Forum › Posts by Tamahime

joined Mar 8, 2016

Mitsuki misses the shot and the guy's comment surely is just meant to imply that Aya sees her through some rose-tinted glasses, not a factual statement. So I don't think there's specific indication she's particularly sporty in the first place ...

The way the scene is presented visually sure makes it seem like a graceful and ''cool'' moment, to me at least. The shot doesn't go in but everything about it screams that Mitsuki is surprisingly athletic, unless I'm reading it completely wrong.

Agreed. I read that miss as just a slight twist on the "cool, athletic" trope we've seen a million times, where the ball goes in (or more often, the volleyball spike slams for a point). Throughout the series, Mitsuki isn't being being presented as the "surprisingly perfect outsider," just surprisingly better than expected--she missed the shot, but she's not useless at the sport.

I read it the same way you guys did - not that she's a secret ringer or aloof school prince, just that Aya's able to notice things now like, "She's actually kind of tall," "She has some coordination and looks pretty cool on the court." Mitsuki's whole thing wasn't that she was a physically-bereft bookworm, it was that she just didn't want to be noticed. So whatever skills she may have at sports, or school, or whatever, she doesn't show them unless she has to.

joined Mar 8, 2016

"Pics or it didn't happen."

joined Mar 8, 2016

p.55 - "Do we have anything to eat here right now?"

"Did" is the wrong tense and "again" is just not right here. I'm just guessing that the original means to convey something more like "right now."

Is English perhaps not your native language? "Did we have anything to eat, again?" is a perfectly normal sentence, and your 'correction' changes the intended nuance. I'm not sure I can explain it very well, though. The original sentence is much more natural-sounding than what you proposed.

I guess if I were to try to explain... the "again" signifies that the speaker is trying to recall something they should already know. As in, "you already told me, but can you tell me again?". And "did we" is past tense because your question is technically about that past information, not about the current state of affairs, even though the former is also the latter. I'm not sure this explanation makes sense, but anyways, it's a common conversational phrase and the nuance is completely different because it puts emphasis on trying to remember something rather than simply asking outright.

Nope, it's very very much my native language. Is English perhaps not YOUR native language?

They're coming home and she's trying to remember if they have anything to eat in the house, because as you see from the rest of the scene they haven't been going shopping or stocking up on anything lately. The sentence as written implies that she can't remember whether or not they ate food already, which would make no sense. And "again" either implies it's happened before (which would add to the strangeness) or it's a word meaning something like "tell me again whether X is true," X being the preceding phrase, but this would be very conversationally stilted in this context. You would use it more in a context like, "What's that guy's name, again?"

I can't imagine any native speaker ever using this sentence in this context, and the fact that you think it's common makes even less sense to me. I have never, ever heard anyone say "Did we have anything to eat?" meaning "Is there any food in the house?" "Do" is the only appropriate conjugation here because you are talking about the present state of the pantry/refrigerator. Otherwise "did" needs another verb to make it work. You could say "Did we buy anything to eat this week?" or "Did we keep those leftovers" or "Did we remember to stock up on produce?" but you can't say "Did we have anything to eat?" That sentence can ONLY be about having already physically consumed food.

Looking at the original manga, this translation is certainly correct. The Japanese text is also past-tense and uses 「っけ」, indicating that she's trying to remember.

Different languages can express different ideas in different ways, and utilize different conjugations sometimes to make the point. Part of translation and localization is not just literally transcribing the phrase but knowing enough about both languages and cultures to make the proper adjustments.

last edited at Aug 30, 2022 8:59AM

joined Mar 8, 2016

TL corrections:

p.55 - "Do we have anything to eat here right now?"

"Did" is the wrong tense and "again" is just not right here. I'm just guessing that the original means to convey something more like "right now."

p.59 - "Because I ran away...?" "Why did you run away?"

Verb tenses incorrect.

last edited at Aug 29, 2022 11:52PM

joined Mar 8, 2016

Hopefully MizuumiBB does a whole doujin with these two in the future, the redhead is absolutely * chef's kiss *

last edited at Aug 30, 2022 10:33PM

joined Mar 8, 2016

Seems like there's more than one couple here, based on the designs? Or they evolved over time, its hard to tell without names, obviously.

In the latest iteration they almost seem to be twins, so I'm gonna headcanon that. :3

last edited at Aug 17, 2022 11:09AM

joined Mar 8, 2016

Isn't this artist's pen name a joke of some kind? I seem to recall another manga explaining this as a yojijukugo with a double meaning...

joined Mar 8, 2016

This is getting frustrating. When will Mai show up???

I think you're reading the wrong manga.

Mai is the Macguffin. "Searching for Mai" is the thin connective tissue for a whole bunch of hot sex, which is what the series is actually about. Mai showing up ends all the fun.

joined Mar 8, 2016

I'm sorry, but these highschool girls being real into Aerosmith brings me out of it lol.

LOL right? Me too! And I have no idea why that's where the line is. XD

Not sure why. A LOT of kids who don't really jibe with contemporary music find an identity with older artists/scenes. Sometimes they were introduced to that music through their parents, or they just feel a kinship with it (or they want that "I do my own thing" feeling of liking something other than what's popular among their classmates.)

