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joined Dec 24, 2014

@Rina As I've gotten older I've become kind of the same really. When I was younger I was very gung-ho about explicit yuri in anime/manga. Now I'm just happy if the romance in a story is actually good and if they have yuri subext, even better (sometimes).

In my case, yuri subtext anime are the only things I watch because het romance stories bore me nowadays...and it doesn't help that a greater of them every season is ecchi/harem stuff adapted from some eroge or LN.

And on another note, I am so irritated right now > - < I really despise the internet culture...

last edited at Aug 1, 2016 7:13AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

Thank Akuma Homura for this MV! \(^o^)/ my shipping heart is melting lol.

joined Dec 24, 2014

Follow up my post on Pg 42,

Nowadays I kinda prefer anime with yuri subtext more than anything; it allows for more fanfic writing lol, and it's better than no yuri at all ^ o ^ Of course, the occasional pure yuri anime is always welcomed nonetheless.

last edited at Jul 31, 2016 6:01PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Anon Well, you are a zombie so... :p

And hm...I guess it also depends on your definition of subtext...still, from the recent seasons so far, Anne Happy has a chara who is in love with her childhood friend, Regalia has 3 established pairings but is on hiatus until Sept 1, and Ange Vierge just had a kiss scene for one of the it's pairings.

Going before that, Winter has Koukaku no Pandora which goes beyond subtext and before that in Fall there's Hidan no Aria AA, which is entirely yuri-centric.

last edited at Jul 31, 2016 5:58PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Nez - That looks really nice * o *

@Anon - No worries! More songs are always nice :> It seems like with the exception of K-On most of the anime you've watched are quite "mature" in a sense lol, with anime that GITS and such.

My viewings of anime usually only pertains to things like GochiUsa or other yuri-subtext focused entries in the new season nowadays ^ _ ^ " of which the past 2 seasons have been pretty generous with tbh lol, hopefully this continues for the future seasons as well.

last edited at Jul 31, 2016 1:25PM

Anime season 30 Jul 23:44
joined Dec 24, 2014

Well, Ange Vierge just shown a kiss between Solfina and Almaria, one of the established pairings in the anime. The context actually supports that they've feelings for eachother and it's not just subtext. Since the ep explicitly states that the darkness pushes the host to act out their heart's desires, meaning that the kiss in the ep was what Solfina desired to do.

Picture of said kiss, here

last edited at Jul 30, 2016 11:47PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

@ Rina

You're really into anime songs, it seems. Tell me your favorites! ^^

@Anon - Sorry for the late reply!

Hmm...classic wise I'd say, this one?
"Yuzurenai Negai" - Tamura Naomi (Magic Knight Rayearth OP)

From the recent anime seasons,
"Clattanoia" - OxT (Overlord OP)

All time, I'd have to pick this one ^ - ^
"Innocent Note" - Uchida Maaya (Gatchaman Crowds S1 OP)

Anisongs are kinda the only thing that I listen to nowadays ^ ^" It's fun looking forward to OP/ED releases of the anime I am watching though~

last edited at Jul 30, 2016 9:03PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

Watched a streamer I follow make burritos last night, so now I'm inspired to make enchiladas tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Good luck!

And on another note, here's a random song ^ - ^

last edited at Jul 29, 2016 11:21PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

I think I'll pick Itsuka no, Ikutsuka no Kimi to no Sekai by fhána for mine~ the lyrics are quite relatable to my life right now.

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Galich + Zuljin: Oh dear, thats unfortunate to hear D: and I can't find a mirror at all for the video...sowwy :x still, at least the cover pics for the album are working...

edit: yuri-flavored page topping~

last edited at Jul 27, 2016 1:29PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Anon: Thankfully so, least the world is moving in a better direction than what these ppl envision.
@Galich: That kinda bothers me as well, but oh well, ppl need a scapegoat to blame things on...

On a more positive note though,

If I don't already ship these 2 i already, this MV certainly made me want to ^ O ^ that last shot at the end of it was just <3 and the covers for the new album look amazing too.

Link for the album covers -

last edited at Jul 27, 2016 12:39PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

@ Rina

That „propaganda“ thing is quite popular these days, huh? I've encountered some random (male) a**hole on another site commenting on a TV show and calling it feminist propaganda... Stupid.
Following that train of thought that would make every movie or show with a male lead masculinism propaganda.

