Forum › Posts by Cannibal

joined Dec 12, 2016

to all yall talking bout cheating and being's called Casual Sex and there's nothing wrong with having it

There is nothing casual about any of this. The whole point was to make the spy girl jealous, you don't have jealousy with casual sex.

joined Dec 12, 2016

The story would be waaaaaaaaay less interesting if their ages were reversed.

You say it like it's interesting now when the older girl is braindead while the loli is the more "mature" one.

joined Dec 12, 2016

I'm conflicted, on one hand it's cute, on the other hand, I ship Agari with her Childhood friend

If you're talking about bear girl then you're a monster.

joined Dec 12, 2016

It's not about not liking it, it's about calling it inappropriate when it clearly isn't. There's nothing inappropriate going on here, it's poor criticism. I mean, it's just a girl propositioning her friend for sex and the friend doesn't even tell her to stop trying. So where is the inappropriate creepiness? Some of the most beloved series on this site are creepier with love interests trying to secretly catch a peek at the other changing or kissing them while they are asleep and defenseless. This is pretty low on the creep scale.

joined Dec 12, 2016

To believe that all jokes can be exempted is a joke, a ridiculous thought worthy of satire and ridicule. Just be a better human being and learn to be funny without punching down.

They are jokes, the best human beings in the world can laugh at a rape or 9/11 joke. Jokes have no bearing on how good of a person you are.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Of course Komaki is chill she's the archetypal straight woman designed to act as a foil to Hishikawa's absurd shenanigans. That's literally her narrative purpose. Most of the people taking issue aren't put off because of how this affects Komaki (because she doesn't exist) put rather because they are responding to Hishikawa's actions with the same reaction they'd have to them in reality: disgust. The fact that a fictional character designed to not take offense to an action does what they were literally written to do doesn't make that action inoffensive. For example, Bella in Twilight being a-okay with Edward breaking into her room in the night without her knowledge to watch her sleep didn't suddenly make that not an insanely creepy thing to do.

People are allowed to express distaste for a joke they think is unfunny and inappropriate. Something being intended as a joke doesn't exempt it from being subjected to critical thought.

Yeah, it kind of does. Jokes are exempted for the simple fact that they are jokes. They are not meant to be taken seriously or subjected to critical thought. They are often ridiculous hyperboles that you are suppose to give your initial reaction to and nothing beyond that. That's why we can be entertained by stupidly ridiculous situations in comedies without having to think how stupid or unrealistic the whole thing is.

Why are you acting like Komaki's attitude doesn't matter because she doesn't exist but Hishikawa's actions are so offensive despite not existing either?

The fact the target character is fine makes the situation completely inoffensive. There is no point is getting offended over somebody else who doesn't care. It's like a white guy getting offended for a racist joke about black people. Bill Burr recently talked about a time he told a joke making fun of the military, when he did the joke in front of veterans they were laughing their asses off but when in front of a regular audience someone stormed the stage in rage. In this situation you are the person storming the stage.

joined Dec 12, 2016

When people say this series feels "rapey" they don't mean rape is actually occurring they're more talking about Hishikawa's relentless propositioning of Komaki despite being rejected pretty unequivocally which IRL is literally just sexual harassment and shows a complete lack of respect for her boundaries. Like in the real world her behaviour would be wildly inappropriate and some readers can't suspend their disbelief enough for it to work as comedy as it's intended to here. Also, ew don't be gross respecting someone's blatant refusal of your advances is not some ridiculous draconian standard of conduct it's basic respect.

Quick question. What boundaries is Hishikawa crossing? Komaki seems pretty chill about this whole situation. Its not even presented that it is Hishikawas interest that she is rejecting, only her methods.

Readers are having a far more exaggerated reaction to a fucking joke than the target character, so much so that they are already calling rape when absolutely nothing close to it has happened.

Their Story discussion 08 Feb 01:43
joined Dec 12, 2016

No "daily life" tag.

Citrus discussion 04 Feb 06:43
joined Dec 12, 2016

Uh... Can I just say
Mei can legally say no and maybe I don't know talk to Yuzu

Yeah, because gay teens are so welcomed in Japan, right?

joined Dec 12, 2016

^ Infamous Finnish sniper named Simo "White Death" Häyhä, with an official report of 505 kills, would put snow in his mouth to hide his breath in the cold air.

last edited at Feb 3, 2018 1:49PM

Citrus discussion 31 Jan 01:38
joined Dec 12, 2016

[...] while Mei sexual assaulting Yuzu is portrayed at romantic.

