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joined Feb 8, 2016

@yoonie I've been itching for a lot more clearness from the chapters. But yeah, everything's still up in the air if you consider both endings(that is a Seju/Sumin and Sungji Sumin). It's driving me nuts. I've been trying to keep myself from talking about it what with the remaining chapters and just read the manhwa. Right now, I'm looking at the brightside, Sumin finally has the ball now. Like, which one will she ultimately chase next? there were always screws loose with both sides so I'm still waiting for them to be resolved. I think I've been waiting for Sumin to really be confronted with everything and make the decision.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 6:35AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

8th, 18th, 28th evening Korean time

thanks orange!

joined Feb 8, 2016

WDTFS updates every 10 days right?(correct me if i'm wrong...idk if i'm confusing it with another series) when's the new chapter coming out? i don't really keep count of the days...(T.T) i don't know why the wait seems so long. TG has got me addicted to newer chapters now that the story is coming to an end.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Okay. So some of them wants to be perceived as a man and actually wants to be one and some just want to look like one. I was just curious of what they actually feel and think of themselves because we have trangenders who actually wants to be physically.

can i just add something here. take note that gender norms don't really play a thing here. so looking like a man is not something that people who are lesbian, bisexual, and pansexual would really go for. a number of people just dress that way because they want to regardless if it's "feminine" or "masculine" in social norms. that's too specific for just transgenders who have the intent for it because that's how they identify with. so i caution the use of words because it becomes too generalizing.

joined Feb 8, 2016

cant sumin just do polygamy and marry both of them for world peace LOL xD

My desired really unlikely ending would be the three of them going their seperate ways because I kinda feel that Seju and Sungji deserve someone who will treat them far better but that's likely just me :P

i lowkey wanting this ending as well xD or TG should kill sumin instead then it will be sejuxsungji endgame since they saw first snow tgt hahahaha

If you asked me about polygamy x chapters back...I would say yes immediately. lol It's weird though how much sejuxsungji have some chemistry together as characters. seriously why I get why people joke about then ditching sumin and getting together. haha. I'm the same at times. I really do feel like those two deserve better but then again, we won't have a story if they both realized that early on. So Sumin better get her iSh together.

joined Feb 8, 2016

I guess we'll just have to wait for some announcement by the next chapter. I actually can't wait for the ending but I don't want it to be rushed. Oh well, guess we'll have to wait and see.

last edited at Jul 29, 2017 10:25AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

I don't think they'd go into too much detail about it with only two chapters left, I think the next chapter will be Sumin forced to make the choice between the two girls and then the finale will be either Seju or Sungji walking off in the sunset with Sumin.

Are there really only two chapters left? i thought that someone said there were 10 more. I guess I also assumed so. If they only have 2 chapters left, I do hope they would make it long ones. I don't think they'd really go into as much detail into it, but it does make me wonder how they are going to address the Baek family problem.

last edited at Jul 29, 2017 10:08AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

I wonder why you guys never think of that Seju's brothers should run away to America already since they could also be killed by one another or by Seju?

I think they will gang up to go after seju's inheritance first especially if it's a lot more than them. Then they can all kill each other. Lol

Then it would be the biggest scandal which the last survivor will get all the problem.

I'm actually excited for the battle for the inheritance. I don't know if TG will go into detail about it. It does seem like Seju is going to be the main target here. Mostly because, it's been implied that she's the favorite. Also, she and Saehyun seem like the most competent among all the siblings with what went down in that last family meeting. It would probably go Seju and Saehyun VS. Other Brothers. Honestly, I wonder if Seju will inherit the position but it doesn't seem like the Chairman wants Seju to since he wants her to escape abroad. So maybe Saehyun would run the company in the family name? I'm not sure.
Either way, it's going to affect the story.

Again I'm reminded that the Baeks really do need a seperate comic for their story. Lol
It makes me wonder if assassin woman would come back.

last edited at Jul 29, 2017 8:26AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

The chairman's dead.

Sungji and Seju face off.

I can't believe the chapter that everyone's been waiting for is a cliffhanger. This is the worst cliffhanger I've read from this series. It makes me wish that they'd release another chapter sooner. Anyone else suddenly overcome with pent up impatience? I'm a mix of hype and frustration.

last edited at Jul 28, 2017 1:18PM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Gaji artist sets the bar so high. Fan's art is ugly in comparison. I like their effort though.

