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joined Mar 22, 2013

Yup, to me it fells like Sacchi at least wants to be the boss in the relationship, not that she wants to protect Ruki.

Some years ago I was a big Shoujo fan, but even then I hated this kind of plot:
Girl is in love with a guy, has low self-esteem, because he is soooo hot. Then he somehow takes an interest in her and begins to totally dominate her. For her own good he says. And the girl is so happy and content that she can be his girlfriend. Period. This kind of story is horror and madness for me.
And I fear, that this manga might go in a similar direction. I mean, you have the girl with the low self-esteem, and now intruducing Sacchan with her new personality. Of course this story might be far more complex than the gist that I was just describing, but yeah, that sadistic feel... it's kinda similar.
Hm, maybe I just don't like stories that feature weak female leads. Ruki wants to be strong, that I can see. And she could be, if Sacchan doesn't take the lead. For example when Ruki got her driver's licence, she worked hard and it's amazing that she got it. Then suddenly it's worth nothing? Sacchan is now really strong, so I really think that their relationship will be bad for Ruki. As for Sacchan, I don't know. She wasn't serious at first, because she was so passive. She let herself be dominated even by Ruki. Good for her, that she is now more active, but I don't see how she can get from not caring about Ruki's feelings to protecting girlfriend. Unless protecting in this case means possessing.

After babbling, can I just say how much I love this discussion? Thanks for all your opinions. Even though I don't agree with some it is great to see and try to understand different approaches on this. Also looking on the heated discussion, you might say, that this chapter was a huge success to the mangaka.^^

last edited at Feb 24, 2015 6:20PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Sexism does only go one way

aaaaaaand like that you just lost all credibility, the conversation is over.

Signs of a narcissist or someone with BPD: all or nothing attitude, stops conversation when a viewpoint doesn't go their way (IE., blocks discussion), doesn't explain their own viewpoints out of fear of being proven wrong (again, just kills he conversation), etc.You might need some help in real life.

Come on, don't go there. Trying to hurt someone will not get your point proven either.

By the way, they're right. A majority/authoritative power in any situation generally can't claim any type of bias against them, because it isn't bias - it's the oppressed defending themselves. It's not just for gender/sex either. Race, class differences (check out Dalits in India), etc. also experience the same thing. It's more or less a "perk" of being the underdog (either through a current situation or past history, like slavery).

I get your point. The minority needs to look where they stay. But there are also other people, unrelated to the topic who do stuff. People just need to change their way of thinking and being biased. However there's always two partys that need to consider the others thoughts. We're all people after all. And we all wish for different things.
But it happens, at least a bit. in my country many people went on the street for more tolerance (but the after taste was a bit bitter, meh it's a different story)

last edited at Feb 23, 2015 10:39AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

As for your apathy, shit changes when the oppressed rise up to fight. If things were incapable of changing we would still have the institution of slavery, apartheid, womxn would not have the right to vote or own land or be anything but her husband's property. The world still hates womxn (and all oppressed identities), no doubt, but I believe change is possible.

I do so too. I think you can't stop change. And I'd go on the streets for the rights of people that have it worse than me (and I did do so). But in my country there just changes shit at the moment. And I genuinely think that we do live in a better world than years and centuries before. Still there are always thousands of shades of a color and people have different views, so change is happening, but very slowly.
And I hope that you realised I am not really writing a book about that. It was just phrase. Lol, I suck at using words, so why would I do that?

EDIT: Thinking again... the world might not actually be better. Better for me to live in yes, but overall, just different, still many things left to work on.

last edited at Feb 23, 2015 9:40AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

to all the people defending this: make sachi a guy in your mind while re-reading this, see if it gets as much of a free pass as it does right now because yuri.

I have read stories and known guys who did this personally. All douchebags. It's funny, they cheat but don't like being cheated on... funny how that works. To me, no matter what gender or orientation, you cheat and hurt someone else, and feel no remorse for it, are scum.

You are awesome for this stance however you need to remember something: in media girls get a free pass on a lot of shit that guys just wouldn't get away with, its sad but its true.
A prime example of this would be evangelion, specifically shinji and asuka, shinji can at times be very femminine in his traits and the tropes used in his interaction and development, a ton of people hate shinji because they view him as "weak" and "a pussy", similarly asuka is extremely arrogant, aggressive and all around just not a nice person to a lot of the cast and she generally is LOVED by the fans for "stepping up" and taking the initiative because shinji wont (even though if you actually pay attention asuka's combat significance amounts to pretty much fuck all and she mostly gets her ass kicked), granted asuka was fleshed out to explain WHY she was like this later but that is a major problem, were the genders reversed shinji would be loved and asuka hated.

How does this tie in to this manga? well sachi gets a free pass on all of these things for the sole fact that "oh she was a victim of a semi-abusive cheating ex herself and it was just a mistake she wont do it again" even though that sounds mighty similar to what a cheating boyfriend would probably say to a certain character, but don't worry he was a man which means he is always wrong and just "cheating scum"

ugh call me when that double standard dies.

You really think the world has any kind of love for brash, aggressive womxn? Seriously? The world hates strong womxn, what they absolutely love is a strong womxn break down and need the help of a man, that is how shit works the world. Also, womxn do not get any passes for cheating, when they are cheating on men. When womxn cheat on men they are harpies who deserve whatever terrible shit they get. Womxn cheating on womxn is much less egregious because, in peoples subconscious, there is always the very indoctrinated notion that these arr not real relationships anyway. Also, people dispute rape being a thing in this world (especially outside of the context of extreme violence). If you think there is some double standard that subjugates men you are sorely, sorely mistaken.