Unfortunately it is :/ Kinda stupid tbh, then again, such is the internet culture of 2016; if it's more progressive than what someone thinks, it's immediately some propaganda.

joined Dec 24, 2014

This actually looks rather interesting lol.

On a more negative note, it's sad that a certain character's orientation in the new Star Trek film is being touted as "propaganda" by others...especially when it's a scene that only took up about 1 min at most of the total runtime and never mentioned again since...

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Galich - Great to hear that things are looking up for you! ^ . ^ enjoy the Tiramisu!

joined Dec 24, 2014

Just saw the new Star Trek movie, it was actually really good, definitely the best in the reboot line so far for me. The small token to the original crew of the Enterprise was rather moving even for someone who has not seen the original series before.

Also, the budget has definitely went up for this installment (lol). Was a satisfying watch overall, can't wait for the 4th movie later on.

last edited at Jul 26, 2016 4:05AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

Unfortunately, only people that I've met on Steam from Asia were Russians with.. well, let's just say less than perfect manners and even worse English. Saying this as a partly Russian Russophile.

When it comes to Europeans, mostly people from Northern and Western parts have very good English. It's ridiculous how well, for instance, Swedes speak English.

somehow I'm not too surprised at the Steam comment ^ ^" And I see :o

last edited at Jul 24, 2016 1:31PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

Europeans with poor English

Strange, I always thought Europeans have a better hold of the english language :o but at least they sound fantastic regardless ^ - ^

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ That is true \o/

Anyways, anyone ever had moments when you just stopped caring about trying to improve on stuff? Not a relationship problem or anything but I just realized that I kinda stopped caring about wanting a project report or something to be perfect lately, since the last time I tried to improve on something I was apparently being too pushy :/

last edited at Jul 23, 2016 12:06PM

joined Dec 24, 2014

^ Now that is truly unfortunate :< salute to another fallen comrade

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Anon - Im from Singapore ・ - ・not exactly the most LGBT friendly place in the world.

last edited at Nov 11, 2016 9:07AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

@Anon - hehe, I can understand the feeling of messing things up when nervous, I messed up quite a bit myself before I met my current partner ^ ^"

last edited at Nov 11, 2016 9:08AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

@ Rina

I actually watched Blood Widow last night before going to bed ^^
Nice little bedtime story ;)
I really liked the design of that Widow. That android-like look was pretty cool. Reminded me of Tsutomu Niheis character design in BLAME!:
But I think I'll go for one of the old movies next. New slasher movies really lack that old-school charm...

Glad you enjoyed it :D I personally liked it for being one of the few new-age slasher films, and because of the Blood Widow herself :> also, that pic actually really does looks like her.

last edited at Nov 11, 2016 9:08AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

Well, time to leave for class. Have a nice day/night everyone! ^ _ ^

I just realized...I didn't sleep at all lol. Time flies :o

joined Dec 24, 2014

@BlackKitty - Thanks ^ _ ^ and oh, I didn't know that :o

Since we're still on the horror topic, I'm personally kinda in a position where most recent horror films are rather boring to me, the trend of Exorcist-inspired films lately doesn't help with that either; still, it's only mid-way into the year, could have some un-expected gems pop up over the next half.

I'm actually quite interested to see how "The Bye Bye Man" and "Ouija: Origin of Evil" will turn out to be, could both end up being "good", relatively anyways. Tbh, next year is what I am anticipating the most with its horror film lineup:

Insidious 4
Loved all 3 films in the franchise so far, probably one of Blumhouse's best work(s), next to Sinister. That, and Lin Shaye is amazing...she carries the entire Insidious film-line with her role as Elise Rainer, imo.

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter
Although the franchise gets flak by the game fans I enjoyed every film in this lol, and Milla Jovovich looks stunning in every one of these so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing her in the film if anything.

Halloween (2017)
Helm'd by the original creator and following the timeline after Resurrection, what could go wrong? Hopefully it'd be better than the "edgy for the sake of being edgy" remakes that Rob Zombie made.

last edited at Jul 20, 2016 3:27AM

joined Dec 24, 2014

I despise horror films, so for those you're on your own.

Well so much for that (~ ^ - ^)~

Tis' okay though, I'll just bide my time and wait for the next yuri | subtext horror film to come out from Japan :p

Now if only I had a Wii U to play that latest Fatal Frame game...

last edited at Jul 19, 2016 1:57PM