Forum › Posts by Azai

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 May 16:50
joined Feb 13, 2016

I bet pervy understudy-sama is disappointed in her sensei right now.

Everybody that tries to express their disappointment to me will get a dildo attached to their refrigerator when they least expect it!

wise pervy grandpa
Do that and I'll sneak a rainbow dildo in your hand luggage so you have an embarrassing story with airport security...

last edited at May 16, 2016 4:51PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 16 May 12:42
joined Feb 13, 2016

Congrats tofu i look forward to the invitation XD i love me some wedding cake cake cake.

Oh yeah we will all need an invitation! XD

Tofu-san, congrats!!

WDTFS fans - off topic 15 May 16:24
joined Feb 13, 2016

Woah, I knew my senses were tingling for a reason. /*sighs*/ Should I go all yakuza style to protect my butt again? (⌐■_■)

Also, waifu and kittokatto can spend a night together. I'm cool like that :P

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 10:50
joined Feb 13, 2016

So we're struggling to reach 400 pages.. I'll help with this small contribution xD

Hope you guys have all been doing well !!

Come on Azai. Where are u? This thread is missing your small contributions.
Nice to see you today. Have u been busy practicing your sword skills? Hehehe...

I'm just busy, mvl89. More flexible working hours means I can get other things done :)

WDTFS fans - off topic 13 May 04:55
joined Feb 13, 2016

So we're struggling to reach 400 pages.. I'll help with this small contribution xD

Hope you guys have all been doing well !!

WDTFS fans - off topic 09 May 05:26
joined Feb 13, 2016

Make sure to prank the first teacher you see so people understand not to mess with you. o.o Schools are like zoos, I'm telling ya. o.o;

If someone messes with waifu, they mess with the yakuza. :P

I passed the Mother's Day on a long shift. Hope you guys had more fun than me xD

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 May 05:31
joined Feb 13, 2016

Im good. I could use more sleeping time though xD.. Thought the new stay would improve that, but I still need to be up pretty early. That aside, it's great I'm not into exam-despair mode.

Lol I wish I could get more sleep, too. You've probably mentioned, but what's your new stay? Pediatrics? Felt like that's what you said but it's early and I'm already a forgetful person.

Yep. Whiny kids sneezing on my face and the adrenaline rush I get when I play dodgepuke. But some of them are cute.

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 May 05:25
joined Feb 13, 2016

Hi Azai. How have you been?

And hi Azai :) Hope you've been enjoyed lots of sleep during your post-exam period.

Im good. I could use more sleeping time though xD.. Thought the new stay would improve that, but I still need to be up pretty early. That aside, it's great I'm not into exam-despair mode.

WDTFS fans - off topic 06 May 05:12
joined Feb 13, 2016

/ don't let the thread go to page 2 of the forums dance /

Happy Friday, everyone. Happy Captain America: Civil War release date! I don't know if we'll go see it tomorrow. Probably going to be too mobbed at the theaters o_o'...

Oh yeah! Lol my friend pre ordered tickets and is dragging me there on Saturday. Not looking forward to the lineup x_e

Big lineups are a no no for me. I'll wait until it's less crowded..

Hello everyone. Haven't been here for a while :)

WDTFS fans - off topic 04 May 06:07
joined Feb 13, 2016

Oh wow, its already been a month? Wow time sure flies by Well anyway, Happy 1 Month anniversary guys! xD Its been a blast getting to know all you people.

More like only one month? It feels like I've talking to you guys for forever lol

Anyway, happy 1 month anniversary!

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 May 16:09
joined Feb 13, 2016

Lin sent Draglin after me when I was trying to defend my butt. I'm never safe in this thread...

I'm sorry, but it's just...your butt should officially be declared public property. It's too irresistable to just keep it all to yourself and Newp. >_<

Lol, I second that! XD #TeamAzaisAss anyone? :D No? Okay...

Wtf... How did my butt become public property? T^T Is their glittering gold on my ass now?

That's not what I meant. xD I was offering to help you if there is something, that bothers you. I go see a physician as well when my body gets sick. There's no reason why you shouldn't ask a psychologist for help if your soul is dealing with too much for you to sort out. Anyway, it's just an offer. If you ever want to talk, I'll listen. ^_^

Oh, thanks! But don't worry, I think I deal with it very well actually. But,yeah, if I ever need a psychologist, that will be a problem. No offense really, but to me it would be pretty hard to open up.

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 May 15:20
joined Feb 13, 2016

Hey Azai! xD If it makes you feel better: in the presence of my wifey, I shall promise to keep my hands off your butt. bows (You're not particularly safe once she leaves though. o.o)

Su, Lin sent Draglin after me when I was trying to defend my butt. I'm never safe in this thread...

Dr. Lin

Now you guys are teasing me! o(>A<)o

You asked for it. (¬‿¬)

Weelll...I could always offer you talk to me, if you want. ^_^ I won't even charge you. xD

Thanks! But I swear I'll get my brain fried if I try to learn another subject right now. xD

last edited at May 3, 2016 3:57PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 03 May 14:46
joined Feb 13, 2016

Let's just hope it's the second and people are going to come back here after a while. It'd be such a shame if this thread died like that. :-(

Noo, this thread is just too fun to die haha. Tbh, I'm just relaxing outdoors and sleeping. Gotta make the most of it, since my new internship has just begun and I'm still not overwhelmed by studies...