Aerosmith may have started in the 70's, but I guarantee you still find teenagers wearing stuff for the Rolling Stones and the Doors and Pink Floyd and Black Sabbath and Misfits and Bowie and whatever else from that era or earlier too. Part of me thinks its kind of a nostalgia for the time when musicians were kind of mysterious and larger than life. I think there's still a lot of cultural cache and integration for artists, even alternative or niche ones, that came up during the pre-internet years when everyone could pretty much count on everyone else having the same media touchstones.

last edited at Jul 25, 2022 1:31AM

joined Mar 8, 2016

Am I the only one who's flabbergasted that Riri's cup size is J or K.......I mean yeah it stated that they're huge but I didn't thought LIKE THAT GIGANTIC-

I'm actually really impressed that Tamamushi got this detail right. Usually mangaka will draw a super busty character and then state that they are a "G cup" or something. G may be big for Japanese women in general, but it does not match with the kind of stacked they are drawing (Japanese bra sizes are different than US.) Riri is definitely realistically a J or K (think Hitomi).

last edited at Jul 19, 2022 6:28PM

joined Mar 8, 2016

Narrator: "It was, in fact, boobs in her face. But, also, love."

joined Mar 8, 2016

Is this a school for delinquents? Nail polish, piercings, and makeup ok, the boy walks around with his shirt untucked and unbuttoned, they can play with their phones and listen to music in class... Pretty funny how different the depiction of school is here from what pretty much every other manga shows.

(Except for Torako. Gone too soon, but not forgotten.)

last edited at Jul 10, 2022 11:15PM

joined Mar 8, 2016

I... uh... wow... is it hot in here?

Is there a full doujin of this scene? Asking for a friend...

joined Mar 8, 2016

There are people on Dynasty overanalyzing a silly ecchi comedy manga and writing dissertations about all the ways the dumb ecchi comedy manga doesn't conform to their ideal real-world behavior for the dumb comedy situations?

I'm shocked. Just shocked.

joined Mar 8, 2016

A wild 23 image has appeared!

(Awesome, as always!)

joined Mar 8, 2016

The NSFW tag gets applied to a lot of stuff here that it shouldn't, IMO, but this one at least meets the site definition for it: NSFW = nudity. (And from what I've seen, usually butts, as well as breasts drawn without nipples, "count" as nudity here.)

There's some stuff to like here but man I'm tired of the "tension created by one or more characters not understanding or saying the blindingly obvious" trope. The contract specifically says she has to "spoil" her, and she's sitting there fretting about a hug? She really can't think of a simple way to decline the payments? Frustrating, but, that's manga I guess.

last edited at Jun 17, 2022 5:07PM

joined Mar 8, 2016

Karin-san, your words say "My hands and my tongue would be all over her," but your fingernails say "I need a Lesbian Sex 101 refresher." XD

Remember, she’s all about kissing (taste)!

Yeah, and if you look at the implied meaning, that person you replied to seems to claim that you can't have lesbian sex without using your fingers. They need a cunnilingus refresher.

Dude it was just a joke. People (and sometimes even artists) make the "fingernails" joke here all the time, get used to it.

I liked the other person's reply, about how she's all about taste - she does, after all, frame Mei in the universal gesture for "I want to eat you out." :d

last edited at Jun 14, 2022 11:10PM

joined Mar 8, 2016

Karin-san, your words say "My hands and my tongue would be all over her," but your fingernails say "I need a Lesbian Sex 101 refresher." XD

joined Mar 8, 2016

"Pineapple konnyaku?" Ewwww. Nanoha, what is wrong with you? XD Who picks a beverage that proudly advertises itself as "Thick!"?

joined Mar 8, 2016

how the heck can you cover this soundwave tattoo and make it look like something other than idk a blur in your wrist??)

Tattoo covering works differently than you might think. My wife had this regrettable tattoo of a creepy jester on her leg that an amazing artist covered and turned into a beautiful bird on a lotus flower. Absolutely no sign of the original, even if you are looking for it. Good artists can work wonders, and something simple like this that's just a single black line? Easy peasy.

I was legit mashing the next button thinking "there's supposed to be four pages every week right?!" Love this series!

last edited at Jun 12, 2022 10:28AM

joined Mar 8, 2016

"Song that was all the rage" huh, sounds like there was a lot of rage.....against the machine?

Despite "all the rage," she's a clerk making minimum wage...

joined Mar 8, 2016

Unrelated to the actual content, this is the worst translation job I've seen in a long time. Did they just run the lines through Google Translate and call it a day?

We had somebody who is new to translating translate it, and somebody who is a professional in translating TLC it. What were the TL errors?

It's very stilted and unnatural-sounding, like someone just went with the most literal interpretation of each word/phrase. Page 3 is especially clunky, and there are several just plain wrong phrases like "For how we should go about putting together these printouts?"

joined Mar 8, 2016

Basically the same size doesn’t mean you can share bras. A 36DD is not the same as a 36D. You can make due short term but not wearing a properly sized bra can lead to issues in the long term. You are also recommended to replace your bras regularly since they can wear out and not be as supportive.

I do understand that, it wasn't meant to be taken quite so literally as an IRL suggestion. ><;

It was half ribbing Akane about her blinders to her own endowments, and half ribbing the author for giving them both the same chest.

I'm sure somewhere there's an info page with each woman's three sizes and whatnot but practically speaking they're drawn the same. :P

last edited at Jun 2, 2022 1:32AM

joined Mar 8, 2016

Akane-san always acts like Nadeshiko-san is crazily well-endowed... Does she not realize they are basically the same size? Girl, you're also super-stacked - save a little $$$ and let her wear yours, bras are expensive. XD