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joined Mar 4, 2017

Anyway it will be fun reading all the theories of seju x sumin in this thread... knowing how the ending couple is just that "easy" from the start..sigh

It is hard for me to believe or accept that the ending is just like that (regardless of who is with who ) after all this building up of things .. scattering stories through the chapters and making an incredible timeline. Even if it ends SungjiXSumin, this is not the way that TG would choose.. they could've done that back in ch90.

That's why the official translation to chapter 91 makes more sense IMO. It cements team blonde ending.
I don't know what Sumin and Sungji talked about in today's chapter yet so I can't judge it but I really wanted Sungji to realize she made a mistake ON HER OWN. Why is she always given everything on the plate? If it was Seju who broke Sumin this much, people would wish her all bad things, death included. When it was Sungji... it was all fine because it was Sumin's fault...

I think only hardcore Sungji fans who don't care about the plot will be satisfied with this ending. Everyone else not so much.

last edited at Sep 8, 2017 12:16PM

joined Mar 4, 2017

No, let her end up with Nami, please...
I'll ship them for eternity.

no thanks, I prefer she dies XD

But I want her to be happy...

Oh, and I like the official translation to chapter 91 better this time. Especially the Seju part.

joined Mar 4, 2017

I am not sore.. in my heart I still have faith that something nice will happen to Seju.. with or without Sumin XD

Literally, I'm crossing all of my fingers for it but even if there is an ending for her, I believe it's not what you or me want or feel satisfied xDDDD

Honestly though, I still prefer her dying if teamblonde is endgame but guess the author doesnt want to kill her off.

No, let her end up with Nami, please...

I'll ship them for eternity.

joined Mar 4, 2017

What is going on? I've seen RAWs and I don't know if I'll tolerate it or not. I guess if it's not the end then there's still a chance for them to really talk and fix instead of sex things up...

Pulse discussion 08 Sep 11:11
joined Mar 4, 2017

^Thinking what may happen due to what was said in the past is not really jumping into conclusions ;) It is a possibility. I don't know if Ratana ever said anything about the end (if she assured us it'll be a happy one or not) so I'm waiting impatiently for the next chapter right now. Either Mel dies and Lynn finds out after the transplant or she won't end up hit or she'll end up in critical condition and Lynn will pray for her to live. The 3rd option would give Olivia and Crystal the opportunity to talk to Lynn so I prefer it the most.

Pulse discussion 08 Sep 10:44
joined Mar 4, 2017

Please don't tell me this is going where I think it's going... Mel dies and gives her heart to Lynn

This is what I'm afraid of right now. She did say she'd do it.

Pulse discussion 08 Sep 09:30
joined Mar 4, 2017

And now I wonder if she's going to be Lynn's donor...

joined Mar 4, 2017

^Only if they visit often :)

Too bad the English translation comes out a week later. I'd gladly buy next chapter along with Pulse. I won't be home so I don't know if I'll be able to read it that day...

joined Mar 4, 2017

^Haha, I like Pulse overal. I dislike what happened lately and I feel like there's too much Sue. Other than that, it's still ok :)

Wherever this person took the information from it's still clear he/she didn't read the correction. But not many people will read, for example, this entire topic, or half of it, to catch to everything what was discussed :) and it's not up to us to correct them. Better ignore it and not add more stress to your life, lol.

joined Mar 4, 2017


Was it really on 4chan? They delete those topics so fast that it's impossible to follow them.

yes, I remember that I even posted about it in here.. can't recall the page really.

It was a few months ago. 4chan's topics end up in trash in a blink of an eye. There's no point to even keep the link because it dies. The best solution - visit them only when the chapter comes out :P

I'm not sure if the correction was added to the translation so if someone just dug it up... Well, they may have no idea this isn't fully correct either.

but the concept itself is arrogant.. how could they belittle a creator based on lousy translation in which the correction of it was mentioned in both resources that this person got their information from. It is madness.

Try imagine what they thought (or maybe still think?) about Ratana Satis then, lol.

Then they support their opinion "that TG messed up" based on a lame base like this one!