I tried taking the comparison out of the equation, I still suffer.. I've seen some other fan-art related to other Mangas, the level is supurb.. this is not the case with WDTFS.

I honestly just think that there aren't that many fans that draw WDTFS fanart so we have very little choices compared to others. I just give it time. Sooner or later someone really talented might like the manhwa and draw fanart.

joined Feb 8, 2016

hey, anyone knows who sehyun (seju's brother) actually? is he the chairman's son or he's a son of ahn chahee with someone else? bc he cares seju alot unlike the rest of her evil brothers. can anyone explain? im confused xD

saehyun is one of seju's half brothers from the chairman's previous marriage. ahn chahee is seju's mom who saehyun met when i guess the chairman got married to her. saehyun cared a lot(maybe even loved romantically) seju's mom and so he was crazy protective of seju.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol, calm down. The point that I was trying to say is that Nami is the type that not everyone would like but isn't as bad as most people would think. I mean, I like her too but I'm not blind to the fact that Nami can be difficult for people. Like Nora doesn't like her because of her nature but you and I actually find it likable.

Random thought, I have a feeling Seju does not like Nami, not because of Nami's flirt, but because Nami can see through her barrier and is not afraid to stir up Seju's hidden emotion, hurting her pride in the process.

This is on point. But I also like to think it's because she might have known that Nami had also slept with Sumin that one time. Lol.

Do you think that the new TL is almost like a carbon copy of Nami in terms of personality since it's the type that she hates?

joined Feb 8, 2016

My actual criticism for nami is that she should have interfered sooner. If she did what she did before sungji' arrival, sumin and seju may have resolved the problems already.

Honestly, I'm curious how it is too. I mean, we know Sumin and Nami knew each other because they went to the same school(HS?) but were they friends already by then? You can know of each other in school but not actually be acquainted or friends with each other. So the possibility of becoming friends only after some time after is still there.

If anyone can confirm they were already friends from previous chapter please do.

But basically, I'm guessing Sumin might now have shared with things with Nami soon enough? Maybe it was only really clear to Nami once the things started to escalate and Sumin had a different type of relationship with Sungji that she made her move. Also, Nami may not feel like she had reason enough to interfere until that moment?

After all, even as a friend or family member...I wouldn't think that it's my right to really interfere with other people's relationship that way unless I see reason enough...especially a relationship as complicated as Sumin/Seju's. So you can't really blame her as much. After all, it seems like she does give unsolicited advice when Sumin does being Seju up. However, we kind of have to take note that Sumin doesn't really like talking about the complicated nature of her relationship with Seju.

Frankly, I'm just glad that she was able to comfort Sungji about Sumin when they were on a break. Telling Sungji that she should eat well and take care of herself despite things was good advice. After all, she knows how the past Seju/Sumin ended up.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Can we just agree that Nami isn't the epitome of the most ideal friend? in fact, she's written in a way that she's the character that says all the harsh things people wouldn't say in order to move the plot. Kind of like the negative reinforcement type of character, which is also why she's not easy to like or even get along with in real life. Although that is the case, she's also the most loyal friend Sumin has ever had. Frankly, she comes across as an annoying sibling or cousin that does sh*T just to mess with you but always has your back. The whole chasing after Seju is a grey field because Seju isn't exactly in a relationship with Sumin so basically it is fair game. But that doesn't mean it's exactly a green light because of the circumstances where in Nami did kind of pressure Seju to have sex with her. Thankfully, Nami didn't press more despite when Seju made it obvious that she doesn't want it by crying. Which basically says that Nami isn't an ideal character but isn't exactly as bad as you'd think. Frankly, I think Sumin needed someone like Nami because she's honest to the fault that it offends. Sumin is pretty dense so she needs someone who can paint the picture for her in a way that makes her understand. Lol, in other words not sugar coat it all the time...which is basically Nami's specialty with her blunt nature. Remember, we don't really see Nami's gentle side. We know she's the flirty type so honestly, I don't count her flirting with Sungji as something serious as opposed to playful.

last edited at Jul 22, 2017 1:43AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol. wouldn't it be a weird twist if the person that Seju ends up hiring is Dawoon? surprise suprise! kidding though. not really likely for her to come back at this point. But this chapter comes across at a bit more of a filler chapter to me. Sumin acting a bit of a cute idiot. lol. she's lucky she's good looking at this point. Haha. Oddly enough, this is probably one of her more adorable moments. Who was it that mentioned the way TG has been kind of showing the cracks of Sungji/Sumin and bringing Sumin/Seju closer? That was spot on in this chapter. credits are due.