That's the feeling I got while reading the manga, but the anime made it way more uncomfortable and longer with an ominous music, showing that it was definitely not okay even in terms of in-world logic; and even if it made a strong impression on Yuzu.

In a way, I think the anime made me understand what was that scene about : Mei showing Yuzu what it is to be forcefully kissed just like she was, kind of lashing out at her for her taunting about the kiss.

Which ends with Yuzu getting entranced and falling in love almost instantly. If there was suppose to be any commentary about how forcing someone to kiss you is bad it is completely negated when it shows that forcing a kiss on someone can actually make them fall in love with you. Hell, Yuzus comment about the face Mei was making while kissing the teacher makes it sounds like Mei enjoyed it.

Citrus discussion 30 Jan 01:38
joined Dec 12, 2016

You can get your weekly dose of "sexual assault is okay if it's yuri fictional" at Crunchyroll on Saturdays at 8:00am PST.


You clearly didn't since the teacher committing sexual assault is seen as disturbing while Mei sexual assaulting Yuzu is portrayed at romantic. Both are fictional but not treated equally.

Forum Rules 29 Jan 13:39
joined Dec 12, 2016

It's nice to see you're handling this like a grown-up.

So I'm not allowed to point out how the forum rules are not being enforced in the forum rules thread? Doesn't seem like I'm the one that needs to do the growing up here.

Forum Rules 29 Jan 13:37
joined Dec 12, 2016

Don't forget to add "11. Don't insult manga, fans don't like it and might take it too personal." to the list of rules. Not like the rules actually matter anyways after seeing how you moderate this forum. Someone posts a link about a story about child murderers all you have to say is "What do you want me to do about it?". Some 8chan troll comes spamming the forum and you do nothing about it. Someone goes on a tirade against 8/u/ scans for using a nazi symbol in their credit page and not only do you do nothing about that user breaking rule #4, but the end result was getting everything for 8/u/ and Lazy Lily removed from this site.

But no, I post some long posts insulting a manga triggering fans who take criticism of fiction too personal and I get banned. I can see where your priorities are.

Dude just let it go. Stop making this more than it needs to be. Keep your negativity to yourself, no one wants to hear it. Good vibes ✌

Didn't have to be anything until the threats of bans came up.

Citrus discussion 29 Jan 13:33
joined Dec 12, 2016

Does anyone know anything about the release schedule for the anime?? Found episodes 1-4 last night, but haven't heard anything else

You can get your weekly dose of "sexual assault is okay if it's yuri" at Crunchyroll on Saturdays at 8:00am PST.

joined Dec 12, 2016

I don't think I have ever seen a manga about a child sexually assaulting a mentally challenged teenage girl before this. This manga really is breaking barriers.

Citrus discussion 29 Jan 13:24
joined Dec 12, 2016

Hahaha, point proven.

last edited at Jan 29, 2018 1:24PM

Citrus discussion 27 Jan 05:28
joined Dec 12, 2016

Nah, I rather keep making fun of you and your pathological need to appear as the intellectual superior of the bunch in a debate about fictional characters in fictional settings, as if you were educating us by being all condescending and stuff

Just dripping in irony, arentcha? Sorry that you can't defend against the points I made and instead go for the pathetic ad hominem. Sorry to break it to you, but sometimes garbage that you like gets called out for being garbage. Either try your best to defend yoir opinion or accept that your opinion isnt well thought out.

Citrus discussion 27 Jan 03:10
joined Dec 12, 2016

Oh man, Cannibal is stroking his/her own ego again, in yet another manga?! Boy oh boy, how did I missed this?!

How about you just stick to the dank loli memes in Yuzumori if you don't want to actually add anything.

Their Story discussion 27 Jan 00:59
joined Dec 12, 2016

Man, I've been stressing like hell since last chapter thinking there was gonna be some ridiculous drawn out drama like citrus but it looks like it's gonna be fine, I can sleep easy tonight.

This was a filler chapter.

Citrus discussion 26 Jan 23:15
joined Dec 12, 2016

My vote is zero. Who's with me?

Oh, wrong again...

He still made sure all of her needs were taken of and he had daily contact with her at school. That alone makes him a bigger influence on her life than Shou.

Awesome, doesn't mean he raised her. She even said herself that she doesn't know him that well.

Lol, no to your no, Cannibal, I actually spent a decent amount of time in Japan, courtesy of my aunt who lived there for 9 years, and I happen to move mostly in those circles. My opinion was formed on the basis of what I observed, but I guess that pales in comparison to your ability to google stuff (if you even did that much, because honestly, at this point it is obvious you are peddling what you think upper classes are like for facts). Adoption was common for the aristocracy, marrying into the wife's family is common now, in cases where a particular bloodline faces extinction.

