> And aw, well I guess it can't be helped if you're really anxious around crowds, but, everyone has their own strengths and drawbacks ^ - ^

@Rina - if you're on a slasher bend, why not go old school and watch Carrie (ok, it's not really a slasher and it's from the 70's, but it's good)? and you've watched all the Nightmare on Elm Streets and all the Amityville Horrors (welp imo, one only needs to watch the original cuz the others sucked)? yeah, i didn't add Fri. the 13th's because how many ways can Jason realy be killed before it gets boring???

I've seen the original Carrie and all the remakes I think, they're pretty nice ^ - ^ I think I've watched all of the Nightmare on Elm Street films...probably have to rewatch them someday, but I've never seen Amityville Horror before :o Been a while since I last watched a slasher film tbh, unless you count Purge: Election Year as slasher inspired-esque. Most horror films nowadays are copying The Exorcist and it gets pretty boring T o T

Currently I'm more into looking for horror films with yuri (subtext) in it, some films I found are Roommate (2013), Fatal Frame (2014) and the recent Sadako vs Kayako where the main characters can practically be considered to be a couple, and it even ends with a possibility of them being together depending on how you interpret the final moments of the film.

last edited at Jul 19, 2016 8:37AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ Thanks! It went rather well actually \(^o^)/

hmm…I like the Sleepaway Camp Trilogy, the 1st one was a bit mixed but the 2nd and 3rd were pretty good. Other works include, not limited to the 80s:

  • Final Exam
  • My Bloody Valentine (original)
  • The Blood Widow
  • The Burning
  • Urban Legend
  • Nail Gun Massacre
joined Dec 24, 2014

The only kinds of 80s films that really interests me are B-grade slasher films ^ ^; there is something surreal about them for some reason.

also, one more presentation today lol. Hopefully it goes well.

Edit: Page topper ♪

last edited at Jul 19, 2016 3:43AM

Anime season 19 Jul 03:36
joined Dec 24, 2014

^ Hopefully they turn it into a full anime instead of the apparent anime short format.

And since we're on the topic of Summer 2016, only Regalia, Ange Vierge, New Game, LL Sunshine, Prisma Illya 3rei and Danganronpa 3 interests me so far, everything else is either bait (apparently, Amanchu. possibly, Q-Code), pandering LN adaptations and/or generic het romance crap. Still, a better season than the previous ones though.

last edited at Jul 21, 2016 1:23AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

Interesting to see we've such a diverse music genre range here :o from jazz to instrumentals.

I pretty much only listen to anisongs nowadays lol ^ ^"

joined Dec 24, 2014

I'll wait for the film to be out on other sources :p

That aside, whats everyone's song obsession atm? As in, repeated listenings. I am currently playing the full OP for LL Sunshine over and over lol.

I find it better than the original LL S1 OP, kappa

last edited at Jul 17, 2016 10:20PM

Anime season 17 Jul 01:21
joined Dec 24, 2014

Well, Ange Vierge certainly did something outside my expectations by trashing the base and trapping the alpha drivers in crystals so early into the anime

No more light beams for Ep 3 I guess? lol.

last edited at Jul 17, 2016 1:23AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Chocolate -> Black Forest Cake? :p

On another note, I figured out how to use the lists function lol, yay!

joined Dec 24, 2014

No point in arguing when we're not fully certain what's fuelled tragedy. Everyone in this thread seems to agree that brainlessly bashing terrorism and religion is not the way to go, and we should find the right caues of this situation and try to prevent such accidents from happening in the future.

Meanwhile, many TB away on another internet site, ppl are blaming religion for terrorism for the nth time :/

Glad to see that the people here are not like that though ^ . ^

joined Dec 24, 2014

Anyway everyone, how's your weekend? Went to a book shop, they had books 50% off, bought 8 of those >.> I will be broke for the next few weeks.

I can finally rest for a bit after a long week :> just listening to music lol.

Anime season 16 Jul 00:08
joined Dec 24, 2014

Danganronpa 3's despair side should have some yuri in it since its covering the creation of the Remnants of Despair; and one of the female cast is in love with Junko.

That aside, Regalia is shaping up to be my likely AoTS so far, with Ange Vierge/New Game/DR3 Despair side going for 2nd.


Even the voice actresses ships their character roles in Regalia together lol.

last edited at Jul 16, 2016 4:00AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ Ahah XD I meant wine and alchohol lol

joined Dec 24, 2014

Thanks for the kind comments on the previous page everyone! :>

And ah, a conversation that I can't join in...I've not drank before lol...

joined Dec 24, 2014

Good evening everyone! Just did well for a presentation today so I am pretty happy lol ^ . ^

Hows everyone's day going?

joined Dec 24, 2014

@galich - Congratulations ! ^ . ^ Hope you have fun in the course you wanted!

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ A change in pacing and topics is always nice sometimes ^ . ^

On another note, anyone ever seen a pairing (yuri or otherwise) and instantly took a liking for it?

joined Dec 24, 2014

thanks guys! :> shouldn't be too bad, hopefully

joined Dec 24, 2014

ded by cake :c

anyways, hope everyone is having a nice day! I have to rush a project by thurs ; ________ ;

there is no such thing as sleeping tonight lol, hence I must sleep now.

last edited at Jul 12, 2016 8:42AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Galich - ouch, when's the next one?

@blackkitty - good afternoon! :>

last edited at Jul 12, 2016 7:14AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

Another question: try describing an average poster in this thread :D Personality etc.

Quirky and cheerful?

also, good evening :>

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ Using it to form weapons or using it to teleport via travelling between shadows maybe.

And lol, viewing explicit pics in school wasn't my intention at all XD

joined Dec 24, 2014

good morning :>

@ Everyone Else

Here's a task for you, girls (and boys too, okay...) let's create our own female superhero!
Just because it sounds like a fun idea!
So... which abilities should she possess... hmmm...

Mine would have the power to control shadows (am I doing this right ^ _ ^")

Also on another random note, the image thread here is blocked on my school wifi due to its filter detecting "explicit content"

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ which timezone are you from? :o

also, Im looking forward to Carmilla s3 and AFA2016 :>

joined Dec 24, 2014

meow :3

random qn, whats everyone looking foward to? could be anime or anything.

edit: well, this post came too soon...or late, lol.

last edited at Jul 11, 2016 10:47AM