Anyway, it's a bit too slow for action right now, I hope they pick up the pace a little for the next chapter.

Question: Does it seem likely right now for Seju and Sumin to remain friends/family while dating Sungji? Like how some people mentioned that the way they heal their relationship might be a more platonic route?

I say this because I find it really unlikely now that Seju and Sumin will ever live separate lives. Like, her default is always Seju after feeling neglected by Sungji (or whoever she's dating) Seems unlikely, since we saw how Seju would never let Sumin go and will wait till the end of time even when it hurts.

Seriously. I may sound like I want Seju/Sumin to be endgame because I mention Seju a lot, but I have to say that I never really backed that horse up in the beginning and only changed my mind only with recent X chapters. I lost count how many times I wanted Seju to move on away from Sumin. Lol. To the point I would have backed a Seju/Dawoon ship.

joined Feb 8, 2016

@yoonie yup chapter 16 confirms that they went to school together. As for the jobs of Sumin's parents, that might actually be possible. Some sort of respectable job/title would explain a lot.

No, chap 16 only confirmed that Sumin and Nammi went to the same high school, not Seju. Nammi said SuminxSeju relationship were pretty famous back then because of Seju and Nammi werent close to Sumin back then, only heard of her because of their fame, and in her tone, it seems Sumin was a ordinary girl till she met Seju and bamm, she became famous XDDDD.

lol i had to go back because maybe, it's the translation of what i'm reading that makes it seem like they did. but even if they still didn't go to the same school. the idea that Sumin still has a middle-uppermiddle class still works.

last edited at Jul 12, 2017 6:35AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

yoonie, I admit.. I am not very sure if Sumin and Seju went to the same high school or not.. I may have to give it a second thought.

you were right. i just remembered it vaguely as well as something that i wasn't so sure of about seeing Seju and Sumin in a car with similar looking uniforms and them being confirmed by someone in the comic that they were from the same school(Nami apparently). I'm still looking for the uniform memory if I recalled things right(i really don't have a good memory like yours XD) but the confirmation of Nami saying that the three of them went to the same school to Sungji I had to look up in order to just see and found at chapter 16.

@yoonie yup chapter 16 confirms that they went to school together. As for the jobs of Sumin's parents, that might actually be possible. Some sort of respectable job/title would explain a lot.

last edited at Jul 12, 2017 6:17AM

joined Feb 8, 2016


It's really more likely that the theory of Sumin being from a uppermiddle class(maybe even just middle class) family with some sort of political connection is correct.

Hehhe the reason I said upper mid-class is because Sumin's family seemed that they owned their house "not rented" AND they afforded sending Sumin to an academy as in ch2.. and at some point, her father was considering to buy her a car even if it was not a BMW XD.

Lol, I'm glad you noticed me pointing out your theory. XD because I really was referring to it.

But yeah, I agreed wholeheartedly with it because of what you mentioned as solid proof. It's expensive to have houses and cars in countries like S.korea and even just considering buying your Kid a car or lending one implied you have more than one available car or had enough money to buy. Not to mention, going to the same school as a chaebol's daughter? when you mentioned that, it solidified the theory even more since it would imply a school prestigious enough to have rich kids like Seju to go to. That doesn't necessarily mean Sumin wouldn't be able to just because her family might not be as rich as Seju's. It just implies that Sumin's family has a good enough background to get in and afford it.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol no i meant the mom was there as a maid i.e. to serve and then Sumin escaped from the kitchen or something hahahaha

lol little Sumin being a little naughty and stumbling upon little Seju? that'd be cute. but her being a daughter of a maid.... if we're talking about it seriously. Seju's family would disapprove big time and that would include Seju's father as well. It's really more likely that the theory of Sumin being from a uppermiddle class(maybe even just middle class) family with some sort of political connection is correct. There is no way that a servant's kid hanging out with a Chaebol's daughter wouldn't cause some major drama. The only reason Sumin seemed to be able interact with Seju without problems is because they went to the same school and because of that connection. Seju's siblings would've torn Sumin apart from Seju at the beginning.

last edited at Jul 12, 2017 3:54AM

joined Feb 8, 2016


If SuminxSungji stands alone in one story

You've basically summarized everything I thought about both couples. Lol. This line hits me the most though and that's because I've thought this a lot. ..that If the stories of SuminxSungji and SuminxSeju were two different stand alone stories then they would be two different great stories. As it is, they aren't so I'm stuck trying to see which pairing would come out. Lol.