Haha what a fucking joke. My aunt lived in Alaska for 20 years, doesn't mean I know shit about the Inuits. What a shit stance to take. You have no actual data to back up any of the bullshit you're spilling, especially when it has absolutely no basis in the manga. Remember, your whole name change shit started because you are trying to cover up a plot hole.

Actually, he was not plotting to steal and run off. He was just talking about having money and prestige befit of his new position. It would be somewhat difficult to maintain his new position in society if the first thing he would do was run off with a mistress.
If you actually bothered to read, you would have realised he was talking about being married into money and position, and he would maintain his mistress on the side. He expressly stated the best he would do for Mei is "treat her nicely". Basically, he envisioned a cold marriage, not a get-the-money-then-run scenario. The two years he is talking about ("play the love game for two years") is the facade he intended to maintain until the marriage took place, which would probably be after Mei graduated, hence the wait. After that, the "most I'll do is treat her nicely" would kick in, and the marriage would basically be a formality for him from that point onward.

Oh, I'm reading it. Where does he say that the woman is his mistress that he intends to keep to the side? It doesn't, even tells the woman he loves her. She is in on the whole thing, she isn't some mistress, she is his lover that he will run off to once he has the money in his hands.

"play the love game for two years." - The marriage has already been decided, there is no reason to play the love game. It's an arranged marriage, no love required. Mei has already been sold off, the teacher is talking about how long he has to wait before he can run off.

I just love how you are adding your own little interpretations to the story because you know that what is presented is just dramatic trash that wasn't fully thought out.

You are wasting your breath, once Cannibal forms an opinion, it is beyond any discussion. Which is why almost no one bothers anymore

Ironic, I wont change my opinion and you wont change yours. Once you formed an opinion it's beyond discussion. You will even make shit up to try to justify it.

He is not being a total controlling dick about it.

So Mei didn't ball up into a corner and cry her eyes out because her grandfather is forcing her to marry someone else in order to save the school from something that has never been mentioned once before? Aight.

For reasons I stated in one of my previous posts, Mei would not inherit the position. The academy goes, after the old man dies, to another family. They decide to drastically re-arrange the classes. Standards plummet, enrolment as well, the income dries up, and the whole thing is sold for scrap. Sorry, teaching staff, off to the job market with you. Sorry students, exemplary academic records we could have offered you here are unavailable. I know the upper classes are stereotypically viewed as useless leeches, and there are indeed many who genuinely are like that, but just as often, there is real responsibility attached to positions, and some (Mei obviously falls into this category) take that to heart.

There is a difference between reading the worst in what we are presented, there is another to making up complete bullshit like you are. The school isn't in danger of any of that. Even if it were sold off to another family there is absolutely no reason to believe that it would fall into disarray. It's not like this is the only high class school in Japan. That's just you injecting your own reasons to justify melodrama, not actually looking at what we are given. And again, ironic that you are portraying the next owners as "useless leeches".

There is also one more detail that supports the theory about grandfather actually being mindful of his granddaughter's eventual position at the head of the household, and that is the fact he specifically brings up the prospective fiance's calmness and gentleness, as well as experience in management, but also stresses the fact these will be helpful to Mei in her heavy responsibilities. If this would play out as it usually does in real life, he will be given one of the executive positions, but Mei would be the CEO, and their future son (preferably) would then one day take over.

Except for the whole engaging her to a useless leech who was going to abuse her... I guess you forget that part when its convenient. The grandpa has shown multiple times not to give a shit and yet you wipe it from your memory when necessary.

"A rose by any other name"? "High class prostitution"?? Will you shut the fuck up, you fucking piece of shit, my family engaged in those for generations, and is still doing it now, DO YOU EVEN FUCKING KNOW ANYONE WHO ACTUALLY IS IN AN ARRANGED MARRIAGE????? Newsflash, the world does not fucking work like you fucking imagine it! All this crap about the grandfather, selling Mei as a piece of meat, high class prostitution, these are ALL just your fucking opinions on something you look at as a fucking outsider, and you are looking at it IN FUCKING FICTION AT THAT! I am not saying it is all fucking sunshine and rainbows, but it is also not the fucking things you are peddling here. It is the same fucking story with you every fucking time, Izetta, Yuzumori, now this. You selectively choose parts of the canon, interpret them in a cartoonishly simplistic way, disregard any piece of actual canon that contradicts your interpretation, form these strong opinions, which you then mistake for facts. You dislike the grandfather, I get it. I myself do not actually like him, but I can see where he is coming from. But you then make a mountain out of this dislike, and suddenly he is a cold-hearted bastard who is whoring away his granddaughter. Do you even fucking read what you write, like, ever?? And then your comically stereotypical views on the upper classes kick in, and it is suddenly a fucking high class prostitution. Fuck you. I am done with this crap. Gods, I am an idiot as well. I knew where discussing anything with you leads, and I allow myself to fall for it anyway.

