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Image Comments 02 Jan 23:27
joined Apr 1, 2017

Rin and Sakura go camping together and hang out a lot during that volume. Besides that Rin considers Sakura to be really beautiful, especially in contrast to her sister.

joined Apr 1, 2017

Basically, Touko knew Sayaka was in love with her the whole time, but said nothing because muh sister. It makes things kind of messed up since Sayaka would have definitely been down the gay shit without actually wanting to be with her. Touko only went with yuu because she thought that nothing she did would change how Yuu thought of her.

last edited at Dec 28, 2018 5:24AM

joined Apr 1, 2017

At this point Koyuki can't pretend to not know that what she's feeling isn't friendship. My poor lizard heart can't fucking take it.

joined Apr 1, 2017

"I'll never stop drawing MadoHomu"
"Just get married already"

My thoughts exactly author-san.

joined Apr 1, 2017

Nobody in this entire manga acts like a human being. I am about 80% sure the author has never met an actual woman, and am like 5% suspicious that he may actually be an alien trying to understand human civilization exclusively by reading yuri manga.

At the very least, the MC behaved like a normal human, until she was brainwashed and assimilated into the borg.

joined Apr 1, 2017

The art is good, but what's with the setup? It reads like a bad porno scenario.

The setup is that Negom wants to see purple x blue girls in Precure fuck and that's it. Its why she does so much Rikka x Makopi and a lot of Saaya x Ruru art.

joined Apr 1, 2017

I'm glad people are finally getting sick of her shit and telling her to stop being such a fucking pain.

joined Apr 1, 2017

Yup I get the feeling this is gonna end just like the one shot

joined Apr 1, 2017

About time we got some sex drama. Isn't Kaoru still a virgin?

Candy Moon discussion 22 Aug 19:54
joined Apr 1, 2017

Mira definitely improved as a writer after this.

joined Apr 1, 2017

These characters are awful, this is awful, but at least it can't get any worse.
Sakura: hold my beer

I get that they are trying to actually help somehow (I think?) by being complete cunts, though I don't understand why being bitches was the only option available to them. Yuri had a much better plan for solving the issue with the art club members and didn't involve betraying her best friend/lover.

joined Apr 1, 2017

The negativity I think comes from how off everything feels from the start. As soon as you start reading the tone of it doesn't really feel right, but then you understand why over the course of the manga in that everyone in it is messed up, like when all the characters were basically getting on MC's case over her completely rational reactions to the things she was experiencing, like SHE was the asshole for not getting with the program right away. It honestly feels like she was somehow brainwashed with how fast she came around from "man this school is messed up" to "I super duper love you girl I barely know anything about." to "Let me sit outside the nurses office and listen to her get raped and not do anything while she cums against her will." in a matter of like 4 chapters. To compound on that last point. I know its a comedy manga, but Lily herself takes the fact that she was made to cum for the first time against her will with someone she doesn't love seriously, so you can't just use that tag to excuse it like you can with a lot of this manga.

Then we have the new chapter that just came out, in which Sakura once again shows what an asshole she is, but she'll be forgiven immediately over it because no one in this manga has even a shred of dignity.

last edited at Aug 5, 2018 6:53PM

joined Apr 1, 2017


joined Apr 1, 2017

Regardless of the status of ExE's yuri section, this manga hasn't appeared in the last 2 issues, so I'm somewhat worried in general about it.

joined Apr 1, 2017

Comic ExE is a hentai magazine, 99% full of regular straight hentai, but at the end of the magazine is a yuri section that is generally non-H.

joined Apr 1, 2017

I know everything will work out, but holy fuck just kiss her and be happy.

joined Apr 1, 2017

I hate Kuro but at least she seemed to have gained some perspective and realized she has a pretty sweet deal with some one who loves her unconditionally.

Candy Moon discussion 26 Jul 00:32
joined Apr 1, 2017

Probably try to rape her again and someone finds out.

joined Apr 1, 2017

We're finally back, but now I remembered that I absolute despise just about every character in the manga. They more or less are all vile, such as the nurse this chapter, who rapes the chairman of the school, making her cum for the first time against her will while her lover is outside. Why it was played for laughs is beyond me.

last edited at Jul 22, 2018 6:09PM

joined Apr 1, 2017

Seriously, every character just seems to have something wrong with them bubbling under the surface. Aoi though seems to mostly be fine now, and I do find myself liking her a lot more with each chapter. Librarian is obviously a ticking time bomb with that "I've never heard about you. By the way, do ya wanna fuck your cousin?"

I keep expecting something messed up to happen every chapter.

joined Apr 1, 2017

Feels like there's some kind of spoopy shit going on, seeing as how even the MC remarks at how normal everyone is acting after she was nearly raped, even she herself is surprised by it as if something is fucking with her emotions.

Anime season 10 May 11:58
joined Apr 1, 2017

The PV for the Peter Pan arc, and the reveal that it will take 3 episodes now makes me certain that the anime will end with chapter 60 or 61. They're animating chapter 41 this week, then skipping to 49 and adapting volume 9 for Peter Pan. Then will likely adapt all of volume 10 for the finale.

Unfortunately it means we're definitely getting the girls can't love girls thing around episode 11. Let us pray the anime staff can handle it better.

Amanchu! discussion 08 May 08:20
joined Apr 1, 2017

What makes it worse is that Kokoro basically poofs from the story immediately afterward. He doesn't even appear at all for an entire volume, and gets little or even no mention at all. He doesn't really have any meaningful appearances in the manga until chapters in the 70s, with is next "big" scenes not happening until like chapter 78, which is almost 20 chapters after the reveal, nearly 2 years worth of time in reality since this is a monthly series. Its like Amano introduced him for the sole purpose of getting people to stop shipping Pikari and Teko (because she never realized that she was writing a light yuri series) but didn't think of what to do with him afterward.

Anime season 28 Apr 17:08
joined Apr 1, 2017

Looks like Amanchu is toning down Kokoro/Pikari's whole thing in the anime, which can only be a good thing since its awful and out of place. Instead we're getting more and more original scenes to strengthen the bond between Pikari and Teko.

joined Apr 1, 2017

Gameplay is basically mobile Bayonetta, so its fun if you can get the hang of it.