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joined Mar 30, 2013

I can be happily patient for the actual yuri to appear so long as the artist keeps up with the amazing facial expressions.

Honestly, I'm happy enough with the cute being-able-to-read-what-your-eyes-say moments and the little moments when you can tell that they're just really comfortable with each other :3

joined Mar 30, 2013

After reading that my first though was... Wow, you really brought that on yourself, didn't you?

This is probably going to be pretty rough.

Seriously though. It's such a common storyline yet it always manages to make me feel so many emotions every time I read something like this. :'(

joined Mar 30, 2013

Funny to me that in manga 170cm is like a giant.

Yeah I'm about 3 inches taller than her and I consider myself small. I mean anything smaller than 6 foot 5 is small for the stuff I do but even still.

The title is now 'Fluttering' instead of 'Excited'? Shit. That either means it's going to be a very euphoric climax or an incredibly depressing melancholic end.

If you guys were Asian girls, you'd stand out everywhere you go with 1.70m .
I'm only 1.65m and already a little bit higher than average (here).
Geez, Now I'm kinda worried about the change of vision when I study abroad.

I never actually took the time to convert the units when I come across situations like those in manga o.o I just assumed they were giants even in my country (USA). Apparently I am around 170 cm tall and would be a giant if I were in Korea. O_O

joined Mar 30, 2013

Boyfriend-san? ''So, like this and that happened''?

A + writing, would read again

I'm not a particularly big fan of this one but I think picking on those two details is a bit eh. It might seem lazy but not bothering naming him just shows that his name is entirely irrelevant to the story. Same with that second part. It's implied it's something fairly small and that's all that's really relevant to the story. I think there are far more valid criticisms you could make of it such as some of the stuff others have pointed out.

I was just poking fun at the apathy that I read out of it, which I guess, tainted my experience

Clearly, she either didn't care to remember his name or she forgot entirely which is weird when her Senpai is doing that all the time. Apathy

Clearly Jin didn't want to think about ANY reason why they are fighting again 'cept boyfriend goofed up again, I guess. Apathy

Clearly, I couldn't feel any concern for the Kouhais Situation since she can't even refuse her and has no redeeming qualities in this story except she is pretty good in hiding her feelings and lamenting her situation, making me feel apathy towards this.

Come on, it doesn't need much to please me writers, just give me a little more information, give him atleast some presence in the world other than the foil to the Kouhai because that would be very unfair to him or make the Kouhai go rethink her situation, meta that shit up, it's not hard, really.

It seemed completely on purpose that Takemiya had Hana-chan say such vague things. It seemed like a formula where you just plug things in. From the very beginning, Hana tells us that everything the senpai is doing has been done before many times. She goes "Again, huh..." when her senpai asks to watch a movie together. If it's been happening that many times then most people would likely stop caring about what the guy's name is or what he did. Because, no matter what, they either end up getting back together or her senpai finds another guy to do the same exact thing with. A person like Hana, who understands exactly what kind of situation she's in and almost "kisses" her with no intention of actually kissing her, is detached at this point. It makes me question what Hana's feelings are like at this point. Maybe she really does still love her senpai. Or maybe she's just gotten used to the routine of pitying herself at her senpai's pity parties.

It seems like you think the author half-assed it, but it doesn't seem like that to me. Maybe I'm missing something or maybe I noticed something that wasn't actually there.

Fragtime discussion 25 Oct 18:43
joined Mar 30, 2013

That seemed so random... maybe I should reread it.

joined Mar 30, 2013

my response to

Link to Shinobu's perspective:


The original story, in Conditions for Paradise, was from Shinobu's perspective.

hehe, I honestly never considered that Shinobu's perspective; I considered it more of the foundation for the story as a whole. I suppose I was looking for balance where We're Aiming for Love Now is the root, Sides A and B are Lalah's POV on how their relationship has changed, and then there would be 2 more chapters from Shinobu's POV on how their relationship changed. either way, interesting display of how couples in LTR grow and change over time.

Yeah, while it was definitely from Shinobu's POV, I wish it was about the same things that Lalah was experiencing. I want to know what Shinobu was thinking when she was constantly mentioning Punny Cure when something was off with Lalah.

And also, it's bothering me how people keep saying pedo when the two of them were close in age. And honestly, I didn't even think about that kind of thing when I was reading it. I was more focused on Lalah's feelings of nostalgia.

Plus, the way the last chapter was written just made me feel iffy. I know that Lalah only misses the old Shinobu a little but it just felt more negative than that. Just the feeling.

joined Mar 30, 2013
joined Mar 30, 2013

The tone towards the end reminded me a lot of School Days...

Your Fault discussion 11 Sep 14:27
joined Mar 30, 2013

I can't get that "Kanako". So, she has feelings for Ayaka but she could have sex with her senpai just because senpai said "i love you"? did she really love anyone at all or just a slut? I can't stand that kind of character.

Btw, I don't think this story have anything like "cheating".

Kanako said "I love you" while the senpai was pleasing her, she only said it because the senpai was giving her something that she has (assumingly) always wanted. Kanako didn't love Ayaka, she just wanted her dear childhood friend Ayaka to know who she really is (which is the girl that's extremely into sex and not the childish girl that Ayaka calls her). She hid her sex buddy from Ayaka because of how Ayaka has always thought of her as childish and also because the senpai wanted to keep it a secret.

Kanako loves sex. Ayaka loves Kanako. The senpai probably has some sort of past. That's all there is to it.

joined Mar 30, 2013

The art was extremely clean. Very nice.

joined Mar 30, 2013

The last two panels of Chapter 2 made me laugh so much for some reason.

