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Rooftop discussion 24 May 17:26
joined May 22, 2013

I was hoping Yuna was just a weak character who went with the flow and felt bad for how the bullied girl was being treated and was going to apologize and they were going to have some nice cuddly moment followed by make up sex where she'd be kissing all her bruises.

;___; I'm sad.

I believe this is what you are looking for my good man.....or woman.

...I can't work out which of them i find more disturbing...i can't really enjoy reading this bullying stuff unless there's some karmic payoff...or some s&m thing going on....doesn't mean i don't want to read it of's like a train wreck or a mutilated body or something... disturbing yet ...i want to see more...

joined May 22, 2013

yeah i second that... great post...(...i totally wish i said that first.:P..)..i haven't seen precure...i've wanted too but i feel like ive been spoiled by nanoha, which was the first magical girl series i watched, and madoka. I even tried to watch sailor moon recently, for obvious reasons, but had to give up ...mainly due to poor audio...i caught a few episodes of symphogear on the yuri radar but lost interest at some point.... the same goes for rinne and black rock shooter...i liked hidamari sketch at first back in the day but again... pirates was pretty fab, i love saki a hen(of course)...i guess there is a lot of non yuri in anime... it's just...i want some proper yuri like strawberry panic or maria sama or aoi hana or girl friends or...

...damn it... all right i concede... i'm spoiled...i'm spoiled fandom overreacting at the, imo, hasty end of manga i'm fond of...there i said it...and i apologise for my part in derailing the thread...

..i guess i can look forward to future releases of hana to hoshi...
...i really wish aoi hana wasn't ending though...damn loved following fumi through her tragic love life...

joined May 22, 2013


Aah...yeah your right...sorry about that...i have never actually read the manga...forgive my just felt that way from the anime...sorry again...

joined May 22, 2013

You know Sol, you should be sharing some of these series with all this yuri. While I highly doubt they can pass up Marimite for pseudo-romance, or Simoun for actual canon lesbians, I'm interested.

This...pretty much is what i wanted to say. I'm interested too.

I saw some of a channel and yuruyuri but they was based on a 4 koma manga and was ...not what i look for in the romance genre...i've also seen a 'few cute girls do cute things' anime series appearing but again it's just...

Maria sama was, in my opinion, not just fantastic pseudo is probably one of the best romance anime titles i have seen. The epic melodrama over such trivial things, the music, the pacing... every time i've watched it it's never lost any of it's impact.(..i can't bring myself to abreviate it as marimite because it reminds me of that rancid sludge that some crazies spread on their toast or whatever..)

And Simoun is more than just a's an epic sci-fi romance with layered themes about war,religion, childhood, adulthood, innocence lost etc...and its far removed from something like natsuiro kiseki, if that was the sort of thing you(Sol) were referring to.

...but that's just my opinion...:P

last edited at May 23, 2013 12:28PM

joined May 22, 2013

You win the award for the longest run-on sentence on the forums. Good job.

...thx :D

last edited at May 23, 2013 5:01AM

joined May 22, 2013

We have a lot more series, oneshots, doujins, porn, visual novels and even anime appearances now than we had just 5 years back. And, to get back to my original point, most of those have a happy end. Read some of the earlier oneshots or series here and see how unusual that was.

Well...I'm not just being contrary for the sake of it...Aoi Hana is excellent throughout but that's just my opinion and it's been around since... 2004? Blue Drop...2004?...i think the maria sama anime dates back to 2004?....Strawberry panic anime...2006? Simoun came out in 2006?...five years ago...2008..there was octave, girl friends, hanjuku joshi, sasameki koto,...

...well...i'm sure i could go on and there's much more that i'm certain to have missed.... seems to me that yuri wasn't quite so barren 5 years for now...but hey...just my opinion...if i think a genre i love is winding down and maybe say something about it on a forum...maybe i'm being out of line...maybe i'm spoiled...i hope your right...there's a few manga series i'm interested in right now ...Girl's ride is one....that's probably not finished...maybe that will continue for a while yet...developing the characters further, introducing new ones...:P

joined May 22, 2013

Remember a few years back when you had to get lucky to find a story without an ambiguous, open or outright bad end? Now it's time for wrist-slitting if the couple isn't fucking like rabbits, ordering the wedding cake and shown as 80 year olds by the end of the series. Fandom's gotten spoiled.

spoiled? that sounds like an overreaction to me...hey i'm just making an observation...and it's feels like yuri is dying...this, aoi hana sasameki koto etc...seems like it's all the one shots and doujinshi at the moment...what i've liked most about this genre is the long developed romance like girlfriends and octave and hanjuku joshi...:p

I do like some of the one shots ...don't get me wrong...i like it...i appreciate it...all of it that is being scanlated...i'm grateful...i'm just that alright with you?


last edited at May 22, 2013 6:16PM

joined May 22, 2013

yeah...that looked like the end....:(....i mean ...unless those words are really good... I'm probably going to be disappointed....damn...first aoi hana...then this is depressing....i really liked these characters....what is happening to yuri man?

joined May 22, 2013

best online reader ever!!! i used to have serious problems with the last one but this new one is perfect!! never once had a problem! XD thx for the service:)

joined May 22, 2013

Why is Black and white on the Takemiya Jin page twice?
Is it part of the seasons thing?...or ...what?