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Anime season 14 Jun 15:49
joined Apr 19, 2014

Why would you skip over Gangsta. ?

Not entirely sure why but I'm not really feeling it. I'll probably try a couple episodes but I don't really expect to like it.

And I did mention Izaya's sisters were terrible :v

Anime season 14 Jun 12:14
joined Apr 19, 2014

God Eater: ufotable has escaped TYPE-MOON's clutches! ...And is making a videogame adaptation.

The Tales of Symphonia OVA ended like three years ago though???

Also you missed

Durarara: Izaya's sisters kiss and cuddle with each-other a lot. They were minor characters and kinda terrible in the Winter run but may be more important/better (no) in this season?

Anyway on the non-yuri front:

Arslan Senki: still running from Spring, still pretty good. Some lewd hand-holding in the latest episode.They ran through the manga recently, they're going into the novels with Arakawa's designs now. Little too soon to say if that's for the worse.

Chaos Dragon: Nasu, Urobuchi, Narita, and two other losers played a tabletop game. It got made into an anime for some goddamn reason. This will probably be really mediocre but it's weird enough for a try imo.

Anime season 12 Jun 20:35
joined Apr 19, 2014

Dio chanelling my inner soulface. The visual quality kinda went to shit but whatever, fight owns.

joined Apr 19, 2014

Where is all the weeb music???? Bonus kpop

did you call

FictionJunction/Kalafina (they share most of their band members and the composer, Yuki Kajiura, who also composed for Madoka, El Cazador de la Bruja, and a lot of other stuff. Also, Keiko <3)
Haruka Shimotsuki
Akiko Shikata

Anime Recommendation 27 May 11:33
joined Apr 19, 2014

Kemono no Souja Erin

+1 I guess. It's on Crunchyroll as just Erin. It's got some serious overuse of flashbacks and the whole political side of the story is pretty bad but the stylized sections it used for animals doing something cool were fantastic and the core story is pretty cute.

At the moment I'm watching Chihayafuru. Sports anime with a few twists: a weird and obscure sport, a female lead, and a lot of shoujo stylings. It's on track to be my favorite sports show, though I'll probably still think Ping Pong was better-made.

Anime season 22 May 19:43
joined Apr 19, 2014

So Noir is more subtext than Madlax? That's good to know.

I can't honestly say, I hit my flashback limit in Noir episode 1 and just kind of gave up and listened to the soundtrack by itself.

I like Madlax the most out of the three despite what people say of the ending. Noir and Cazador felt like 26 episodes was way way too much.

Yeah El Cazador could and probably should have been like 18 episodes at most, and could have worked pretty well as a single 13-episode run. Bee Train was really into the 26-episode format even though it almost always hurt them.


Also yeah yo if you have any interest in anything shonen or punch-y Dio's World starts next week. It's one of the most iconic fights in manga and extremely cool and you should watch it!!

Anime season 22 May 17:33
joined Apr 19, 2014

Any recommendations for yuri-ish anime? I'm pretty sure I watched most of them so if you can think of a less known one that may not be the best, please still recommend it.

Have you seen the Bee Train stuff? Noir, Madlax, El Cazador de la Bruja. They all feature two women as main characters with relationships that range from "barely even subtext" in Madlax to "all but text" in El Cazador, plots that have their heads stuck up their ass to a varying extent, and really good music.

Bee Train got a lot better at making anime as time went on (though they never actually got great at it) so you should probably just start with El Cazador and work your way back until you hit your bad anime breaking point.

Otherwise, uh, Yuki Yuna? It got a pretty subdued reaction overall IIRC so I wouldn't be surprised by not hearing about it. It had some middling subtext and really cool music+visuals, but it was overambitious and a little unfocused.

Anime season 19 May 10:20
joined Apr 19, 2014

How is the Shizuru x Natsuki in Otome compared to Hime?

They're mostly portrayed as a happy couple-except-we-won't-actually-say-that-tee-hee, but they get far less screentime.

Magan&Danai discussion 15 May 13:15
joined Apr 19, 2014

The one about getting ready to go out is my favorite so far. Been on both sides there.

The standalone images are really cute too.

joined Apr 19, 2014

Is there any fire emblem with yuri, by the way? Cause Awakening was all like "You're both girls so you can only have 3 hearts."

6 through 9 let girls reach the highest support level with each-other (10 did too but it butchered supports so whatever) but none of them were particularly gay and there are only a couple with paired endings. Lyn/Florina (7) and Eirika/Tana (8) are the only ones I remember offhand and both of those are "no really they're just friends".

joined Apr 19, 2014

Hi, I know too much about Gust. Let's chat.

Like I said in the general video games thread this probably won't be a very good game. Gust has pretty much only ever made turn-based games and they don't really have the resources, experience, or staff to make the jump to making a competent action game. I don't ant to get too down on it before we've even seen any gameplay but I wouldn't get my hopes up beyond "tolerably mediocre".

They might actually deliver on the yuri though. Between how adventurous Gust can get in non-Atelier titles and how hard they're pushing the main characters from the very first info, I'm hopeful.

The visuals feel like they're by the Ar Nosurge team, which wouldn't be surprising since the main Atelier team is probably really busy. This game will probaby have a lot of the same problems Ar Nosurge does; improper emoting (i.e. characters with doofy smiles in serious scenes), stiff animations outside of combat, and dumb outfits. I'd like to see the game in motion before I make a real call on this front though.