Congrats, it seems you have descended from a family of prostitutes, the least you can do is give them the respect they deserve and recognize the sacrifice they went through. Sorry the truth hit you a little too hard across the face. I thought it was pretty common knowledge that arranged marriages are just high class prostitution where families sold off their daughters and sons for political gain. These aren't opinions, it's the definitions. Families are selling off their child's chastity for political or monetary gain, it's prostitution simple as that. And just because a large portion of the world is fine with this type of prostitution doesn't make it not do.

If you want to get personal you go right ahead, show how thin skinned you are. You can't even discuss fiction without bringing your own family problems into this.

I don't selectively choose parts of the canon and ignore others, I look at the canon as a whole. I see what we are actually presented and take it at face value. You on the other hand inject your own imagination to fill in the blanks and act like they are facts. You do this every time. Your own imagination seems to be more canon for you than what you actually read on the screen. And yes, bring up Izetta and Yuzumori, I would love to explain to you over and over again how bad your comprehensions skills continue to be.

The fact is that gramps is whoring Mei out. He takes her out, shows her off like a piece of meat, and is giving her away to anyone who can give him what he wants. That is exactly what is happening and you want to cover your eyes and deny it because the same prostitution culture seems to be ingrained in your own family, you don't want to face the reality of it all.

last edited at Jan 26, 2018 11:17PM

Citrus discussion 26 Jan 15:49
joined Dec 12, 2016

I wonder if she's just doing what grandpa wants because he's getting worse and she just wants to repay him for pretty much raising her before he passes away.

Excpet he didn't raise her, after her dad left she continued to live in their own home by herself. She doesnt even know her own grandfather that well, which makes this whole deal with her wanting to inherit the school more peculiar.

Citrus discussion 26 Jan 13:52
joined Dec 12, 2016

I didn't really want to participate, but this one doesn't make sense. Arranged marriage are business or politic arrangements, not prostitution like you claimed; even if I can understand why you'd say that. Having an adult becoming intimate with an underage teenager is morally bad and probably contrary to everything the grandpa believes in.

A rose by any other name is still just a rose. Arranged marriages are just high class prostitution. The student he is being intimate with is his future wife, decided by the grandfather. He obviously believes that's it's okay, he's the one who set it up. Besides, last time I checked age of consent in Japan ranges between 16 and 18 without parental approval.

I don't get this either. That sentence actually supports Dark_Tzitzimine's claim about firing (inviting him to resign) the teacher for unsightly behaviour. Grandpa sackedYuzu for sexually assaulting his granddaughter (from his pov) just as he invited the professor to resign after he heard that he French kissed his granddaughter.

How does that support their claim? Gramps gave the teacher the okay to eventually bang Mei, he did not such thing for Yuzu. He also never saw the teacher kiss Mei, only Yuzu making the claim that he did. He also never invited the professor to resign since you never actually see that happen or even talked about.

Who's to say that Yuzu wasn't spilling a bunch of bullcrap? Firing the teacher directly would have validated Yuzu's claim and tarnished the school reputation. The professor resigned because of "personal reasons", not because "I shamelessly forced myself upon my future bride". Of course, if you look a bit further (and for us) it's clearly to avoid shame and problems.

The teacher resigned literally after Yuzu made the claim. You would have to be a complete moron to believe the two are not connected, do you think the students and their parents of the prestige academy are really that stupid? There is no avoiding shame and problems, just brushed aside to make the writing more convenient.

Where are you getting this?

The story that you seem to have forgotten about. He left to go travel the world because he couldn't handle the pressure and responsibility put on him, it was even enough to have him abandon his own daughter.

He's saying it's just a social encounter and he's trying to look for a suitable partner for his granddaughter where being married and bearing children is still something expected to happen in his country or at least in his social circle.

Yes, a social encounter to present his granddaughter like a pristine mare ready for breeding.

How could he have known that?

Spent the minimal amount of money doing a background check on the dude. Yuzu found out everything in only a couple of days. Gramps is suppose to be filthy rich, yet couldn't afford a PI to make sure his granddaughter wasn't marrying a scumbag.