Team Gaji better give us their all for the ending. Endings can make or break the story and honestly, this is just the type of set up where it is going to leave people unsatisfied if they don't answer all the necessary and important questions to the story. Anyway, I can't wait for the next chapter.

joined Feb 8, 2016

As how the story is progressing, I'm currently going for neither of the two couples xD, they feel off for some reasons but if I got to choose, even if I bet for SuminxSungji with Nora, story wise, SejuxSumin as the ending couple is more meaningful than SuminxSungji. Note that its not that because I like Seju or anything xDDDD, SejuxSumin's back stories and love is kinda more open and heart-tugging

The most beautiful thing I love about this love probably is about the mix between seer blissful happiness and deep heartbreaking sadness. The supposed-to-be-perfect couple turned bad and to a heartbreaking couple who never be able to get back with each other. I love all the heartbreaking scenes of them(the break up, the tears, the scenes in this chap) as much as I love all the happy go lucky them in the past. It's tad opposite of each other, those scenes (you could see it clearly this chap, how different present and the past are) but I really love it. I love all the questions "why", "what-if" in their relationship, regrets, sadness.... xDDDDD.

SuminxSungji, this relationship has always been so careful, like tip-toeing around each other, one is afraid of hurting the other, one is afraid of being left behind XDDDD. They're always cautious and careful around each other so even in their happiest moments, it still feels kinda not deep enough. I dont know how to really describe it but I supposed to feel something about this couple because they're everywhere but I don't know, I do find some of their moments are cute and all, like how a main couple should be to lead to their ending, but if I put them beside SejuxSumin, it feels like they're not enough, in depth and bond, they lack of something, something that I could put the word "forever" between them xDDDD. "Forever" or "fated" is some implied theme in wdtfs anyway xDDDD

overall, tbh, I'm totally fine if SuminxSeju is not a couple at the end, but I will be really disappointed if the author lets Seju move on with another person XDDDD. Beyond disappointment, tbh.

I think it all boils down to what kind of story Team Gaji is trying to tell in the end. I just honestly hope for something that makes sense despite who people favor(me included).

As for what you said about SuminxSungji always being careful, well yes. I don't know if anyone has said this before but this pairing is what I call a "safe" couple for now. everything makes sense, they have chemistry, they are happy, and cute together. But can they go through hell together? that's the question that everyone ask for these types of pairings.

The SuminxSeju couple is the exact opposite. They are the type that you see all the imperfections of but for some reason always go back to each other despite the hell they've been through together and they give each other. Honestly, their problem is if they can even forgive each other for everything and meet halfway? I tell you, with this type of dynamic, if they just slow down and just for a minute to meet each other needs...they would be a hard dynamic to break.

SuminxSungji is something I actually favor too. It's basically the only relationship we see where Sumin is actually in a stable and healthy relationship in a long time. How can I not want Sumin to find happiness? Lol, of course I do. It seems every time they are together, they give you a good feeling. But whenever the reality that there's another person involved creeps up....they just fall apart...and that makes me think they aren't a strong couple yet and there needs to be something that just proves that.

Sigh* lol I blame Team Gaji for making me think too much. Lol either way, I think it all depends of what type of story they want to tell. I just hope they choose to portray everything in the end in a way that it makes sense and they have the next few chapters to solidify that.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Has Sungji and Sumin ever discussed her tattoo? That would be important in a relationship, I would think.

Will we ever see Sumin actually deciding on and getting the tattoo? Does not seem likely, but that would be interesting.

The moment they do that Sumin will sit Sungji down and discuss the tattoo and it's importance then I will switch my favor to Sungji/Sumin again. Lol, I told you I'm unsure of the end results.

But seriously speaking, that's something that always bugged me. They can't brush over something as important as that. Team Gaiji frustrates me a lot when I look at all these things. lol, but I guess that's what makes this story successful in a way. I would like to have that scene where Sumin decides to get the tattoo too, but yes...doesn't seem so likely.

joined Feb 8, 2016


I am not one to bet, because only the authors know 100% what the ending is. It is not over until it is over, as the saying goes.