Well, I agree to some extent. I once stumbled upon an action movies, where it was explicitely said that the strong girl in the party wasn't womanly or sexy. But there's also this thing: Beautiful women can make more "mistakes" than someone who isn't as beautiful. If she's hot, people won't care if she's dumb or a bitch. At least that's what comes across to me from the media. (Sorry for the generalizing, please note that I do know that there a lots of other people too^^)
But the women - men equality discussion is on an entirely different level. i could write books about that, but it's not going to change anything. :/

last edited at Feb 23, 2015 10:25AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

There's another chapter coming, right? I can't believe this is the end. But the Manga only has 3 Volumes, so I guess the next chapter is going to be the end. hope there will still be some major changes in this relationship between Ruki and Sacchi, because like it is now there's no happy end possible for me. (which I'm fine with^^)
I think this might be a realistic story, but in my opinion this is nowhere near a good and healthy relationship. A relationship should help you grow and should be a support to you through life, (as life sucks already as it is). That is based on care and trust. Sacchi didn't care about Ruki being hurt and also... would you still trust her? I think that is being naive. Saying, she now found her place and is taking the relationship more seriously... maybe it's like that, I can't say. However, she still doesn't love Ruki, if she did, she would care. And with this character growth, there is no room for Ruki. How will Ruki grow? Will Ruki be happy knowing that Sacchi is together with her for what-do-I-know reasons? Sacchi has developed into someone who is like her ex to Ruki. Might be nice for Sacchi and congratz on that, but if you look at how she was before with her ex, she was rather miserable. So is Ruki going to be miserable? And as someone said her: Ruki is pathetic. Maybe she'll heal sometime, but after she was hurt so much, there was almost nothing left of her. Sacchi could help her heal (by apologizing and making it up for starters), but I don't see that until now. I think Ruki got invested too much in the relationship and she has a big case of wishful thinking, because she is in love big time. (and I know what I'm talking about on that theme...) This cannot end well if it is realistic.
Also sometimes I think it is better to break up than to suffer through a relationship. Of course you shouldn't run away whenever there is a fight. As long as there is care on both sides and love you can make it work. I don't see that here though.

Lol, and this is my cooled down emotional reaction. Yesterday I was like... She cheated for a month, walks over her partner and doesn't even feel bad. What a horrible bitch.
Still think she is a bitch though. :3

last edited at Feb 23, 2015 8:52AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Eh... to be honest, If I was Ruki, I would have forgiven Sacchan as well. if she only did it once, and it wasn't anything serious, I'd just blow it off and forgive her for it. I'd be hurt of course and probably a little annoyed as well, but I wouldn't destroy my relationship by telling her to go fuck herself and leave me a lone or whatever. I just don't tend to hold grudges or get in a serious rage over things...

But she fucked Remi every day for a month. I think that's something worth getting pissed about. She could have just slept with her once to have an epiphany about enjoying sex and then gone back to Ruki with her newfound knowledge, but she chose not to while fully aware that what she was doing was wrong and was going to hurt Ruki when she found it. Even how she told her seems worked to cause as much emotional carnage as possible.

Yeah, somehow I think most people would be enraged. Personally I'd rather be alone than with an asshole, who doesn't care about my feelings. Maybe it was the mangaka's intent and something big will happen next??
But it's so strange... it seemed like sacchan did care. But how could she do this to Ruki then? I don't understand :/

Ironically, Ruki only thinks about how she is so weak (which she actually isn't), because Sacchan kind of destroyed her. She even blamed herself for Sacchan's cheating. If this is any realistic (which I hope) this kind of relationship can bring neither of them happiness.

last edited at Feb 22, 2015 5:38PM

joined Mar 22, 2013

Uff, what was that? Looks like Ruki got herself a real asshole girlfriend. Pretty much the equivalent to an asshole boyfriend like sacchans ex. This is the first time I think this with a couple, but I hope they break up. Else Ruki is always going to be weak.
Really, really hate the message in this chapter. I also think I'm very weak. And I work hard and it often backfires, but whatever will come you should never stop trying. I hope Ruki will try and not be bossed around by Sacchan. Thats a character developement I totally didn't expect.

Image Comments 14 Dec 20:27
joined Mar 22, 2013

I think this drawing style is amazing!!! :D

joined Mar 22, 2013

From where I see it, I think that that Mihashi-girl didn't really notice or acknowledge that she was in love with Emi. Instead she wanted Emi to make a move on her. She probably wanted to be saved by her and got into those two relationships. And Emi was probably really disappointed by that behavior and walked away, because she didn't want to date her out of pity. Partly I find that amazing on the other hand it really is cold. But that's just how Emi is I guess. Kinda like her character though.
Amazing oneshot. How much is said in so few pages. How horrible things can go, when people don't talk...

Their Story discussion 03 Dec 06:35
joined Mar 22, 2013

Awww, this is so cute and the art is amazing. Also how all her friends are cool with it and in general all her friends are pretty fun. Feels like slice of life... totally loving it. And the artwork <3 <3
Also I need some cheering up. Cause I'm also in love with a cute girl and trying to talk to her for almost a year now. But it's complicated, so I like to read the cute uncomplicated stuff. Hoping this will be a nice slice of life yuri.

joined Mar 22, 2013

So it ended... I feel so satisfied xD

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is such a beautiful slice of life series. There should be more like this :)