Also, I don't hate Ouzumi that much. It seems like all his actions so far are based on his feelings for Sakura. Sure, the groping was definitely over the line but I get the feeling that Sakura might be the first girl he's really into at that age. He's bound to go over board with his hormones and all that. And that part where he talks about how "disgusting" he thinks it is seems like it was because he saw how hurt/conflicted Sakura was about it. He lead with "Doesn't he know that it'll just end up hurting your family?" so It seems to me that he's really more concerned about matching Sakura's feelings than expressing disgust.

last edited at Jul 30, 2014 9:42PM

gravity discussion 28 Jun 19:48
joined Mar 30, 2013

eh? I thought that suicide thing was a bit sudden, not totally unforeseen or out of place, but still... the story flow was going nice and then suddenly BAM i'll commit suicide if you're not here! which kind of cheapened miharu's return.

It's a thing that people do. When they're desperate for attention they say or do harsh things because they know that it'll get the other person to pay attention to them. I thought it suited what Saya was feeling at the time -- panic and abandoned and lied to -- since the two of them have always been together in that relationship and suddenly Miharu is being nonchalant about going on a date with a guy.

joined Mar 30, 2013

I wish it hadn't focused so much on Katou and Nonaka. I'm not much of a fan of the two.

joined Mar 30, 2013

Better! Thanks.

joined Mar 30, 2013

Chapters 12 - 15 of Akuma No Riddle contain corrupted pages and the pages are out of order.

joined Mar 30, 2013

Alright. I just went through all 17 pages to see if anyone has the same requests I have. Here goes.

I think I recall the option to use the escape key to exit full screen mode. Can that be implemented again?

Also, is it possible to separate the discussions of series into chapter discussions? This way the discussions can be cleaned up, there's less chance of people running into spoilers, and users who read at a time later than the release date can be included in the conversation as though they read it when it was released.. Or would that be too difficult to do since you'd have to manually separate the older discussions?

And a support question. Occasionally I get stuck at the "Loading..." message for quite a while. Other sites usually load quickly whenever I get this. Sometimes I can click again to the page after but that would mean having to skip a page. This happened once when reading Ch 9 of Citrus with the 2 page layout of Mei seeing Yuzuru being kissed by Matsuri. I had to go to Manga Here to see that one page because it refused to load.

It works now, but it didn't at the time... what causes that?

joined Mar 30, 2013

Someone releveled it:!9kZniYzK!TjCkdFyDsLRC-CZUh_NThltjs40NOA94AEPLNvQUGDA
in case someone wants to replace these.

Startline discussion 08 Jun 01:44
joined Mar 30, 2013

i'd get so pissed if someone started ripping my tights, even in the heat of some nasty shit-- like, excuse me bitch but what am i supposed to do now w these ripped up tights? do you know how much these cost??

Well, keep in mind they are part of the school uniform she will no longer be wearing after that day - although one does wonder how she managed to get off-campus with them in that state.

I think her skirt covered it up... Seems like it would.

joined Mar 30, 2013

Glad to see this is still being updated. I thought it was abandoned.

joined Mar 30, 2013

Everything is so vague... kinda losing interest =/

Really? I'm the opposite. I have more interest in it now than in the beginning.
Like Chika, I'm curious about what Kotori means when she says love. Romantically or just in a family/friend way? Because of Kotori's appearance, it feels more like the friend kind...

Game discussion 30 Mar 23:12
joined Mar 30, 2013

I feel like all of the releases lately have been making me say "Ouch..."
Must've hurt so much for Moriko when Becky said that last line :/

joined Mar 30, 2013

I'd rather see Maasa and Meru as best friends or maybe sisterly.

Baby You discussion 26 Mar 23:07
joined Mar 30, 2013

I'm not sure I really understood the last few panels on this one. The part where the one girl says "Because I might fall in love again...some day" and also the part where it gets reinterpreted as "Because I might fall in love again someday, baby."
The first line sounds like she got burned in a previous relationship and hasn't really recovered from it yet, but there wasn't any sign of that in the story. Alternatively, it could mean that if she gets into a relation ship, with the blonde girl, she might later fall in love with someone else, but the someday and the ellipse seems to throw that off.

As for the second line, the only thing I can think of is that it's emphasizing that she thinks of the blond more like a baby, but that doesn't seem to fit the tone of the thought or their relationship. That interpretation seems really mean spirited and harsh, but it's positioning feels more like a term of endearment.

Maybe she's trying to say that a friends-with-benefits type of relationship would be pointless because she'll fall in love again. The ellipses show how unsure she is, like, "There's always a possibility of me falling in love again. There's also a possibility of not falling in love again. Who knows..." She (black haired girl) seems like the type that's serious about relationships and so she sees no point in entering a relationship when she feels nothing for the blonde girl. Her point about falling in love again just solidifies to the blond girl even more about why it would be pointless.

As for the second time that line was said, I think it's strange. It doesn't really fit. I feel like it would've been better and clearer if that was omitted. Unless, of course, I'm missing something.

Anyways, I found this interesting. I like how it didn't really focus on how they were both women. How the black haired one reached the conclusion that some people, no matter what gender, just aren't people you are romantically attracted to.

Told Me discussion 25 Mar 14:50
joined Mar 30, 2013

Does anyone know if this will have a follow up chapter?

joined Mar 30, 2013

That ending wasn't very satisfying...