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joined Oct 4, 2018

Ok, never been in love or anything with a straight girl or someone who I was sure didn't like me back...but do people really slap others outta surprise? Like, what? I have backed away and pushed people away, but not slapped anyone. It just has never happened to me. Anyway, if irl, I'd like her to leave, one hit, I'm out, but since this is manga...let us see how they will solve this and talk about their feelings already!!!!

My ex was not straight by any means but she did react react badly the first time I kissed her by surprise. Granted that my timing was also really bad but still. I got an earful not long after the fact.
So yeah, that happens. It's not something that's completely out of the ordinary.

joined Oct 4, 2018

The power of badonkas powered by pudding physics is undoubtedly destructive

joined Oct 4, 2018

Dammit, Shimamura, there's a limit to how far you can twist your denial... Er, I mean, Hiroko...

Honestly tho, even Shimamura can't reach half of Hiroko's level of Useless Lesbian living in de Nile

joined Oct 4, 2018

So this is what peak levels of Useless Lesbian looks like...

joined Oct 4, 2018

Gotta love Jhet

joined Oct 4, 2018

Achievement "Listen..." unlocked

joined Oct 4, 2018

The only thing I know that still hasn't changed from Negom's PreCure days was her blue x purple ships

joined Oct 4, 2018

Risa best wingwoman

joined Oct 4, 2018

A mans' cool niece has been kidnapped by his cool friend for an overseas move to Lego city!

When I read this I felt like someone turned on auto play on "Everything is Awesome" in my head

joined Oct 4, 2018

Meanwhile: Hutao in Team A afterKokomi gets moved over

joined Oct 4, 2018

Reading all that made me consider skipping the anime and just going for the manga.

In all honesty, the anime is doing an incredible job at adapting the manga. So far, every change that they've done aren't big and have only helped make the story flow smoother

joined Oct 4, 2018

LMAO this definitely sounds like something Stelle would say

joined Oct 4, 2018

are... are really Japanese surprised by bare shoulders? Not bare tits, bare ass or even bare legs - bare SHOULDERS?
Or is the mangaka exagerating for comedic purpose?

Not too sure how it's like in other places but off-shoulder tops and halter tops (without wearing some sort of undershirt or tank top under it) are considered pretty risque/ bold here in SEA. This opinion is especially strong among the Chinese community in my area.
The way they see it in Japan might be close to how we see it with a few differences here and there.

Like I remember around me people going "Oh wow, you're wearing off-shoulders!" and commenting on how bold they were to do it on multiple occasions. It's not that we don't have people who like to wear clothes that show off their skin; it's just that it takes a lot of confidence to do stuff like that.

joined Oct 4, 2018

I know this isn't the first and not the last story to do it, but does this happen? Do people just get up to other people and grab them? And if so how often does that happen? I know I know, it was done to save time and jump right into the issue of this guy being a nuisance. But at that point just cut to Maki going back with drinks and show Julia in the distance looking distressed with a guy or two around her. I think social anxiety is common enough nowadays that it would be even more relatable to the viewers, really.

But that's just something that bugs me whenever a situation like this occurs in a manga. Otherwise, the story was cute as heck, and if this is this author's first uh... "official"? Professional? Release, then I can't wait to see more. I could even see this get a short serialization. We would just need enough "random, extreme situations" to put them into.

I don't know the full scope of things and how it compares to anime and manga but I've heard that there are catcallers who do that sort of thing too. Very likely those overly aggressive and touchy ones

joined Oct 4, 2018


joined Oct 4, 2018

^ They meet up pretty often starting from when they met during last year's Lantern Rite.

Shenhe mentioned in this year's Lantern Rite that she visits Ganyu often enough and that Ganyu helps her out with integrating back into Liyue whenever she's not training up in the mountains with Cloud Retainer.

joined Oct 4, 2018

"You're having jelly for breakfast?"

Of course she is. You made her jelly after all..

joined Oct 4, 2018

Ugh, I'm thinking more idiots will do this for April Fools.

Ngl, that actually sounds fun

joined Oct 4, 2018

Oh nyo. Asumi really shouldn't be sleeping with Nanao when she was pretty clear about turning her down. At least wait until after Mai before you do anything

I'm still waiting to see what Mai would be like with Asumi before going down deeper into either ships

joined Oct 4, 2018

She opened her eyes..

joined Oct 4, 2018

problematic relationship aside, someone bring a gallon of water for Kyouko, she blushed so much I think she's going to die of a heatstroke

but yeah, I think we're going to find out why the series is called "Too Blue to be Love" real soon

I remember hearing an explanation somewhere that the Japanese word for blue "aoi" is also used to refer to things that are "green"/immature in the young/fresh/innocent kind of way. Apparently it has something to do with how blue and green used to share the same word/character once upon a time.
Going by that, it wouldn't be too big of a surprise if this series will be focusing on that discovering budding romance sort of thing.

joined Oct 4, 2018

Why does that cover somehow make me think of Inuyasha

joined Oct 4, 2018

Business as always with Mikomet

joined Oct 4, 2018

Anyone notice how Aya gives Marika 10k per day instead of 1m at the end, even though Marika has to give the money back if she fails either the wager or the contract? That's a manipulation tactic. If she were to give Mari the money at the end, Mari could quit at any point and not feel any loss. Whereas by giving the money to her a little at a time, the situation changes from "I could lose out on the chance for 1m" to "I'll be losing 500k." It's taking advantage of loss aversion and the sunk cost fallacy to keep Marika hooked. Highly suspicious.

Just gonna put this out there but Aya doesn't give the money to Marika every day. That conversation about "10k per day" was her averaging the whole thing out in perspective.
The terms of their bet was Aya giving ¥1M to Marika if Marika wins at the end of those 100 days and does not fall in love or acknowledge that same sex relationships can work (much less apply to her). Aya wins and will get to keep the money if she manages to convince Marika that it's a possible route.

The only time any sort of "transaction" ever happening between them was when Aya gave Marika a bag worth ¥30k as "down payment".
Not saying it's better but from a different perspective, it wouldn't be too far fetched to put it at a similar situation as giving your significant other/person you're courting a slightly expensive gift. IF the bet was never the in place.

joined Oct 4, 2018

I don't get Blondie's issues at all. In her dream, she confessed, her friend said she was dear to her, her best friend, and that wouldn't change. So, even according to her dream, there's no danger of ruining their friendship. And in real life, her friend has gone along with 90% of her inappropriate requests, and has been sending her sexy pictures. What is going on with her?

It's called "being too preoccupied by things running around in your head".
People tend to not see the full picture of what's going on when they're directly involved.
It's not uncommon for her to think "nah, that can't be right. She's just going along with me to be nice" or maybe something along the lines of "was she always like this? I'm a little too nervous around them to tell."

She's still stuck on that rejection in her dream so it'll be hard for her to separate that one possibility from how she views things in reality. To figure out things in unfamiliar territory in a more logical/analytical way isn't exactly what what you'd default to doing -- especially not when emotions are what's driving your actions.
You can't expect people to know what the best course of action is right off the bat. Especially not teenagers who are experiencing those things for the first time.