Same goes to the mistakes in the story, like a day of paid vacation for Sungji instead of a month and sister in law instead of stepsister. It's not corrected so people may not get it if they didn't read about it ;)

ah, for that we do post here (yoonie and I) and others in 4chan any corrections regarding these mistakes all of the above I did post screenshots of their corrections and comparison between official and unofficial translation

But not everyone reads them ;)
I'm sure I missed a few of those too because this topic can go really fast and when I'm absent for a few days/weeks, you girls can write even 50+ pages.

joined Mar 4, 2017
  1. "who is the fox ?" the author of WDTFS answered this question, here is a snap shot

Good and true explanation, thanks for sharing that.

joined Mar 4, 2017

speaking of arrogance,

I know that this anon from 4chan had read Izz's and my posts in page 283 regarding a Q&A from TG here

but honey really, did it occur to you that TG didn't forget their own art but the translation of the korean word for alcohol to english is also wine and you built a wild judgment based on lazy reading ? because the information was corrected in **BOTH 4chan and in another post (in Dynasty where you got your canned information from )**

Was it really on 4chan? They delete those topics so fast that it's impossible to follow them.
I'm not sure if the correction was added to the translation so if someone just dug it up... Well, they may have no idea this isn't fully correct either. Same goes to the mistakes in the story, like a day of paid vacation for Sungji instead of a month and sister in law instead of stepsister. It's not corrected so people may not get it if they didn't read about it ;)

the original Q&A

A) 정말 술이 웬수다.
Gyeomji) Wine is a turncoat. Go easy on the alcohol, you guys too. 술이 웬수죠. 여러분도 술 적당히 드세요.

this is madness, this person doesn't even believe what TG said about their own character "Seju had to put up with alot" and then so arrogantly analyses that all this is to prolong his/her perspective "Pulse" that happened to be called "What does the fox say?"


Hahaha, this is a good one.

Pulse discussion 01 Sep 12:49
joined Mar 4, 2017

Good chapter.

So Mel leaves. I like this idea actually. She needs some time for herself anyway so it's good to leave. Besides, I'm not sure if she'll want to work in a hospital where a lot of bad things happened to her very recently anyway. Not to mention, after what Olivia saw.

I had a feeling Crystal will follow her but she surely do look surprised seeing Mel in such state. I think Mel didn't even button up her shirt.

Olivia was doing nice last chapter, in this one she seems to pity Sue so I'm not sure if she'll be a valuable asset against her during the trial. If the trial even happens.

Sue is still a complete b. What love is she even talking about? The one she was betraying by secretly dating a guy? She has no right to talk about love at all. And she has no right to demand things from Mel after everything she's done to her.

I'm glad Mel didn't hit her. Hopefully her hand didn't take too much damage and she'll be able to operate normally. It's her left hand anyway so the chances for her to go back to work are high.

What can I say about my future expectations? Hm. First of all, Mel better tell Crystal about everything, rape included. Sue needs to be arrested asap. And they better go to Lynn, tell her what's going on, what kind of a sick game Sue played with both Mel and Lynn. And goooosh, let the girls finally get back together because I can't imagine Mel dealing with all of it alone. She had to suffer alone in the past, she doesn't need to now.

joined Mar 4, 2017

Maybe only this semester I had a bit of a more free time because I chose my subjects wisely XD

I couldn't choose my subjects :( and end up having some unnecessary ones, like sociology, statistics and economy. I liked psychology but the teacher was a real pain in the arse, he disagreed with most of what he had to teach us. I absolutely loved practice work (both in high school and during studies), it was for free back then (no one paid me for my work) and whenever I end up with a bunch of students now, who are getting money, I wonder if they're this lazy or the educational system suck this much now. I had to work like any other employee to get a good note. They don't care and still get the money. Ridiculous.

last edited at Sep 1, 2017 3:35AM

joined Mar 4, 2017

Did you do well in school?

Curiosity killed the cat :P
But yes, I did quite well.

I say 40 hours a week is really not enough for you to do quite well at school unless your educational system sucks.

Where did you get those 40h/week? I wish I had only this much. Ok, I did. In elementary school. In high school I had 52-56h/week. Uni was lighter (20-25h/week at class) but only because we had an e-learning platform (which is a bless but if you're not systematic it can be a real curse). 7-9 exams/semester with the majority of written ones was still a lot. But uni compared to high school was great, with a lot of free time anyway.

last edited at Sep 1, 2017 2:59AM

joined Mar 4, 2017

Did you do well in school?

Curiosity killed the cat :P
But yes, I did quite well.