I have a double PhD in psychology (specialized in adolescent psychology) and sociology.

Dr. Lin (xD), I really wanted to have some basics on psychology. I think it could be useful in some situations i have to face on a daily basis.. o_O

WDTFS fans - off topic 02 May 16:04
joined Feb 13, 2016

It seems you are threatening my girlfriend. Let me remind you of two things: metal can melt. And flesh...can burn.


I'll burn for the pride of my butt!


My waifuu call senses were tingling and I woke up.
Lin girl, you gonna be joining this chicken in dead meat heaven.

I laughed way too hard because of this. People are staring at me now.

WDTFS fans - off topic 02 May 12:10
joined Feb 13, 2016

It seems you are threatening my girlfriend. Let me remind you of two things: metal can melt. And flesh...can burn.


I'll burn for the pride of my butt!


WDTFS fans - off topic 02 May 11:35
joined Feb 13, 2016

Ahaha... lets have teasing party, lolz... xD

Yes! Let's tease Azai about pinching or massaging her butt until she calls the entire Yakuza on our asses. X'D

As long as u cover me up, Su..

I wanted to surprise my mom with a trip home and take her out for the day, but I just can't make it happen this year :(

Naaww, that just sucks. D: hugs you and Azai Well, but how about you guys just make belated gifts for your moms then? The date shouldn't really matter that much, right?

Yeah, I think I'll visit her by surprise as soon as I can. :)

last edited at May 2, 2016 11:37AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 02 May 10:39
joined Feb 13, 2016

I wanted to surprise my mom with a trip home and take her out for the day, but I just can't make it happen this year :(

Same.. I'm assigned to a shift in Mother's Day for the second time in a row. (´_`)

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 May 19:35
joined Feb 13, 2016

And aw that sounds cute :) horror movies are a no no for me x_x / shudders /
If my SO forces me to watch horror movies with them.. o lord. Azai .. waifu.. dont do that to me okay? XDD.

Lol. Me? Horror movies ?! No fucking way !! I won't sleep at night. DX

High five waifuu high five!~ ^ ^

High five!!
#TeamBedwetters (⌐■_■)

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 May 17:41
joined Feb 13, 2016

And aw that sounds cute :) horror movies are a no no for me x_x / shudders /
If my SO forces me to watch horror movies with them.. o lord. Azai .. waifu.. dont do that to me okay? XDD.

Lol. Me? Horror movies ?! No fucking way !! I won't sleep at night. DX

last edited at May 1, 2016 5:42PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 May 10:40
joined Feb 13, 2016

(And no butt massage!)

Aw. (_ _) But whyyy? You were once my long lost twin. This kind of skinship is normal for pseudo-siblings, right? Azaaaiiii! You're breaking my poor, innocent heart! (T^T)

NO. NO butt massages, NO pinching cheeks. Do that to Lin. (>.<)

stares I wonder what kind of sword that is. It looks a bit too curved to be a katana. o.o

I think swords with a curvier blade were Uchigatana or Tachi (longer sword too). But that was what I read years ago and I'm no specialist.

Sorry, but i m with the wind...

Yeah, Rainy, you escaped this time.

last edited at May 1, 2016 10:41AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 May 10:26
joined Feb 13, 2016

Oh, you did.

/stomped on yr feet again, pinched yr cheek, poked yr butt, and dissapeared like the wind/

RAINY !! If you're not Black Mamba, then you're screwed !!

Ps. I'd have used another Kill Bill reference. But I don't know if gore is safe here xD

last edited at May 1, 2016 10:27AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 May 10:10
joined Feb 13, 2016

/Stomped on Azai's left foot, took the coffee, drank it, and dissapeared.../

That would be a perfect moment for Draglin to just pop up outta nowhere. XD

Congrats on passing the exams, Azai! I shall do what everyone else seems to like doing in such situations and massage your ass as reward. ^^ Okay, c'mere! (/O3O)/

Thanks, Su. But I won't need Draglin. (And no butt massage!)

Edit: wait until I fix this damn gif xD. FIXED

Rainy, you'd better run.

Oh, you did.

last edited at May 1, 2016 10:12AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 May 09:52
joined Feb 13, 2016

/Stomped on Azai's left foot, took the coffee, drank it, and dissapeared.../

That would be a perfect moment for Draglin to just pop up outta nowhere. XD

Congrats on passing the exams, Azai! I shall do what everyone else seems to like doing in such situations and massage your ass as reward. ^^ Okay, c'mere! (/O3O)/

Thanks, Su. But I won't need Draglin. (And no butt massage!)

Edit: wait until I fix this damn gif xD. FIXED

Rainy, you'd better run.

last edited at May 1, 2016 10:00AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 01 May 09:37
joined Feb 13, 2016

Good morning Azai. How did those exams go?

I passed ! :)

/taking the coffee and cake from Azai/

Good morning, Azai

/grabs the coffee/


WDTFS fans - off topic 01 May 09:26
joined Feb 13, 2016

/ accepts Su's coffee and cake /

Morning guys!