They've said literally nothing about the musical staff yet AFAIK but it's Gust so it'll have cool music. I hope they do something different with the sound team here, though maybe not as extreme as letting Akiko Shikata make almost the entire Ciel Nosurge OST. Yu Shimoda hasn't been primary composer for a while, if ever, and mostly got excluded from Shallie, so a soundtrack primarily by him could be great. (Comedy option: Haruka Shimotsuki as sound director)

joined Apr 19, 2014

Talk more about that kiss in Ciel Nosurge...

It's a brief bit in one of the last scenes with a pretty dumb storyline "justificaton". Minimal spoiler version is that Ion used it to pass something to the other girl but there's no real reason it couldn't have been written as a quick bit of magic or something except somebody at Gust wanting to have them kiss.

On the other hand the epilogue is mostly from the POV of the other girl and basically shows her side of major events throughout the story and how she fell in love with Ion. It's mostly heavy subtext but a lot about her makes more sense if she's romantically into Ion rather than a close friend.

I don't know exactly how they address it in Ar Nosurge but I'm pretty sure Ion ends up paired with the self-insert character. Who is supposed to be you, the player, with all details about you obscured because you're piloting a robot from another dimension. The Nosurges get... really meta.

joined Apr 19, 2014

Found this! "Yoru no Nai Kuni" upcoming game from the creators of Atelier and the producer is Keisuki Kikuchi (Fatal Frame, Deception)... Is an action jrpg where you fight creatures from the underworld with your servants, Why do I take notice of this game? Because those scans Holding hands :V lol they look nice.

Sorry is in spanish! and sorry it might not come out of Japan

English links. It probably won't be a very good game (unless they're stretching the "action" part to the breaking point and it's turn-based with an action skin like Ar Tonelico 2/Ar Nosurge) but it might be pretty gay. Gust is a lot more adventurous in their non-Atelier stuff, like actually having the female lead kiss a girl in Ciel Nosurge.

Anime season 09 May 02:50
joined Apr 19, 2014

Mai-Hime is an... alright show. It has a pretty good soundtrack (though one of Kajiura's weaker ones) but it's very melodramatic and the story gets pretty dumb. The animation is alright for what it wants to be and the romantic stuff isn't THAT obnoxious (I was mostly watching for the soundtrack though so if you're actually watching for the one gay pairing you'll probably be a lot more annoyed by it). It's a show that has its good points almost perfectly balanced out by its weaker elements, which is oddly compelling if you're interested in anime production but mediocre otherwise.

Mai-Otome is garbage. It's worse on every front than Hime (the soundtrack has like two good pieces, the animation is marginally better but fights are much more prominent, the story is even dumber and more melodramatic, etc) and then it invents new ways to be bad. Like the plotline where a 30-something dude is creeping on his daughter's 14-year-old friend and you're expected to see him as sympathetic. Or the part where he loses his memory so his daughter can date him "without it being creepy" (it's still really fucking creepy) and this is portrayed as a good thing.

If you want to watch an anime with a Kajiura soundtrack and gay girls (assuming you've already watched Madoka) try El Cazador de la Bruja. It shares a lot of conceits with Noir and Madlax but is much better-made and also has one of the best Kajiura OSTs.

last edited at May 9, 2015 2:57AM

joined Apr 19, 2014

People already mentioned most of the stuff I'd recommend, but I'd second Othello, Dandelion Among Lilies, and Aqua Blue Cinema. Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep is pretty good too.

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Aoi Hana/Sweet Blue Flowers. I don't particularly like it but I thought it was at least as popular as Sasameki Koto, Octave, Girl Friends, etc. It's licensed though so Dynasty doesn't host it.

Somewhat outside the question... Do you mind anthologies? A Knife Edge Girl and I'll Send Her Home on the Last Train are both pretty strong; Knife Edge Girl is two long stories +short continuations and a standalone story, Last Train has two connected chapters but is mostly standalones. A lot of anthologies have similar pagecounts to 1-volume series, but if you're looking for series for longer development of a relationship anthologies probably aren't a great fit.

Yuri Kuma Arashi has a completed anime, the manga is in scanlator limbo. I could say a lot on why it's good and why it's bad but it's already kind of outside the thread's scope so... it's at least worth a try. It's at least as overtly yuri as any manga mentioned so far though, you don't have to worry on that count.

joined Apr 19, 2014

Mm. The art is pretty good for an indie project, and there's at least enough variety in busts/backgrounds for the demo.

As Chantelune said, the transitions between scenes can be kinda abrupt. One that sticks in my mind a couple hours after playing is the outro to the sequence where Aria and Melody are trapped in the book.

The characters' voices are fairly different overall, but Melody and Sid were a bit similar at times. Relatedly, Sid feels a little flavorless and well-adjusted for someone whose primary socialization for the past 50 years has been watching TV, but he's a cute dragon thing and not a cute girl so I can see why he didn't get that much thought.

I have a few more issues, but they're mostly subjective or from being part of a demo - many of the choices didn't change as much stuff as I'd like, Aria and Lyria don't feel like they have much chemistry at the moment even if you go all-in on her choices, Melody never really got a particularly romantic scene, I didn't find anything very funny. Still, it's solid overall and I'd at least try the full version.

joined Apr 19, 2014

Probably my second-least favorite Anime Mirai thing I've seen (though I've only seen one or two from most years and none from the first year). Animation was okay but never really stunning and it had at least one laughable fuckup that I caught (the girls sliding around the stage with no tween frames like 30 seconds from the end).

Mostly it just seemed kind of... lifeless. The music was mediocre (pretty bad considering how central an element it was), the direction was boring, the writer had nothing interesting to say and no unusual way of saying it. The pacing was kind of a trainwreck.

There was no yuri. There was no real relationship and certainly no romance.

Go watch Wasurenagumo, Harmonie, or Little Witch Academia instead. Those don't have yuri either but at least they're good.