Sometimes I do too (wish to change one of my dagrees, I have 2) but I'm flexible and still do what I like. What I've studied was my choice, my parents never forced me to do what I was not interested with. There are 2 more things I want to do though and hopefully I'll find time to do them.

last edited at Sep 1, 2017 1:26AM

joined Mar 4, 2017


I think it's because Sumin had tried so hard for all of it to be perfect and Sungji wanted to have fun. Just look for how long Sumin waited to have sex with Sungji. She wanted Sungji to be absolutely sure of what she wants.

why do you think Sungji only pressured Sumin into sex after ch25 (Sumin's birthday).. what happened between ch25 and ch29 ? for fun solely ?

Not solely for fun but Sungji seemed to know what she wanted and Sumin wasn't so sure (maybe because of all those past relationship she had). One way or another, Sumin wanted Sungji to be absolutely sure of what she wants. And it looked like she tried to create some kind of a deeper bond than just sex. She tried to seduce her, it didn't work so she must've seen a chance for this relationship to be something else, something more and gave it a chance, opened her heart etc.

joined Mar 4, 2017


You're still studying? I wish I could go back to those years, haha. So much free time even though I complained to not have any... :D

what free time ?? the professors who enslave me or the unfair bastards ? or the low pay they offer ?
I mean, the moment you arrive home, your work has nothing to do with you, you shut your phone off.. a student? they are about to go home, let's give em more work XDD

I used to say the same :)

I don't know if I could say there is "negative" or "positive" chemistry.. but what I know is that in general all sex scenes between Sumin and Sungji (with exception to ch42,43) have some awkwardness in them, I would say deliberate.. especially ch69,70,81 (are absolutely awkward) .. then again see the interaction between Sumin and Seju in ch84 (YUP, the one that Sungji witnessed). yes yes, they have their moment of cracking on front of each other breaking character and crying and all, but those emotions are deep, honest and carefully drown. And for that I say, the deepness and the awkwardness to each couple are added deliberately by TG to later on justify the upcoming scenes.

I think it's because Sumin had tried so hard for all of it to be perfect and Sungji wanted to have fun. Just look for how long Sumin waited to have sex with Sungji. She wanted Sungji to be absolutely sure of what she wants.

joined Mar 4, 2017


It goes for the entire quote - there's no dot after ")" :)

added to my GMAT notes XD

You're still studying? I wish I could go back to those years, haha. So much free time even though I complained to not have any... :D

Btw: added an answer to your edit in my prev post :)

joined Mar 4, 2017


my knowledge in English is limited really, it is just a third language to me, any ways:

I personally feel that they themselves like Seju and Sumin dynamic more (that's why their development feels better) but they always planned on ending it with Sumin x Sungji.

I failed to find a resource for this information or even track it down in the story.. unless you know something I don't XD

I personally feel ;)

I personally feel ;) belongs to this part: "that they themselves like Seju and Sumin dynamic more (that's why their development feels better)"

It goes for the entire quote - there's no dot after ")" :)

As for the chemistry - there's a difference between positive and negative chemistry. Positive one came to an end for Sumin and Seju 10 years ago and was never rebuilt. For 10 years they were both having a negative chemistry. Sumin and Sungji on the other hand had a positive one, until Sungji started act like not herself and finally left. So right now, IF we'd get more chapters than just 2, I'd see Sumin and Seju starting over instead of Sumin and Sungji clearing the air.

last edited at Aug 31, 2017 5:13PM

Pulse discussion 31 Aug 13:13
joined Mar 4, 2017

^But Mel isn't left handed. And why would she even do something like that? Sue just had her revenge. Maybe it's Sue who will try to hurt her more. Can it be friday already?

joined Mar 4, 2017

I've wrote my share of fanfictions in the past and I was writing a book with my friend (we've never end it and I don't think we ever will due to the lack of time and after so long, I'm not sure if we'd feel those characters we've created because we both changed during that time, our priorities changed as well).

last edited at Aug 31, 2017 12:54PM

joined Mar 4, 2017

I just checked it better and OMG, there are a few titles from my list! Waaah, thanks so much!

I have every right to see Sungji as a mistake, just as you have every right to disagree with me. Don't you think?

joined Mar 4, 2017

Looks good but I have over 100 titles on my list to read and they rarely get updates on MangaRock so I'm trying to find something better. And constantly fail :/ I'll try this one at least for the Tower of God and maybe I'll find something else interesting too. Thanks!

joined Mar 4, 2017

I even have the app it is on already.
What app are you using to read manga? Are there any better than MangaRock?