However, I believe that they have laid out a clear, solid ending for Seju and Sumin. All the pieces just need to come together. Their ending is the most logical one, given all that has been built up.

Team Gaji has not seemed to do the same for Sungji and Sumin. An ending for them would be open-ended and there is no clear goal that is set up for them.

That's the difference in my opinion, how final and definite the story could end.

We're thinking the same then. I honestly believe that things can change up until the last minute with the way they set up. Right now though, I'm leaning towards Seju/Sumin being more possible.

At the start I thought WDTFS would be a story of healing where in Sungji would be healing Sumin from her past with Seju. But as things went on, I was convinced otherwise. Why? whenever I looked at it as if I was the writer, it made no sense why there were too many ties back to Seju. Over and Over again, it just kept going back to their relationship. I was thinking, why would they do that? to make things more dramatic when they leave each other in the end? But there were already moments where they could've ended it permanently. I mean there's no doubt that Seju will always be important to Sumin. But if they were going for Sungji/Sumin, then why aren't they putting more effort in substance to their relationship. It still doesn't outweigh the Sumin/Seju relationship at all. It still hasn't. Looking at all the events now, the next chapters are going to show if Sungji/Sumin will be able to overcome Sumin/Seju which is why I'm quite unsure at times.

Honestly though, I just honestly wish for a good ending where everyone is happy and everything can be resolved. Or well least give Seju one with or without Sumin.

Team Everyone Happy Here.

last edited at Jul 9, 2017 11:26AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Since I feel like it's really almost the end. Can I just ask how many of you guys are betting on a Seju/Sumin Ending VS. Sunji/Sumin right now? I always thought that Seju/Sumin was the possible dark horse in this race to Sumin's heart. Logically, in the beginning I thought that Sunji/Sumin would be the end ship(just because they were always shown) but after learning more about Seju/Sumin's backstory and everything else that has already...I have to say it added depth to the story that I just had to follow because it didn't feel like a typical love triangle story and now I think anything really is possible.

joined Feb 8, 2016

My perception is Norae is bi, while Seola has been a closeted lesbian her whole life.
None of this was said directly in the story, but it's been quite heavily hinted, in my books at least.

That's always been my interpretation as well. No-Rae's always seemed pretty honest with herself that she's attracted to Seol-A, it's just that Seol-A is so (seemingly) obviously straight and No-Rae doesn't want to fuck up their friendship, plus she's slow to embrace relationships anyway. There was also that shot of No-Rae at the mixer, where she's getting kissed on one cheek by a girl and on the other cheek by a boy and blushing, but it's not really clear which of those kisses is making her blush. It felt like kind of a visual metaphor for her bisexuality.

Seol-A has had lots of boyfriends, but whether there's physical attraction or not, she's plainly never been emotionally invested in any of those relationships. Especially with the way she drinks, her het relationships have been pretty fucked up. Part of her development with her attraction with No-Rae has been her then mentally reviewing her old friendship back in high school and realizing that she's not just romantically attracted to No-Rae, she's always been attracted to girls. And her never really consciously understanding that is plainly part of what's been fucking her relationships with other women - just look at how weird she acts to No-Rae in the beginning, she's coming on to her super hard, while simultaneously not admitting to herself what she's doing one bit.

I do think that one thing that's easy to overlook is how deeply homophobic the society they live in is. It's not spelled out for the reader, it's just kind of an unspoken truth to their lives, they're both terrified of even floating a hint about being gay or of telling anyone. Some of that is their own personality and being afraid of rejection, but I think a big part of it is also that they're sure that if they come out as being gay or bi it won't just make things socially awkward, it could completely destroy their relationship. It's not that this isn't a queer story, it's that the characters dare not say it out loud.

I agree with you both. You basically said everything I thought of. I always thought that Norae was bisexual and Seol-a was more likely the clueless lesbian instead of them both being bisexual(which was a theory I had before some of the other chapters came up). I think Seol-a just realized she was always subconsciously attracted to women and her first lady crush was on her old HS bestfriend when her feelings for Norae hit her like a bus and she had to confront her past. It was because of heteronormativity that she didn't realize it at first. While I realized this, I had to give credit to Ssamba on how she was able to kinda give the reader hints to issues about heteronormativity and homophobia(even internal) in the story without actually stating it out loud.