He cares for family and legacy** like UranusAndNeptuneAreJ has been explaining in their posts. It's a different mindset, and I think it's unfair to apply occidental standards to paint him as an irredeemable bastard, while you gladly ignore the moments where he literally told his granddaughter, I quote, volume one, chapter four, official translation :

"Now then, Mei. It's time for you and you alone, to decide how to live your life."*

The bold part is also in the official editing. So yeah, I guess you can disagree with the old man way of life, and have a grudge against this kind of character, but he's clearly not as bad as you paint him to be.

No, he clearly doesn't care about his family since he already engaged his daughter to an abusive creep who was going to rob her. Why do you want to gloss over this fact? He can tell his granddaughter whatever he likes, fact is that she didn't going to meeting by herself. He was the one who set it up, he was the one who picked her up, escorted her, told her everything she needed to know about the dude she might marry. And then Mei goes and cries in the corner when everything is all said and done, because grandpa is a prick that is ruining his family's lives.

ChaosTeam's translation is a bit different, but the idea stays the same, he told Mei that she should live like she wants to. And she is the one who told Yuzu she wants to inherit the school and the she made the decision on her own.

Yes, and in the fine print it seems like inheriting the school requires being sold like a piece of meat.

I'll quote the Lannister father on that subject "It’s the family name that lives on. It’s all that lives on. Not your honor, not your personal glory, family.” Despite being a heartless bastard at times, that sentence actually makes sense if you want to matter in the larger scale of the human world.

You literally could not have picked a worse example. The sentence doesn't make sense at all, especially coming from the man who had his son's wife, who he hated since birth, gang raped right in front of him. Not to mention that in an effort to create a glorious family legacy the Lannisters are most likely going to be extinct by the end of the story. Who the fuck care about the family living on if no one in the family is happy? An asshole, an asshole would care about the public being happy with their family image rather than the family themselves.

last edited at Jan 26, 2018 1:54PM

Citrus discussion 26 Jan 12:41
joined Dec 12, 2016

The fact said fiance is his underage granddaughter, it was something that happened in school grounds and that his first impulse at finding Yuzu on Mei's bedroom was to expel her should be enough to prove Grandpa was the one who fired him.

The fact is that his FIANCE is the UNDERAGED granddaughter. The grandpa has planned out their future bedroom antics, why would he care that they do it a little early? And what happened with Yuzu proves nothing, she was already on his shit list and last time I checked he never gave her the okay to bang Mei like he did with the teacher.

Plus, the explanation for the teacher's absence is a textbook example of excuse to minimize damages.

Minimize what damages? The whole school already knows what the dude did, Yuzu told everyone. By not publicly firing him gramps gives the impression that he's perfectly fine with male teachers preying on students, luckily this one resigned.

How is he a piece of shit?

Literally selling his granddaughter for business connections, such a piece of shit that his own son abandoned his own daughter just get away from the dude.

This chapter and the exchange at the hospital shows that he is a stern but reasonable man. And read his dialogue, he express regret over having to push the responsibility to Mei, he acknowledges that the school has grown beyond the Aihara family. He is not perfect by any means but he's doing his best.

No, he's not. He isn't doing his best by any stretch of the imagination. He royally fucked up when he drove his own son to abandon the responsibility. Now he is willing to sell his own granddaughter's chastity to the highest bidder just to save face. He first paired her up with a creep who was going to use Mei to steal the family fortune, and now is trying to sell her to anyone he can before his old ass ends up 6 feet under. He has shown that he can't learn from his mistakes. He continues to put the same pressure on Mei that drove his son away, and he is still trying to sell Mei off despite already almost selling her to an abusive creep. He isn't thinking about anyone but his own legacy. He doesn't care about the students as he treats them like show dogs. When has he ever been shown to care about the happiness of the students or teachers? He doesn't care about his own granddaughter enough to make sure the dude he sells her to isn't going to abuse her. He's just another asshole who won't let the people around him live their own lives, all he wants is control and prestige so that he can have the nicest gravestone in the cemetery.

last edited at Jan 26, 2018 12:58PM

Citrus discussion 26 Jan 01:18
joined Dec 12, 2016

Grandpa had no idea of that and as soon he got wind of the shit the guys was pulling, he fired him.

He wasn't fired, he resigned. There is no indication that gramps had any hand in it. Why would he care about a teacher kissing his fiance?

My point is that Grandpa seems like he would rather let Mei take over with no need of a marriage but external factors like Mei's age and yes, her gender force their hand to find a suitor if only to validate Mei's claim over the school.

What that... where are you getting any of this? This is just wishful thinking hoping that gramps isn't as much of a piece of shit that we KNOW that he is.